from contextlib import closing | |
from io import StringIO | |
from os import path | |
from typing import Optional | |
import numpy as np | |
from gym import Env, logger, spaces | |
from gym.envs.toy_text.utils import categorical_sample | |
from gym.error import DependencyNotInstalled | |
UP = 0 | |
RIGHT = 1 | |
DOWN = 2 | |
LEFT = 3 | |
class CliffWalkingEnv(Env): | |
""" | |
This is a simple implementation of the Gridworld Cliff | |
reinforcement learning task. | |
Adapted from Example 6.6 (page 106) from [Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction | |
by Sutton and Barto]( | |
With inspiration from: | |
[] | |
( | |
### Description | |
The board is a 4x12 matrix, with (using NumPy matrix indexing): | |
- [3, 0] as the start at bottom-left | |
- [3, 11] as the goal at bottom-right | |
- [3, 1..10] as the cliff at bottom-center | |
If the agent steps on the cliff, it returns to the start. | |
An episode terminates when the agent reaches the goal. | |
### Actions | |
There are 4 discrete deterministic actions: | |
- 0: move up | |
- 1: move right | |
- 2: move down | |
- 3: move left | |
### Observations | |
There are 3x12 + 1 possible states. In fact, the agent cannot be at the cliff, nor at the goal | |
(as this results in the end of the episode). | |
It remains all the positions of the first 3 rows plus the bottom-left cell. | |
The observation is simply the current position encoded as [flattened index]( | |
### Reward | |
Each time step incurs -1 reward, and stepping into the cliff incurs -100 reward. | |
### Arguments | |
``` | |
gym.make('CliffWalking-v0') | |
``` | |
### Version History | |
- v0: Initial version release | |
""" | |
metadata = { | |
"render_modes": ["human", "rgb_array", "ansi"], | |
"render_fps": 4, | |
} | |
def __init__(self, render_mode: Optional[str] = None): | |
self.shape = (4, 12) | |
self.start_state_index = np.ravel_multi_index((3, 0), self.shape) | |
self.nS = | |
self.nA = 4 | |
# Cliff Location | |
self._cliff = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=bool) | |
self._cliff[3, 1:-1] = True | |
# Calculate transition probabilities and rewards | |
self.P = {} | |
for s in range(self.nS): | |
position = np.unravel_index(s, self.shape) | |
self.P[s] = {a: [] for a in range(self.nA)} | |
self.P[s][UP] = self._calculate_transition_prob(position, [-1, 0]) | |
self.P[s][RIGHT] = self._calculate_transition_prob(position, [0, 1]) | |
self.P[s][DOWN] = self._calculate_transition_prob(position, [1, 0]) | |
self.P[s][LEFT] = self._calculate_transition_prob(position, [0, -1]) | |
# Calculate initial state distribution | |
# We always start in state (3, 0) | |
self.initial_state_distrib = np.zeros(self.nS) | |
self.initial_state_distrib[self.start_state_index] = 1.0 | |
self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(self.nS) | |
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.nA) | |
self.render_mode = render_mode | |
# pygame utils | |
self.cell_size = (60, 60) | |
self.window_size = ( | |
self.shape[1] * self.cell_size[1], | |
self.shape[0] * self.cell_size[0], | |
) | |
self.window_surface = None | |
self.clock = None | |
self.elf_images = None | |
self.start_img = None | |
self.goal_img = None | |
self.cliff_img = None | |
self.mountain_bg_img = None | |
self.near_cliff_img = None | |
self.tree_img = None | |
def _limit_coordinates(self, coord: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: | |
"""Prevent the agent from falling out of the grid world.""" | |
coord[0] = min(coord[0], self.shape[0] - 1) | |
coord[0] = max(coord[0], 0) | |
coord[1] = min(coord[1], self.shape[1] - 1) | |
coord[1] = max(coord[1], 0) | |
return coord | |
def _calculate_transition_prob(self, current, delta): | |
"""Determine the outcome for an action. Transition Prob is always 1.0. | |
Args: | |
current: Current position on the grid as (row, col) | |
delta: Change in position for transition | |
Returns: | |
Tuple of ``(1.0, new_state, reward, terminated)`` | |
""" | |
new_position = np.array(current) + np.array(delta) | |
new_position = self._limit_coordinates(new_position).astype(int) | |
new_state = np.ravel_multi_index(tuple(new_position), self.shape) | |
if self._cliff[tuple(new_position)]: | |
return [(1.0, self.start_state_index, -100, False)] | |
terminal_state = (self.shape[0] - 1, self.shape[1] - 1) | |
is_terminated = tuple(new_position) == terminal_state | |
return [(1.0, new_state, -1, is_terminated)] | |
def step(self, a): | |
transitions = self.P[self.s][a] | |
i = categorical_sample([t[0] for t in transitions], self.np_random) | |
p, s, r, t = transitions[i] | |
self.s = s | |
self.lastaction = a | |
if self.render_mode == "human": | |
self.render() | |
return (int(s), r, t, False, {"prob": p}) | |
