Runtime error
Runtime error
# Data | |
> Auditforge uses different kinds of data to improve and mutualize user experience. This allows to have reusable and customizable information across audits. | |
 | |
## Collaborators | |
Collaborators are users of the application and can be part of an audit either as the creator or as a collaborative user. | |
A Collaborator is defined by: | |
- Username | |
- Lastname | |
- Firstname | |
- Role | |
- Password | |
There are 3 different roles: | |
**user** | |
- Read/Write on created and collaboration Audits | |
- Readonly on Vulnerabilities | |
- Read/Write on _Companies_ and _Clients_ Data | |
**report** | |
- Inherit from user role | |
- \+ Read/Write on all Audits | |
**admin** | |
- Read/Write on everything | |
## Companies | |
Companies that order an Audit. | |
A Company is defined by: | |
- Name | |
- Logo | |
## Clients | |
Specific clients of companies. Generally the point of contact during a mandate. | |
A Client is defined by: | |
- Company | |
- Lastname | |
- Firstname | |
- Function | |
- Phone | |
- Cell | |
## Templates | |
Templates are Word documents with special tags that are filled with Audit data when generating the report. See [Docx Template](/ section. | |
A Template is defined by: | |
- Name | |
- File | |
## Custom Data | |
Custom Data represent a way to fully customize Audits and Vulnerabilities. They are editable and their order can be changed to personalize how they will be displayed for users. | |
!> Values must match this regex: `/^[\p{Letter}\p{Mark}0-9 \[\]'()_-]+$/iu` | |
### Languages | |
Auditforge can handle multiple Languages when it comes to Custom Data or Vulnerabilities. It's one of the first things to create before being able to start an Audit. | |
A Language is defined by: | |
- Language: the displayed name in the application | |
- Locale: the value used to identify a language in API calls | |
> Example | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Language: English Locale: en | |
> Language: French Locale: fr | |
> ``` | |
### Audit Types | |
Audit Types represent the nature of an Audit. They can be configured to define default parameters for an Audit. | |
An Audit Type is defined by: | |
- Name | |
- Templates: For each Language a default template can be configured | |
- Sections: Any Custom Section here will be added when creating an Audit with this Audit Type | |
- Hidden Sections: Hide built-in sections if not necessary (Network or Findings) | |
> Example | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Name: Web Application, | |
> Templates: [English Template, French Template], | |
> Sections: [Executive Summary, Nessus Scan], | |
> Hidden Sections: [Network] | |
> ``` | |
### Vulnerability Types | |
Vulnerability Types represent the nature of a Vulnerability. They are multilinguale. | |
A Vulnerability Type is defined by: | |
- Name | |
> Example | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> English | |
> ``` | |
Name: Wireless, | |
Name: Mobile Application | |
French | |
Name: Réseau Sans Fil | |
Name: Application Mobile | |
> ``` | |
> | |
> ``` | |
### Vulnerability Categories | |
Vulnerability Categories are used to categorize a Vulnerability. | |
A Vulnerability Category is defined by: | |
- Name | |
> Example | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Name: Nessus Scan | |
> ``` | |
### Custom Fields | |
Custom Fields allow to have additionnal Fields in an Audit or a Vulnerability. They are multilingual. | |
A Custom Field is defined by: | |
- View: The page on which Custom Fields will be added | |
- Audit General | |
- Audit Finding: A Vulnerability Category can be selected. If no Category is selected then every Findings will have Custom Fields | |
- Audit Section: A specific Section can be selected. If no Section is selected then every Sections will have Custom Fields | |
- Vulnerability: A Vulnerability Category can be selected. If no Category is selected then every Vulnerabilities will have Custom Fields | |
- Component: The Custom Field type to use | |
- Checkbox | |
- Date | |
- Editor | |
- Input | |
- Radio | |
- Select | |
- Select Multiple | |
- Space (an empty component used for inserting spaces between other components) | |
- Label: The displayed value in the GUI and lowercase + strip spaces to use in the docx template | |
- Description: A hint to be displayed under the component | |
- Size: The width of the field (1 to 12) | |
- Offset: The offset from which to start displaying the field (1 to 12) | |
- Required: The field is required and must not be empty | |
- Options: Used for multiple selection fields (multiple languages supported) | |
Each field can have a default value for each existing language. | |
> Example | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> View: Audit Section | |
> Selected Section: Executive Summary | |
> Component: Editor | |
> Label: Text | |
> Size: 12 | |
> Required: True | |
> | |
> -> This will display an additional HTML editor «Text» field in Executive Summary Sections | |
> | |
> View: Vulnerability | |
> Selected Category: None | |
> Component: Input | |
> Label: Id | |
> Size: 2 | |
> | |
> -> This will display an additional input «Id» field in vulnerabilities that will also be displayed in findings | |
> ``` | |
### Custom Sections | |
Custom Sections allow to have additionnal Sections in an Audit. | |
A Section is defined by: | |
- Name | |
- Name | |
- Field: Used in docx template | |
- Icon: material, mdi and font awesome are supported | |
> Example | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Name: Cleanup | |
> Field: cleanup | |
> Icon: mdi-broom | |
> ``` | |