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from typing import List, Tuple
import scipy
import numpy as np
def get_inferred_onsets(onset_roll: np.array, note_roll: np.array, n_diff: int = 2) -> np.array:
Infer onsets from large changes in note roll matrix amplitudes.
Modified from
:param onset_roll: Onset activation matrix (n_times, n_freqs).
:param note_roll: Frame-level note activation matrix (n_times, n_freqs).
:param n_diff: Differences used to detect onsets.
:return: The maximum between the predicted onsets and its differences.
diffs = []
for n in range(1, n_diff + 1):
frames_appended = np.concatenate([np.zeros((n, note_roll.shape[1])), note_roll])
diffs.append(frames_appended[n:, :] - frames_appended[:-n, :])
frame_diff = np.min(diffs, axis=0)
frame_diff[frame_diff < 0] = 0
frame_diff[:n_diff, :] = 0
frame_diff = np.max(onset_roll) * frame_diff / np.max(frame_diff) # rescale to have the same max as onsets
max_onsets_diff = np.max([onset_roll, frame_diff],
axis=0) # use the max of the predicted onsets and the differences
return max_onsets_diff
def spotify_create_notes(
note_roll: np.array,
onset_roll: np.array,
onset_thresh: float,
frame_thresh: float,
min_note_len: int,
infer_onsets: bool,
note_low : int, #self.labeling.midi_centers[0]
note_high : int, #self.labeling.midi_centers[-1],
melodia_trick: bool = True,
energy_tol: int = 11,
) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int, float]]:
"""Decode raw model output to polyphonic note events
Modified from
note_roll: Frame activation matrix (n_times, n_freqs).
onset_roll: Onset activation matrix (n_times, n_freqs).
onset_thresh: Minimum amplitude of an onset activation to be considered an onset.
frame_thresh: Minimum amplitude of a frame activation for a note to remain "on".
min_note_len: Minimum allowed note length in frames.
infer_onsets: If True, add additional onsets when there are large differences in frame amplitudes.
melodia_trick : Whether to use the melodia trick to better detect notes.
energy_tol: Drop notes below this energy.
list of tuples [(start_time_frames, end_time_frames, pitch_midi, amplitude)]
representing the note events, where amplitude is a number between 0 and 1
n_frames = note_roll.shape[0]
# use onsets inferred from frames in addition to the predicted onsets
if infer_onsets:
onset_roll = get_inferred_onsets(onset_roll, note_roll)
peak_thresh_mat = np.zeros(onset_roll.shape)
peaks = scipy.signal.argrelmax(onset_roll, axis=0)
peak_thresh_mat[peaks] = onset_roll[peaks]
onset_idx = np.where(peak_thresh_mat >= onset_thresh)
onset_time_idx = onset_idx[0][::-1] # sort to go backwards in time
onset_freq_idx = onset_idx[1][::-1] # sort to go backwards in time
remaining_energy = np.zeros(note_roll.shape)
remaining_energy[:, :] = note_roll[:, :]
# loop over onsets
note_events = []
for note_start_idx, freq_idx in zip(onset_time_idx, onset_freq_idx):
# if we're too close to the end of the audio, continue
if note_start_idx >= n_frames - 1:
# find time index at this frequency band where the frames drop below an energy threshold
i = note_start_idx + 1
k = 0 # number of frames since energy dropped below threshold
while i < n_frames - 1 and k < energy_tol:
if remaining_energy[i, freq_idx] < frame_thresh:
k += 1
k = 0
i += 1
i -= k # go back to frame above threshold
# if the note is too short, skip it
if i - note_start_idx <= min_note_len:
remaining_energy[note_start_idx:i, freq_idx] = 0
if freq_idx < note_high:
remaining_energy[note_start_idx:i, freq_idx + 1] = 0
if freq_idx > note_low:
remaining_energy[note_start_idx:i, freq_idx - 1] = 0
# add the note
amplitude = np.mean(note_roll[note_start_idx:i, freq_idx])
freq_idx + note_low,
if melodia_trick:
energy_shape = remaining_energy.shape
while np.max(remaining_energy) > frame_thresh:
i_mid, freq_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(remaining_energy), energy_shape)
remaining_energy[i_mid, freq_idx] = 0
