Runtime error
Runtime error
# Docx Template | |
Auditforge uses the nodejs library docxtemplater to generate a docx report. Specific documentation can be found on the official site documentation: | |
Check the [Default Template]( for better understanding. | |
## Different Tags | |
There can be different tags depending on the value. In the following examples `data` is the object passed to the docxtemplater engine. | |
### Value | |
``` | |
data = {key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3} | |
-> {key1} {key2} {key3} | |
``` | |
### Array | |
``` | |
// Simple Array | |
data = { array: ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'] } | |
-> {#array}{.}{/array} | |
// Array of objects | |
data = { array: [{name: 'value1'}, {name: 'value2'}, {name: 'value3'}]} | |
-> {#array}{name}{/array} | |
``` | |
### Condition | |
``` | |
data = {findings: [{title: 'vuln1', cvssSeverity: 'Critical'}, {title: 'vuln2', cvssSeverity: 'High'}, {title: 'vuln3', cvssSeverity: 'Medium'}]} | |
-> // List Vulnerabilities with cvssSeverity Critical | |
{#findings} | |
{#cvssSeverity == 'Critical'} | |
{title} : {cvssSeverity} | |
{/cvssSeverity == 'Critical'} | |
{/findings} | |
``` | |
### HTML values (from text editors) | |
There is a tag filter _convertHTML_ that convert HTML to open office XML for direct use in the docx template. | |
To handle images, HTML values with images are converted into an array of text and images | |
``` | |
// HTML without images (eg: affected scope in finding) | |
-> {@affected | convertHTML} // this must be the only thing in the paragraph | |
// HTML with images (eg: poc in a finding) | |
-> | |
{-w:p poc}{@text | convertHTML} | |
{-w:p images}{%image} | |
Image 1 - {caption}{/images}{/poc} | |
``` | |
## Audit Object | |
Docxtemplater requires an object containing data that will be used in the template document. | |
### name | |
Name of the audit | |
> Use in template document: `{name}` | |
### auditType | |
Type of the audit. See [Custom Data](/data?id=audit-types) | |
> Use in template document: `{auditType}` | |
### date | |
Redacting date | |
> Use in template document: `{date}` | |
### date_start | |
Start date of the test | |
> Use in template document: `{date_start}` | |
### date_end | |
End date of the test | |
> Use in template document: `{date_end}` | |
### language | |
Locale of Audit. [Custom Data](/data?id=languages) | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with conditional tag | |
> {#language == 'en'}English{/language == 'en'} | |
> ``` | |
### company | |
Object containing: | |
- **** | |
- **company.logo** (max width 400px) | |
- **company.logo_small** (height 37px) | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {} | |
> // Image tags must be the only thing in the paragraph | |
> {%company.logo} // OK | |
> Image: {%company.logo} // NOT OK | |
> ``` | |
### client | |
Object containing: | |
- **** | |
- **client.firstname** | |
- **client.lastname** | |
- **** | |
- **client.cell** | |
- **client.title** | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Email: {} | |
> Name: {client.firstname} {client.lastname} | |
> ``` | |
### collaborators | |
Array of Objects: | |
- **collaborators[i].username** | |
- **collaborators[i].firstname** | |
- **collaborators[i].lastname** | |
- **collaborators[i].role** | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> List of collaborators: | |
> {#collaborators} | |
> Name: {firstname} {lastname} | |
> {/collaborators} | |
> ``` | |
### creator | |
Object: | |
- **creator.username** | |
- **creator.firstname** | |
- **creator.lastname** | |
- **creator.role** | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Creator: {creator.firstname} {creator.lastname} | |
> ``` | |
### scope | |
Array of Objects: | |
- **scope[i].name** | |
- **scope[i].hosts** | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> Audit Scope: | |
> {-w:p scope}{name}{/scope} | |
> | |
> Network Scan: | |
> {#scope}{#hosts} | |
> {hostname} {ip} {os} : | |
> {#services} | |
> {port} {protocol} {name} {product} {version} | |
> {/services} | |
> {/hosts}{/scope} | |
> ``` | |
### findings | |
List of findings. Array of Objects: | |
- **findings[i].title** | |
- **findings[i].vulnType** | |
- **findings[i].description** (HTML with images) | |
- **findings[i].observation** (HTML with images) | |
- **findings[i].remediation** (HTML with images) | |
- **findings[i].remediationComplexity** (Number 1-3) | |
- **findings[i].priority** (Number 1-4) | |
- **findings[i].references** (Array of String) | |
- **findings[i].cvssv3** | |
- **findings[i].cvssScore** | |
- **findings[i].cvssSeverity** | |
- **findings[i].cvssObj** (Object of cvss Criterias) | |
- **findings[i].poc** (HTML with images) | |
- **findings[i].affected** (HTML without images) | |
