PySR / benchmarks /
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Benchmark 1

The following benchmarks were ran with this command on a node on CCA's BNL cluster (40-cores). At no time was the node fully busy. The tags were put into the file tags.txt, and the was copied to the root folder. This is the command used:

for x in $(cat tags.txt); do sleep 120 && git checkout $x &> /dev/null && nohup ./ > performance_v3_$x.txt &; done

with this API call in

eq = pysr(X, y, binary_operators=["plus", "mult", "div", "pow"], unary_operators=["sin"], niterations=20, procs=4, parsimony=1e-10, npop=1000, ncyclesperiteration=1000)
Version Cycles/second
v0.3.2 37526
v0.3.3 38400
v0.3.4 28700
v0.3.5 32700
v0.3.6 25900
v0.3.7 26600
v0.3.8 7470
v0.3.9 6760
v0.3.11 19500
v0.3.12 19000
v0.3.13 15200
v0.3.14 14700
v0.3.15 42000
v0.3.23 64000

v0.3.10 was frozen.