# forward pass
i = i_mid + 1
k = 0
while i < n_frames - 1 and k < energy_tol:
if remaining_energy[i, freq_idx] < frame_thresh:
k += 1
k = 0
remaining_energy[i, freq_idx] = 0
if freq_idx < note_high:
remaining_energy[i, freq_idx + 1] = 0
if freq_idx > note_low:
remaining_energy[i, freq_idx - 1] = 0
i += 1
i_end = i - 1 - k # go back to frame above threshold
# backward pass
i = i_mid - 1
k = 0
while i > 0 and k < energy_tol:
if remaining_energy[i, freq_idx] < frame_thresh:
k += 1
k = 0
remaining_energy[i, freq_idx] = 0
if freq_idx < note_high:
remaining_energy[i, freq_idx + 1] = 0
if freq_idx > note_low:
remaining_energy[i, freq_idx - 1] = 0
i -= 1
i_start = i + 1 + k # go back to frame above threshold
assert i_start >= 0, "{}".format(i_start)
assert i_end < n_frames
if i_end - i_start <= min_note_len:
# note is too short, skip it
# add the note
amplitude = np.mean(note_roll[i_start:i_end, freq_idx])
freq_idx + note_low,
return note_events
def note_detection_with_onset_offset_regress(frame_output, onset_output,
onset_shift_output, offset_output, offset_shift_output, velocity_output,
"""Process prediction matrices to note events information.
First, detect onsets with onset outputs. Then, detect offsets
with frame and offset outputs.
frame_output: (frames_num,)
onset_output: (frames_num,)
onset_shift_output: (frames_num,)
offset_output: (frames_num,)
offset_shift_output: (frames_num,)
velocity_output: (frames_num,)
frame_threshold: float
output_tuples: list of [bgn, fin, onset_shift, offset_shift, normalized_velocity],
e.g., [
[1821, 1909, 0.47498, 0.3048533, 0.72119445],
[1909, 1947, 0.30730522, -0.45764327, 0.64200014],
output_tuples = []
bgn = None
frame_disappear = None
offset_occur = None
for i in range(onset_output.shape[0]):
if onset_output[i] == 1:
"""Onset detected"""
if bgn:
"""Consecutive onsets. E.g., pedal is not released, but two
consecutive notes being played."""
fin = max(i - 1, 0)
output_tuples.append([bgn, fin, onset_shift_output[bgn],
0, velocity_output[bgn]])
frame_disappear, offset_occur = None, None
bgn = i
if bgn and i > bgn:
"""If onset found, then search offset"""
if frame_output[i] <= frame_threshold and not frame_disappear:
"""Frame disappear detected"""
frame_disappear = i
if offset_output[i] == 1 and not offset_occur:
"""Offset detected"""
offset_occur = i
if frame_disappear:
if offset_occur and offset_occur - bgn > frame_disappear - offset_occur:
"""bgn --------- offset_occur --- frame_disappear"""
fin = offset_occur
"""bgn --- offset_occur --------- frame_disappear"""
fin = frame_disappear
output_tuples.append([bgn, fin, onset_shift_output[bgn],
offset_shift_output[fin], velocity_output[bgn]])
bgn, frame_disappear, offset_occur = None, None, None
if bgn and (i - bgn >= 600 or i == onset_output.shape[0] - 1):
"""Offset not detected"""
fin = i
output_tuples.append([bgn, fin, onset_shift_output[bgn],
offset_shift_output[fin], velocity_output[bgn]])
bgn, frame_disappear, offset_occur = None, None, None
# Sort pairs by onsets
output_tuples.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[0])
return output_tuples
class RegressionPostProcessor(object):
def __init__(self, frames_per_second, classes_num, onset_threshold,
offset_threshold, frame_threshold, pedal_offset_threshold,
"""Postprocess the output probabilities of a transription model to MIDI
frames_per_second: float
classes_num: int
onset_threshold: float
offset_threshold: float
frame_threshold: float
pedal_offset_threshold: float
self.frames_per_second = frames_per_second
self.classes_num = classes_num
self.onset_threshold = onset_threshold
self.offset_threshold = offset_threshold
self.frame_threshold = frame_threshold
self.pedal_offset_threshold = pedal_offset_threshold
self.begin_note = begin_note
self.velocity_scale = 128
def output_dict_to_midi_events(self, output_dict):
"""Main function. Post process model outputs to MIDI events.
