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Tweak list of operators
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All Base julia operators that take 1 or 2 float32 as input, and output a float32 as output, are available. A selection of these and other valid operators are stated below.


+, -, *, /, ^, greater, mod, logical_or, logical_and


neg, square, cube, exp, abs, log, log10, log2, log1p, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, atan, asinh, acosh, atanh_clip (=atanh((x+1)%2 - 1)), erf, erfc, gamma, relu, round, floor, ceil, round, sign.


Instead of passing a predefined operator as a string, you can define with by passing it to the pysr function, with, e.g.,

        unary_operators=["myfunction(x) = x^2"],
        binary_operators=["myotherfunction(x, y) = x^2*y"]

Make sure that it works with Float32 as a datatype. That means you need to write 1.5f3 instead of 1.5e3, if you write any constant numbers.

Your operator should work with the entire real line (you can use abs(x) for operators requiring positive input - see log_abs); otherwise the search code will experience domain errors.