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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from typing import (Any, Dict, List)
from . import debug_configs
__all__ = ['Operation', 'Cell']
def _convert_name(name: str) -> str:
Convert the names using separator '.' to valid variable name in code
return name.replace('.', '__')
class Operation:
Calculation logic of a graph node.
The constructor is private. Use `` to create operation object.
`Operation` is a naive record.
Do not "mutate" its attributes or store information relate to specific node.
All complex logic should be implemented in `Node` class.
Operation type name (e.g. Conv2D).
If it starts with underscore, the "operation" is a special one (e.g. subgraph, input/output).
Arbitrary key-value parameters (e.g. kernel_size).
def __init__(self, type_name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any], _internal: bool = False):
assert _internal, '`Operation()` is private, use `` instead'
self.type: str = type_name
self.parameters: Dict[str, Any] = parameters
def to_init_code(self, field: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def to_forward_code(self, field: str, output: str, inputs: List[str]) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def _to_class_name(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return True
def new(type_name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}, cell_name: str = None) -> 'Operation':
if type_name == '_cell':
# NOTE: cell_name is the same as its Node's name, when the cell is wrapped within the node
return Cell(cell_name, parameters)
if debug_configs.framework.lower() in ('torch', 'pytorch'):
from .operation_def import torch_op_def # pylint: disable=unused-import
cls = PyTorchOperation._find_subclass(type_name)
elif debug_configs.framework.lower() in ('tf', 'tensorflow'):
from .operation_def import tf_op_def # pylint: disable=unused-import
cls = TensorFlowOperation._find_subclass(type_name)
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported framework: {debug_configs.framework}')
return cls(type_name, parameters, _internal=True)
def _find_subclass(cls, subclass_name):
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
if subclass.__name__ == subclass_name:
return subclass
return cls
def __repr__(self):
type_name = type(self).__name__
args = [f'{key}={repr(value)}' for key, value in self.parameters.items()]
if type_name != self.type:
args = [f'type="{self.type}"'] + args
return f'{type_name}({", ".join(args)})'
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(other) is type(self) and other.type == self.type and other.parameters == self.parameters
class PyTorchOperation(Operation):
def _find_subclass(cls, subclass_name):
if cls.to_class_name(subclass_name) is not None:
subclass_name = 'ModuleOperator'
if cls.is_functional(subclass_name):
subclass_name = 'FunctionalOperator'
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
if hasattr(subclass, '_ori_type_name') and \
subclass_name in subclass._ori_type_name:
return subclass
return cls
def to_class_name(cls, type_name) -> str:
if type_name.startswith('__torch__.'):
return type_name[len('__torch__.'):]
elif type_name.startswith('__mutated__.'):
return type_name[len('__mutated__.'):]
return None
def is_functional(cls, type_name) -> bool:
return type_name.startswith('Function.')
def _to_class_name(self) -> str:
if self.type.startswith('__torch__.'):
return self.type[len('__torch__.'):]
elif self.type.startswith('__mutated__.'):
return self.type[len('__mutated__.'):]
return None
def get_import_pkg(self) -> str:
if self.type.startswith('__torch__.'):
return self.type[len('__torch__.'):].split('.')[0]
elif self.type.startswith('__mutated__.'):
return self.type[len('__mutated__.'):].split('.')[0]
return None
def to_init_code(self, field: str) -> str:
if self._to_class_name() is not None:
assert 'positional_args' not in self.parameters
kw_params = ', '.join(f'{key}={repr(value)}' for key, value in self.parameters.items())
return f'self.{field} = {self._to_class_name()}({kw_params})'
return None
def to_forward_code(self, field: str, output: str, inputs: List[str], inputs_value: List[Any] = None) -> str:
field : str
the name of member submodule
output : str
the output name (lvalue) of this line of code
inputs : List[str]
variables used in this line of code
inputs_value : List[Any]
some variables are actually constant, their real values are recorded in ```inputs_value```.
if not constant, we simply put None at the corresponding index
generated code line
if self.type == 'aten::slice':
raise RuntimeError('not supposed to have aten::slice operation')
raise RuntimeError(f'unsupported operation type: {self.type} ? {self._to_class_name()}')
class TensorFlowOperation(Operation):
def _to_class_name(self) -> str:
return 'K.layers.' + self.type
class Cell(PyTorchOperation):
TODO: this is pytorch cell
An operation reference to a subgraph.
Example code:
def __init__(...):
self.cell = CustomCell(...)
self.relu = K.layers.ReLU()
def forward(...):
x = self.cell(x)
In above example, node `self.cell`'s operation is `Cell(cell_name='CustomCell')`.
For comparison, `self.relu`'s operation is `Operation(type='ReLU')`.
TODO: parameters of subgraph (see `Node` class)
Always "_cell".
A dict with only one item; the key is "cell" and the value is cell's name.
No real usage. Exists for compatibility with base class.
def __init__(self, cell_name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}):
self.type = '_cell'
self.cell_name = cell_name
self.parameters = parameters
def _to_class_name(self):
# TODO: ugly, think about how to refactor this part
return _convert_name(self.cell_name)
def to_forward_code(self, field: str, output: str, inputs: List[str], inputs_value: List[Any] = None) -> str:
return f'{output} = self.{field}({", ".join(inputs)})'
class _IOPseudoOperation(Operation):
This is the pseudo operation used by I/O nodes.
The benefit is that users no longer need to verify `Node.operation is not None`,
especially in static type checking.
def __init__(self, type_name: str, io_names: List = None):
assert type_name.startswith('_')
super(_IOPseudoOperation, self).__init__(type_name, {}, True)
self.io_names = io_names
def to_init_code(self, field: str) -> str:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot generate code for pseudo operation "{self.type}"')
def to_forward_code(self, field: str, output: str, inputs: List[str]) -> str:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot generate code for pseudo operation "{self.type}"')
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return False