output_dict: {
'reg_onset_output': (segment_frames, classes_num),
'reg_offset_output': (segment_frames, classes_num),
'frame_output': (segment_frames, classes_num),
'velocity_output': (segment_frames, classes_num),
'reg_pedal_onset_output': (segment_frames, 1),
'reg_pedal_offset_output': (segment_frames, 1),
'pedal_frame_output': (segment_frames, 1)}
est_note_events: list of dict, e.g. [
{'onset_time': 39.74, 'offset_time': 39.87, 'midi_note': 27, 'velocity': 83},
{'onset_time': 11.98, 'offset_time': 12.11, 'midi_note': 33, 'velocity': 88}]
est_pedal_events: list of dict, e.g. [
{'onset_time': 0.17, 'offset_time': 0.96},
{'osnet_time': 1.17, 'offset_time': 2.65}]
output_dict['frame_output'] = output_dict['note']
output_dict['velocity_output'] = output_dict['note']
output_dict['reg_onset_output'] = output_dict['onset']
output_dict['reg_offset_output'] = output_dict['offset']
# Post process piano note outputs to piano note and pedal events information
(est_on_off_note_vels, est_pedal_on_offs) = \
"""est_on_off_note_vels: (events_num, 4), the four columns are: [onset_time, offset_time, piano_note, velocity],
est_pedal_on_offs: (pedal_events_num, 2), the two columns are: [onset_time, offset_time]"""
# Reformat notes to MIDI events
est_note_events = self.detected_notes_to_events(est_on_off_note_vels)
if est_pedal_on_offs is None:
est_pedal_events = None
est_pedal_events = self.detected_pedals_to_events(est_pedal_on_offs)
return est_note_events, est_pedal_events
def output_dict_to_note_pedal_arrays(self, output_dict):
"""Postprocess the output probabilities of a transription model to MIDI
output_dict: dict, {
'reg_onset_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'reg_offset_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'frame_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'velocity_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
est_on_off_note_vels: (events_num, 4), the 4 columns are onset_time,
offset_time, piano_note and velocity. E.g. [
[39.74, 39.87, 27, 0.65],
[11.98, 12.11, 33, 0.69],
est_pedal_on_offs: (pedal_events_num, 2), the 2 columns are onset_time
and offset_time. E.g. [
[0.17, 0.96],
[1.17, 2.65],
# ------ 1. Process regression outputs to binarized outputs ------
# For example, onset or offset of [0., 0., 0.15, 0.30, 0.40, 0.35, 0.20, 0.05, 0., 0.]
# will be processed to [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
# Calculate binarized onset output from regression output
(onset_output, onset_shift_output) = \
threshold=self.onset_threshold, neighbour=2)
output_dict['onset_output'] = onset_output # Values are 0 or 1
output_dict['onset_shift_output'] = onset_shift_output
# Calculate binarized offset output from regression output
(offset_output, offset_shift_output) = \
threshold=self.offset_threshold, neighbour=4)
output_dict['offset_output'] = offset_output # Values are 0 or 1
output_dict['offset_shift_output'] = offset_shift_output
if 'reg_pedal_onset_output' in output_dict.keys():
"""Pedal onsets are not used in inference. Instead, frame-wise pedal
predictions are used to detect onsets. We empirically found this is
more accurate to detect pedal onsets."""
if 'reg_pedal_offset_output' in output_dict.keys():
# Calculate binarized pedal offset output from regression output
(pedal_offset_output, pedal_offset_shift_output) = \
threshold=self.pedal_offset_threshold, neighbour=4)
output_dict['pedal_offset_output'] = pedal_offset_output # Values are 0 or 1
output_dict['pedal_offset_shift_output'] = pedal_offset_shift_output
# ------ 2. Process matrices results to event results ------
# Detect piano notes from output_dict
est_on_off_note_vels = self.output_dict_to_detected_notes(output_dict)
est_pedal_on_offs = None
return est_on_off_note_vels, est_pedal_on_offs
def get_binarized_output_from_regression(self, reg_output, threshold, neighbour):
"""Calculate binarized output and shifts of onsets or offsets from the
regression results.
reg_output: (frames_num, classes_num)
threshold: float
neighbour: int
binary_output: (frames_num, classes_num)
shift_output: (frames_num, classes_num)
binary_output = np.zeros_like(reg_output)
shift_output = np.zeros_like(reg_output)
(frames_num, classes_num) = reg_output.shape
for k in range(classes_num):
x = reg_output[:, k]
for n in range(neighbour, frames_num - neighbour):
if x[n] > threshold and self.is_monotonic_neighbour(x, n, neighbour):
binary_output[n, k] = 1
"""See Section III-D in [1] for deduction.
