File size: 5,170 Bytes
2a2a517 6e5f7ce 2a2a517 a369299 b364345 6e5f7ce b364345 2a2a517 b364345 2a2a517 b364345 9c27796 b364345 9c27796 b364345 6e5f7ce 9c27796 2a2a517 9c27796 6e5f7ce b364345 |
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println("Lets try to learn (x2^2 + cos(x3) + 5) using regularized evolution from scratch")
const nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
println("Running with $nthreads threads")
const npop = 100
const annealing = true
const niterations = 30
const ncyclesperiteration = 10000
# Generate random initial populations
allPops = [Population(npop, 3) for j=1:nthreads]
bestScore = Inf
# Repeat this many evolutions; we collect and migrate the best
# each time.
for k=1:4
# Spawn independent evolutions
# Gather them
@inbounds Threads.@threads for i=1:nthreads
allPops[i] = run(allPops[i], ncyclesperiteration, annealing)
# Get best 10 models for each processes. Copy because we re-assign later.
bestPops = deepcopy(Population([member for pop in allPops for member in bestSubPop(pop).members]))
bestCurScoreIdx = argmin([bestPops.members[member].score for member=1:bestPops.n])
bestCurScore = bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].score
println(bestCurScore, " is the score for ", stringTree(bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].tree))
# Migration
for j=1:nthreads
for k in rand(1:npop, 50)
# Copy in case one gets copied twice
allPops[j].members[k] = deepcopy(bestPops.members[rand(1:size(bestPops.members)[1])])
## Possibly calls once for every thread? But works.
# using Distributed
# addprocs(8)
# @everywhere const nthreads = 8
# @everywhere include("eureqa.jl")
# println("Lets try to learn (x2^2 + cos(x3) + 5) using regularized evolution from scratch")
# @everywhere const npop = 100
# @everywhere const annealing = false
# @everywhere const niterations = 30
# @everywhere const ncyclesperiteration = 10000
# # Generate random initial populations
# # Create a mapping for running the algorithm on all processes
# @everywhere f = (pop,)->run(pop, ncyclesperiteration, annealing)
# @everywhere allPops = [Population(npop, 3) for j=1:nthreads]
# @everywhere bestScore = Inf
# # Repeat this many evolutions; we collect and migrate the best
# # each time.
# for k=1:4
# # Spawn independent evolutions
# @everywhere futures = [@spawnat :any f(allPops[i]) for i=1:nthreads]
# # Gather them
# for i=1:nthreads
# @everywhere allPops[i] = fetch(futures[i])
# end
# # Get best 10 models for each processes. Copy because we re-assign later.
# @everywhere bestPops = deepcopy(Population([member for pop in allPops for member in bestSubPop(pop).members]))
# @everywhere bestCurScoreIdx = argmin([bestPops.members[member].score for member=1:bestPops.n])
# @everywhere bestCurScore = bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].score
# println(bestCurScore, " is the score for ", stringTree(bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].tree))
# # Migration
# for j=1:nthreads
# for k in rand(1:npop, 50)
# # Copy in case one gets copied twice
# @everywhere allPops[j].members[k] = deepcopy(bestPops.members[rand(1:size(bestPops.members)[1])])
# end
# end
# end
# julia> @everywhere include_string(Main, $(read("count_heads.jl", String)), "count_heads.jl")
# julia> a = @spawnat :any count_heads(100000000)
# Future(2, 1, 6, nothing)
# julia> b = @spawnat :any count_heads(100000000)
# Future(3, 1, 7, nothing)
# julia> fetch(a)+fetch(b)
# 100001564
# allPops = [Population(npop, 3) for j=1:nthreads]
# bestScore = Inf
# for i=1:10
# tmpPops = fetch(pmap(f, allPops))
# allPops[1:nthreads] = tmpPops[1:nthreads]
# # Get best 11 models for each processes
# bestPops = Population([member for pop in allPops for member in bestSubPop(pop).members])
# bestCurScoreIdx = argmin([bestPops.members[member].score for member=1:bestPops.n])
# bestCurScore = bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].score
# println(bestCurScore, " is the score for ", stringTree(bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].tree))
# end
# function update(allPops::Array{Population, 1}, bestScore::Float64)
# # Map it over our workers
# #global allPops = deepcopy(pmap(f, deepcopy(allPops)))
# #curAllPops = deepcopy(pmap(f, allPops))
# curAllPops = pmap(f, allPops)
# for j=1:nthreads
# allPops[j] = curAllPops[j]
# end
# # Get best 10 models for each processes
# bestPops = Population([member for pop in allPops for member in bestSubPop(pop).members])
# bestCurScoreIdx = argmin([bestPops.members[member].score for member=1:bestPops.n])
# bestCurScore = bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].score
# if bestCurScore < bestScore
# bestScore = bestCurScore
# println(bestScore, " is the score for ", stringTree(bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].tree))
# end
# # Migration
# for j=1:nthreads
# allPops[j].members[1:50] = deepcopy(bestPops.members[rand(1:bestPops.n, 50)])
# end
# return allPops, bestScore
# end
# function runExperiment()
# # Do niterations cycles
# allPops = [Population(npop, 3) for j=1:nthreads]
# bestScore = Inf
# for i=1:niterations
# allPops, bestScore = update(allPops, bestScore)
# end
# return bestScore
# end
# runExperiment()