- **findings[i].status** (Number 0:done, 1:redacting) | |
- **findings[i].category** | |
- **findings[i].identifier** | |
#### Retest case | |
- **findings[i].retestStatus** (one of: `[ ok, ko, partial, unknown ]`) | |
- **findings[i].retestDescription** (HTML with images) | |
Identifier consists on a sequential id for the reported vulnerability pre-pended with 'IDX-'. Ex: IDX-001. | |
You can replace the prefix by using the filter `changeID` | |
Additional fields will also be added to the findings Array. The key will be lowercase + strip sapces of the label. | |
Eg. if Custom Field label is `Aggravating Factors` it will be added to the array as `findings[i].aggravatingfactors`. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> List of Findings{#findings} | |
> {identifier | changeID: 'PROJ1-'} {title} {vulnType} | |
> | |
> Severity: {cvssSeverity} Score: {cvssScore} | |
> Attack Vector: cvssObj.AV Scope: cvssObj.S | |
> Attack Complexity: cvssObj.AC Confidentiality: cvssObj.C | |
> Required Privileges: cvssObj.PR Integrity: cvssObj.I | |
> User Interaction: cvssObj.UI Availability: cvssObj.A | |
> | |
> Affected Scope | |
> {@affected | convertHTML} | |
> | |
> Description | |
> {-w:p description}{@text | convertHTML} | |
> ``` | |
{-w:p images}{%image} | |
Image 1 - {caption}{/images}{/description} | |
{/findings} | |
> ``` | |
> | |
> ``` | |
### Custom Sections | |
Additional Sections can be added to an Audit. They are accessible in the docx template with the specific Field defined in [Custom Sections](/data?id=custom-sections) | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with a Cleanup Section: {name: 'Cleanup', field: 'cleanup', text: 'Default text for Cleanup Section'} | |
> CLEANUP SECTION (or use {} as title) | |
> {-w:p cleanup.text}{@text | convertHTML} | |
> ``` | |
{-w:p images}{%image} | |
Image 1 - {caption}{/images}{/cleanup.text} | |
> ``` | |
> | |
> ``` | |
## Styles | |
Styles for simple text can be defined and applied directly in the Docx Template. | |
But in order to apply styles to the data from HTML editors, they must be defined in the Docx Template according to this : | |
| HTML Style | Docx Style | | |
| :--------: | :-----------: | | |
| paragraph | HTMLTextStyle | | |
| H1 | Heading1 | | |
| H2 | Heading2 | | |
| H3 | Heading3 | | |
| H4 | Heading4 | | |
| H5 | Heading5 | | |
| H6 | Heading6 | | |
| code (<>) | CodeChar | | |
| code block | Code | | |
For `bullet list` and `ordered list` they must be correctly set in the _numbering.xml_ file of the Docx Template. | |
Open the file with an archive manager | |
 | |
The _numbering.xml_ file contains definitions of numbering lists. | |
`<w:abstractNum w:abstractNumId=0>...</w:abstractNum>` tags represent the definition of a numbering with its different levels. | |
`<w:num w:numId="1"><w:abstractNumId w:val="0" /></w:num>` tags associate the effective `Id` used in the document with the `abstract Id` of the definition. | |
Auditforge uses `numId="1"` for `bullet list` and `numId="2"` for `ordered list`. So the only thing to change in the file is the value of the abstractNumId associated with those numId. | |
If there is no abstractNum definitions, this means that no numbering has been used in the document: open the document with Word, add bullet and ordered list, save, delete bullet and ordered list, save. | |
There should now be abstractNum definition for each one. | |
## Filters | |
Filters allow to apply functions on Audit data values. | |
### bookmarkCreate | |
Creates a text block or a location bookmark: | |
- _Text block bookmarks_ contain some text which can then be referenced in a clickable reference field using the `bookmarkRef` filter. | |
These bookmarks can also be used as a hyperlink target using the `bookmarkLink` filter. | |
- _Location bookmark_ simply allow to point to a location within the document which cas be used as a hyperlink target using the `bookmarkLink` filter. | |
Bookmark identifiers need to begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: non-conforming characters are automatically replaced by underscores. | |
Moreover, due to a limitation in MS-Word, identifiers longer than 40 characters are truncated. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example of text block bookmark, the bookmark identifier contains the name value: | |
> {@name | bookmarkCreate: identifier | p} | |
> // Example adding some other text in the same paragraph and using a custom paragraph style: | |
> {@'Some text: ' + (name | bookmarkCreate: identifier) | p: 'Heading 1'} | |
> // Example of location bookmark: | |
> {@identifier | bookmarkCreate | p} | |
> ``` | |
### bookmarkLink | |
Creates a hyperlink to a text block or location bookmark usually created using the `bookmarkCreate` filter. | |