[1] Q. Kong, et al., High-resolution Piano Transcription
with Pedals by Regressing Onsets and Offsets Times, 2020."""
if x[n - 1] > x[n + 1]:
shift = (x[n + 1] - x[n - 1]) / (x[n] - x[n + 1]) / 2
shift = (x[n + 1] - x[n - 1]) / (x[n] - x[n - 1]) / 2
shift_output[n, k] = shift
return binary_output, shift_output
def is_monotonic_neighbour(self, x, n, neighbour):
"""Detect if values are monotonic in both side of x[n].
x: (frames_num,)
n: int
neighbour: int
monotonic: bool
monotonic = True
for i in range(neighbour):
if x[n - i] < x[n - i - 1]:
monotonic = False
if x[n + i] < x[n + i + 1]:
monotonic = False
return monotonic
def output_dict_to_detected_notes(self, output_dict):
"""Postprocess output_dict to piano notes.
output_dict: dict, e.g. {
'onset_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'onset_shift_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'offset_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'offset_shift_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'frame_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
'onset_output': (frames_num, classes_num),
est_on_off_note_vels: (notes, 4), the four columns are onsets, offsets,
MIDI notes and velocities. E.g.,
[[39.7375, 39.7500, 27., 0.6638],
[11.9824, 12.5000, 33., 0.6892],
est_tuples = []
est_midi_notes = []
classes_num = output_dict['frame_output'].shape[-1]
for piano_note in range(classes_num):
"""Detect piano notes"""
est_tuples_per_note = note_detection_with_onset_offset_regress(
frame_output=output_dict['frame_output'][:, piano_note],
onset_output=output_dict['onset_output'][:, piano_note],
onset_shift_output=output_dict['onset_shift_output'][:, piano_note],
offset_output=output_dict['offset_output'][:, piano_note],
offset_shift_output=output_dict['offset_shift_output'][:, piano_note],
velocity_output=output_dict['velocity_output'][:, piano_note],
est_tuples += est_tuples_per_note
est_midi_notes += [piano_note + self.begin_note] * len(est_tuples_per_note)
est_tuples = np.array(est_tuples) # (notes, 5)
"""(notes, 5), the five columns are onset, offset, onset_shift,
offset_shift and normalized_velocity"""
est_midi_notes = np.array(est_midi_notes) # (notes,)
onset_times = (est_tuples[:, 0] + est_tuples[:, 2]) / self.frames_per_second
offset_times = (est_tuples[:, 1] + est_tuples[:, 3]) / self.frames_per_second
velocities = est_tuples[:, 4]
est_on_off_note_vels = np.stack((onset_times, offset_times, est_midi_notes, velocities), axis=-1)
"""(notes, 3), the three columns are onset_times, offset_times and velocity."""
est_on_off_note_vels = est_on_off_note_vels.astype(np.float32)
return est_on_off_note_vels
def detected_notes_to_events(self, est_on_off_note_vels):
"""Reformat detected notes to midi events.
est_on_off_vels: (notes, 3), the three columns are onset_times,
offset_times and velocity. E.g.
[[32.8376, 35.7700, 0.7932],
[37.3712, 39.9300, 0.8058],
midi_events, list, e.g.,
[{'onset_time': 39.7376, 'offset_time': 39.75, 'midi_note': 27, 'velocity': 84},
{'onset_time': 11.9824, 'offset_time': 12.50, 'midi_note': 33, 'velocity': 88},
midi_events = []
for i in range(est_on_off_note_vels.shape[0]):
'onset_time': est_on_off_note_vels[i][0],
'offset_time': est_on_off_note_vels[i][1],
'midi_note': int(est_on_off_note_vels[i][2]),
'velocity': int(est_on_off_note_vels[i][3] * self.velocity_scale)})
return midi_events