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M3LEO: A Multi-Modal Multi-Label Earth Observation Dataset

This repository contains information about the multi-modal multi-label, wide area Earth Observation (EO) datasets collated during the 2023 Frontier Development Lab. It contains around 40 TB of co-aligned machine learning ready data tiles, spanning 9 EO datasets and 6 geographic regions. For ease of access, the dataset has been compressed as parquet files. For a smaller (uncompressed) version of our dataset, check out the M3LEO miniset.

Tile Definitions

Each data tile covers an area of 4480m x 4480m (448x448 pixels at 10m/pixel) and is labelled with a unique identifier based on location.


Areas of Interest

Our areas of interest (AOIs) span China, Conus, Europe, the Middle East, Pakin, and South America. Each AOI has a '.geojson' file associated with the geometries and identifiers of each data tile.


Train-Test-Validation Splits

For each geopgraphic area, we provide '.csv' files with predefined train, test and validation splits that can be used for repeatability and comparability of experiments. 60% of tiles are allocated for training, 20% for validation, and 20% for testing.

Temporal Coverage

As of now, M3LEO contains data from 2018 - 2020 for SAR amplitude and multi-spectral Sentinel-2 imagery. Other datasets are provided for 2020 only. Future iterations might extend the dataset to other years.


The M3LEO dataset spans 9 diverse EO data types, covering input EO imagery and associated labels.


Synthetic Aperture Radar Datasets

  • s1grd-[2018-2020]: Sentinel-1 C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected (GRD), two channels (vv, vh) at 10m resolution with seasonal median (4 seasons per year) for both ascending and descending modes.

  • gssic: Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and backscatter dataset at aroud 90m resolution.

  • gunw-dateinit_dateend: ARIA Sentinel-1 Geocoded Unwrapped Interferograms at 90m resolution, selecting within the [dateinit, datend] period the date that has most interferometric pairs as first date.

Optical Imagery

  • s2srm-[2018-2020]: Harmonized Sentinel-2 Level 2A multi-spectral imagery, 10 channels (B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B8A, B11, B12) cloudless median for months [March, June, September, December] at 10m resolution.

Labelled Datasets

  • biomass-2020: ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Above Ground Biomass annual maps at 90m resolution.

  • esaworldcover-2020: ESA World Cover land cover maps at 10m resolution.

  • modis44b006veg: MODIS Vegetation Continuous Field annual maps at 250m resolution.

  • ghsbuilts-2020: EU JRC Global Human Settlement Layer Builtup Surface at 100m resolution.

Digital Elevation Model

  • srtmdem: NASA SRTM digital elevetation model at 30m resolution.


This work has been enabled by Frontier Development Lab Europe a public / private partnership between the European Space Agency (ESA), Trillium Technologies, the University of Oxford and leaders in commercial AI supported by Google Cloud and NVIDIA, developing open science for all Humankind.