Bookmark identifiers need to begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: non-conforming characters are automatically replaced by underscores. | |
Moreover, due to a limitation in MS-Word, identifiers longer than 40 characters are truncated. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@input | bookmarkLink: identifier | p} | |
> // Example adding some other text in the same pargraph: | |
> {@'Some text: ' + (input | bookmarkLink: identifier) | p} | |
> ``` | |
### bookmarkRef | |
Creates a clickable reference to a text block bookmark usually created using the `bookmarkCreate` filter. | |
Bookmark identifiers need to begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: non-conforming characters are automatically replaced by underscores. | |
Moreover, due to a limitation in MS-Word, identifiers longer than 40 characters are truncated. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@identifier | bookmarkRef | p} | |
> // Example adding some other text in the same pargraph: | |
> {@'Some text: ' + (identifier | bookmarkRef) | p} | |
> ``` | |
### capfirst | |
Capitalizes input first letter. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with "hello world" | |
> {input | capfirst} -> "Hello world" | |
> ``` | |
### changeID | |
Replaces the default identifier prefix (IDX-) by the supplied prefix | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {identifier | changeID: 'PROJ1-'} | |
> ``` | |
### convertDate | |
Convert Date to proper format. Must be used on values with date format. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with {date_start: '2020-10-29'} | |
> {date_start | convertDate: 'short'} -> 10/29/2020 | |
> {date_start | convertDate: 'full'} -> Thursday, October 29, 2020 | |
> ``` | |
### convertDateLocale | |
Convert Date to proper format using locale. Must be used on values with date format. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with {date_start: '2020-10-29'} | |
> {date_start | convertDateLocale: 'de-DE':'short'} -> 29.10.2020 | |
> {date_start | convertDateLocale: 'fr':'full'} -> Jeudi 29 Octobre 2020 | |
> ``` | |
### convertHTML | |
Convert HTML values to OOXML format. See [HTML values]( for usage. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@value | convertHTML} | |
> ``` | |
### count | |
Count the number of vulnerabilities by CVSS severity. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example counting 'Critical' vulnerabilities | |
> {findings | count: 'Critical'} | |
> ``` | |
### d | |
Default value: returns input if it is truthy, otherwise its parameter. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // This generates a comma-separated list of affected systems, falling-back on the whole audit scope if left empty. | |
> {affected | lines | d: (scope | select: 'name') | join: ', '} | |
> ``` | |
### fromTo | |
Display _"From ... to ..."_ dates nicely, removing redundant information when the start and end dates occur during the same month or year. | |
The resulting text can be typically used in a table summarizing the audit, audit perimeters or audits campaign properties, or inside a text paragraph such as a management summary. | |
To internationalize or customize the resulting string, associate the desired output to the strings `"from {0} to {1}"` and `"on {0}"` in your Auditforge translate file. | |
Date formating relies on the locale name provided as second parameter. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {date_start | fromTo: date_end:'en-UK' | capfirst} | |
> // Output varies automatically depending on the start and end dates: | |
> // - Same day -> On 28/11/2022 | |
> // - Same month -> From 28 to 30/11/2022 | |
> // - Same year -> From 28/11 to 02/12/2022 | |
> // - Different years -> From 28/11/2022 to 06/01/2023 | |
> ``` | |
### groupBy | |
Group input elements by an attribute. | |
The elements are returned as an objects set where: | |
- The 'key' property is the common attribute value, | |
- The 'value' property is the set of items from the input structure sharing this same value for this attribute. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {#findings | groupBy: 'severity'} | |
> Severity: {key} | |
> {#value} | |
> Title: {title} | |
> {/value} | |
> {/findings | groupBy: 'severity'} | |
> ``` | |
### initials | |
Returns the initials from an input string (typically a firstname). | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with "Foo-Bar" | |
> {creator.firstname | initials} -> "F.-B." | |
> ``` | |
### join | |
Returns a string which is a concatenation of input elements using an optional separator string. | |
Can also be used to build raw OOXML strings. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {references | join: ', '} | |
> ``` | |
### length | |
Returns the length (ie. number of items for an array) of input. | |