def reset(self, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None): | |
super().reset(seed=seed) | |
self.s = categorical_sample(self.initial_state_distrib, self.np_random) | |
self.lastaction = None | |
if self.render_mode == "human": | |
self.render() | |
return int(self.s), {"prob": 1} | |
def render(self): | |
if self.render_mode is None: | |
logger.warn( | |
"You are calling render method without specifying any render mode. " | |
"You can specify the render_mode at initialization, " | |
f'e.g. gym("{}", render_mode="rgb_array")' | |
) | |
elif self.render_mode == "ansi": | |
return self._render_text() | |
else: | |
return self._render_gui(self.render_mode) | |
def _render_gui(self, mode): | |
try: | |
import pygame | |
except ImportError: | |
raise DependencyNotInstalled( | |
"pygame is not installed, run `pip install gym[toy_text]`" | |
) | |
if self.window_surface is None: | |
pygame.init() | |
if mode == "human": | |
pygame.display.init() | |
pygame.display.set_caption("CliffWalking") | |
self.window_surface = pygame.display.set_mode(self.window_size) | |
else: # rgb_array | |
self.window_surface = pygame.Surface(self.window_size) | |
if self.clock is None: | |
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() | |
if self.elf_images is None: | |
hikers = [ | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/elf_up.png"), | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/elf_right.png"), | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/elf_down.png"), | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/elf_left.png"), | |
] | |
self.elf_images = [ | |
pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(f_name), self.cell_size) | |
for f_name in hikers | |
] | |
if self.start_img is None: | |
file_name = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/stool.png") | |
self.start_img = pygame.transform.scale( | |
pygame.image.load(file_name), self.cell_size | |
) | |
if self.goal_img is None: | |
file_name = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/cookie.png") | |
self.goal_img = pygame.transform.scale( | |
pygame.image.load(file_name), self.cell_size | |
) | |
if self.mountain_bg_img is None: | |
bg_imgs = [ | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/mountain_bg1.png"), | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/mountain_bg2.png"), | |
] | |
self.mountain_bg_img = [ | |
pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(f_name), self.cell_size) | |
for f_name in bg_imgs | |
] | |
if self.near_cliff_img is None: | |
near_cliff_imgs = [ | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/mountain_near-cliff1.png"), | |
path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/mountain_near-cliff2.png"), | |
] | |
self.near_cliff_img = [ | |
pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(f_name), self.cell_size) | |
for f_name in near_cliff_imgs | |
] | |
if self.cliff_img is None: | |
file_name = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "img/mountain_cliff.png") | |
self.cliff_img = pygame.transform.scale( | |
pygame.image.load(file_name), self.cell_size | |
) | |
for s in range(self.nS): | |
row, col = np.unravel_index(s, self.shape) | |
pos = (col * self.cell_size[0], row * self.cell_size[1]) | |
check_board_mask = row % 2 ^ col % 2 | |
self.window_surface.blit(self.mountain_bg_img[check_board_mask], pos) | |
if self._cliff[row, col]: | |
self.window_surface.blit(self.cliff_img, pos) | |
if row < self.shape[0] - 1 and self._cliff[row + 1, col]: | |
self.window_surface.blit(self.near_cliff_img[check_board_mask], pos) | |
if s == self.start_state_index: | |
self.window_surface.blit(self.start_img, pos) | |
if s == self.nS - 1: | |
self.window_surface.blit(self.goal_img, pos) | |
if s == self.s: | |
elf_pos = (pos[0], pos[1] - 0.1 * self.cell_size[1]) | |
last_action = self.lastaction if self.lastaction is not None else 2 | |
self.window_surface.blit(self.elf_images[last_action], elf_pos) | |
if mode == "human": | |
pygame.event.pump() | |
pygame.display.update() | |
self.clock.tick(self.metadata["render_fps"]) | |
else: # rgb_array | |
return np.transpose( | |
np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.window_surface)), axes=(1, 0, 2) | |
) | |
def _render_text(self): | |
outfile = StringIO() | |
for s in range(self.nS): | |
position = np.unravel_index(s, self.shape) | |
if self.s == s: | |
output = " x " | |
# Print terminal state | |
elif position == (3, 11): | |
output = " T " | |
elif self._cliff[position]: | |
output = " C " | |
else: | |
output = " o " | |
if position[1] == 0: | |
output = output.lstrip() | |
if position[1] == self.shape[1] - 1: | |
output = output.rstrip() | |
output += "\n" | |
outfile.write(output) | |
outfile.write("\n") | |
with closing(outfile): | |
return outfile.getvalue() | |