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You can run the performance benchmark with ./

Modify the search code in paralleleureqa.jl and eureqa.jl to your liking (see below for options). Then, in a new Julia file called myfile.jl, you can write:


The first arg is the number of migration periods to run, with ncyclesperiteration determining how many generations per migration period. npop is the number of population members. annealing determines whether to stay in exploration mode, or tune it down with each cycle. fractionReplaced is how much of the population is replaced by migrated equations each step.

Run it with threading turned on using: julia --threads auto -O3 myfile.jl


You can change the binary and unary operators in eureqa.jl here:

const binops = [plus, mult]
const unaops = [sin, cos, exp];

E.g., you can add the function for powers with:

pow(x::Float32, y::Float32)::Float32 = sign(x)*abs(x)^y
const binops = [plus, mult, pow]

You can change the dataset here:

const X = convert(Array{Float32, 2}, randn(100, 5)*2)
# Here is the function we want to learn (x2^2 + cos(x3))
const y = convert(Array{Float32, 1}, ((cx,)->cx^2).(X[:, 2]) + cos.(X[:, 3]))

by either loading in a dataset, or modifying the definition of y.


Annealing allows each evolutionary cycle to turn down the exploration rate over time: at the end (temperature 0), it will only select solutions better than existing solutions.

The following parameter, parsimony, is how much to punish complex solutions: const parsimony = 0.01

Finally, the following determins how much to scale temperature by (T between 0 and 1). const alpha = 10.0 Larger alpha means more exploration.

One can also adjust the relative probabilities of each mutation here:

weights = [8, 1, 1, 1, 2]

(for: 1. perturb constant, 2. mutate operator, 3. append a node, 4. delete a subtree, 5. do nothing).


  • Create a Python interface
  • Create a benchmark for speed
  • Create a benchmark for accuracy
  • Record hall of fame
  • Optionally (with hyperparameter) migrate the hall of fame, rather than current bests
  • Create struct to pass through all hyperparameters, instead of treating as constants
    • Make sure doesn't affect performance
  • Hyperparameter tune
  • Use NN to generate weights over all probability distribution, and train on some randomly-generated equations
  • Performance:
    • Use an enum for functions instead of storing them?