File size: 6,361 Bytes
723dbce 2ceb526 68b3673 2ceb526 68b3673 f2a7a62 68b3673 2ceb526 fb950bb e0c68fc 2ceb526 144e3ff 17c9b1a d0788ef 17c9b1a 7d4300a e0c68fc 99fff5c e0c68fc 5bb2875 2ceb526 fb950bb 7d4300a fb950bb 7d4300a fb950bb e0c68fc 2ceb526 fb950bb 2ceb526 e0c68fc 7d4300a 2ceb526 8c55475 55e3b83 2ceb526 44216ab |
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import numpy as np # noqa: F401
import sympy
# Special since need to reduce arguments.
MUL = 0
ADD = 1
_jnp_func_lookup = {
sympy.Mul: MUL,
sympy.Add: ADD,
sympy.div: "jnp.div",
sympy.Abs: "jnp.abs",
sympy.sign: "jnp.sign",
# Note: May raise error for ints.
sympy.ceiling: "jnp.ceil",
sympy.floor: "jnp.floor",
sympy.log: "jnp.log",
sympy.exp: "jnp.exp",
sympy.sqrt: "jnp.sqrt",
sympy.cos: "jnp.cos",
sympy.acos: "jnp.acos",
sympy.sin: "jnp.sin",
sympy.asin: "jnp.asin",
sympy.tan: "jnp.tan",
sympy.atan: "jnp.atan",
sympy.atan2: "jnp.atan2",
# Note: Also may give NaN for complex results.
sympy.cosh: "jnp.cosh",
sympy.acosh: "jnp.acosh",
sympy.sinh: "jnp.sinh",
sympy.asinh: "jnp.asinh",
sympy.tanh: "jnp.tanh",
sympy.atanh: "jnp.atanh",
sympy.Pow: "jnp.power", "jnp.real", "jnp.imag",
sympy.arg: "jnp.angle",
# Note: May raise error for ints and complexes
sympy.erf: "jsp.erf",
sympy.erfc: "jsp.erfc",
sympy.LessThan: "jnp.less",
sympy.GreaterThan: "jnp.greater",
sympy.And: "jnp.logical_and",
sympy.Or: "jnp.logical_or",
sympy.Not: "jnp.logical_not",
sympy.Max: "jnp.max",
sympy.Min: "jnp.min",
sympy.Mod: "jnp.mod",
sympy.Heaviside: "jnp.heaviside",
sympy.core.numbers.Half: "(lambda: 0.5)",
sympy.core.numbers.One: "(lambda: 1.0)",
def sympy2jaxtext(expr, parameters, symbols_in, extra_jax_mappings=None):
if issubclass(expr.func, sympy.Float):
return f"parameters[{len(parameters) - 1}]"
elif issubclass(expr.func, sympy.Rational) or issubclass(
expr.func, sympy.NumberSymbol
return f"{float(expr)}"
elif issubclass(expr.func, sympy.Integer):
return f"{int(expr)}"
elif issubclass(expr.func, sympy.Symbol):
return (
f"X[:, {[i for i in range(len(symbols_in)) if symbols_in[i] == expr][0]}]"
if extra_jax_mappings is None:
extra_jax_mappings = {}
_func = {**_jnp_func_lookup, **extra_jax_mappings}[expr.func]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(
f"Function {expr.func} was not found in JAX function mappings."
"Please add it to extra_jax_mappings in the format, e.g., "
"{sympy.sqrt: 'jnp.sqrt'}."
args = [
arg, parameters, symbols_in, extra_jax_mappings=extra_jax_mappings
for arg in expr.args
if _func == MUL:
return " * ".join(["(" + arg + ")" for arg in args])
if _func == ADD:
return " + ".join(["(" + arg + ")" for arg in args])
return f'{_func}({", ".join(args)})'
jax_initialized = False
jax = None
jnp = None
jsp = None
def _initialize_jax():
global jax_initialized
global jax
global jnp
global jsp
if not jax_initialized:
import jax as _jax
from jax import numpy as _jnp
from jax.scipy import special as _jsp
jax = _jax
jnp = _jnp
jsp = _jsp
def sympy2jax(expression, symbols_in, selection=None, extra_jax_mappings=None):
"""Returns a function f and its parameters;
the function takes an input matrix, and a list of arguments:
f(X, parameters)
where the parameters appear in the JAX equation.
# Examples:
Let's create a function in SymPy:
x, y = symbols('x y')
cosx = 1.0 * sympy.cos(x) + 3.2 * y
Let's get the JAX version. We pass the equation, and
the symbols required.
f, params = sympy2jax(cosx, [x, y])
The order you supply the symbols is the same order
you should supply the features when calling
the function `f` (shape `[nrows, nfeatures]`).
In this case, features=2 for x and y.
The `params` in this case will be
`jnp.array([1.0, 3.2])`. You pass these parameters
when calling the function, which will let you change them
and take gradients.
Let's generate some JAX data to pass:
key = random.PRNGKey(0)
X = random.normal(key, (10, 2))
We can call the function with:
f(X, params)
#> DeviceArray([-2.6080756 , 0.72633684, -6.7557726 , -0.2963162 ,
# 6.6014843 , 5.032483 , -0.810931 , 4.2520013 ,
# 3.5427954 , -2.7479894 ], dtype=float32)
We can take gradients with respect
to the parameters for each row with JAX
gradient parameters now:
jac_f = jax.jacobian(f, argnums=1)
jac_f(X, params)
#> DeviceArray([[ 0.49364874, -0.9692889 ],
# [ 0.8283714 , -0.0318858 ],
# [-0.7447336 , -1.8784496 ],
# [ 0.70755106, -0.3137085 ],
# [ 0.944834 , 1.767703 ],
# [ 0.51673377, 1.4111717 ],
# [ 0.87347716, -0.52637756],
# [ 0.8760679 , 1.0549792 ],
# [ 0.9961824 , 0.79581654],
# [-0.88465923, -0.5822907 ]], dtype=float32)
We can also JIT-compile our function:
compiled_f = jax.jit(f)
compiled_f(X, params)
#> DeviceArray([-2.6080756 , 0.72633684, -6.7557726 , -0.2963162 ,
# 6.6014843 , 5.032483 , -0.810931 , 4.2520013 ,
# 3.5427954 , -2.7479894 ], dtype=float32)
global jax_initialized
global jax
global jnp
global jsp
parameters = []
functional_form_text = sympy2jaxtext(
expression, parameters, symbols_in, extra_jax_mappings
hash_string = "A_" + str(abs(hash(str(expression) + str(symbols_in))))
text = f"def {hash_string}(X, parameters):\n"
if selection is not None:
# Impose the feature selection:
text += f" X = X[:, {list(selection)}]\n"
text += " return "
text += functional_form_text
ldict = {}
exec(text, globals(), ldict)
return ldict[hash_string], jnp.array(parameters)