Can also be used as a conditional to check the emptiness of a list. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Display the number of elements: | |
> {findings | length} | |
> // Continue only if non-empty: | |
> {#input | length}Not empty{/input | length} | |
> ``` | |
### lines | |
Takes a multilines input strings (either raw or simple HTML paragraphs) and returns each line as an ordered list. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {input | lines} | |
> ``` | |
### linkTo | |
Takes a text to display and a URL to generate a hyperlink. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@cvss.vectorString | linkTo: '' + cvss.vectorString | p} | |
> ``` | |
### loopObject | |
Loop over the input object, providing access to its keys and values. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {#findings | loopObject} | |
> {key}: {value.title} | |
> {/findings | loopObject} | |
> ``` | |
### lower | |
Lowercases input. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with "Hello WORLD" | |
> {input | lower} -> "hello world" | |
> ``` | |
### mailto | |
Creates a clickable "mailto:" link, assumes that input is an email address if no other address has been provided as parameter. | |
The character style "Hyperlink" is applied to the generated hyperlink. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@lastname | mailto: email | p} | |
> // Example adding some other text in the same pargraph and displaying the email address instead of the last name: | |
> {@'Some text: ' + (email | mailto) | p} | |
> ``` | |
### map | |
Applies a filter on a sequence of objects. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {scope | select: 'name' | map: 'lower' | join: ', '} | |
> ``` | |
### p | |
Embeds input within OOXML paragraph tags, applying an optional style name to it. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@input | p: 'Some style'} | |
> ``` | |
### reverse | |
Reverses the input array order. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {input | reverse} | |
> ``` | |
### s | |
Add proper XML tags to embed raw string inside a docxtemplater raw expression. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example creating a text block bookmark containing the vulnerability title prefixed by the static string "Vulnerability: ": | |
> {@('Vulnerability: ' | s) + title | bookmarkCreate: identifier | p} | |
> ``` | |
### select | |
Looks up an attribute from a sequence of objects, doted notation is supported. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {findings | select: 'cvss.environmentalSeverity'} | |
> ``` | |
### sort | |
Sorts the input array according an optional given attribute, dotted notation is supported. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {#findings | sort 'cvss.environmentalSeverity'}{name}{/findings | sort 'cvss.environmentalSeverity'} | |
> ``` | |
### sortArrayByField | |
Sort array by supplied field. S | |
Order can be 1 for ascending, or -1 for descending | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {#findings | sortArrayByField: 'identifier':1} | |
> {identifier} | |
> {/} | |
> ``` | |
### title | |
Capitalizes input first letter of each word, can be associated to 'lower' to normalize case. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with "john DOE" | |
> {creator.lastname | lower | title} -> "John Doe" | |
> ``` | |
### toJSON | |
Returns the JSON representation of the input value, useful to dump variables content while debugging a template. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {input | toJSON} | |
> ``` | |
### upper | |
Upercases input. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with "Hello World" | |
> {input | upper} -> "HELLO WORLD" | |
> ``` | |
### where | |
Filters input elements using a free-form Angular statement. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {#findings | where: 'cvss.severity == "Critical"'}{title}{/findings | where: 'cvss.severity == "Critical"'} | |
> ``` | |
Custom filters can also be created in `backend/src/lib/custom-generator.js`. As an example there are 2 filters defined for french reports. | |
### convertDateFR (custom) | |
Convert Date to proper format in French. Must be used on values with date format. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with {date_start: '2020-10-29'} | |
> {date_start | convertDateFR: 'short'} -> 29/10/2020 | |
> {date_start | convertDateFR: 'full'} -> Jeudi 29 Octobre 2020 | |
> ``` | |
### criteriaFR (custom) | |
Convert cvss Criteria to French. | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> // Example with cvssObj.AV === 'Network' | |
> {cvssObj.AV | criteriaFR} -> Réseau | |
> ``` | |
### $pageBreakExceptLast | |
Creates Page Break | |
> Use in template document | |
> | |
> ``` | |
> {@$pageBreakExceptLast} | |
> ``` | |