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# Action
Actions, also called **tools**, provide a suite of functions LLM-driven agents can use to interact with the real world and perform complex tasks.
## Basic Concepts
### Tool & Toolkit
There are two categories of tools:
- tool: provide only one API to call.
- toolkit: implement multiple APIs that undertake different sub-tasks.
### Tool Description
In Lagent, the tool description is a dictionary containing the action's core information of usage, observed by LLMs for decision-making.
For simple tools, the description can be created as follows
'name': 'bold', # name of the tool
'description': 'a function used to make text bold', # introduce the tool's function
'parameters': [ # a list of parameters the tool take.
'name': 'text', 'type': 'STRING', 'description': 'input content'
'required': ['text'], # specify names of parameters required
In some situations there may be optional `return_data`, `parameter_description` keys describing the returns and argument passing format respectively.
`parameter_description` is usually inserted into the tool description automatically by the action's parser. It will be introduced in [Interface Design](#interface-design) .
For toolkits, the description is very similar but nest submethods
'name': 'PhraseEmphasis', # name of the toolkit
'description': 'a toolkit which provides different styles of text emphasis', # introduce the tool's function
'api_list': [
'name': 'bold',
'description': 'make text bold',
'parameters': [
'name': 'text', 'type': 'STRING', 'description': 'input content'
'required': ['text']
'name': 'italic',
'description': 'make text italic',
'parameters': [
'name': 'text', 'type': 'STRING', 'description': 'input content'
'required': ['text']
## Make Functions Tools
It's not necessary to prepare an extra description for a defined function. In Lagent we provide a decorator `tool_api` which can conveniently turn a function into a tool by automatically parsing the function's typehints and dosctrings to generate the description dictionary and binding it to an attribute `api_description`.
from lagent import tool_api
def bold(text: str) -> str:
"""make text bold
text (str): input text
str: bold text
return '**' + text + '**'
{'name': 'bold',
'description': 'make text bold',
'parameters': [{'name': 'text',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'input text'}],
'required': ['text']}
Once `returns_named_value` is enabled you should declare the name of the return data, which will be processed to form a new field `return_data`:
def bold(text: str) -> str:
"""make text bold
text (str): input text
bold_text (str): bold text
return '**' + text + '**'
{'name': 'bold',
'description': 'make text bold',
'parameters': [{'name': 'text',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'input text'}],
'required': ['text'],
'return_data': [{'name': 'bold_text',
'description': 'bold text',
'type': 'STRING'}]}
Sometimes the tool may return a `dict` or `tuple`, and you want to elaborate each member in `return_data` rather than take them as a whole. Set `explode_return=True` and list them in the return part of docstrings.
def list_args(a: str, b: int, c: float = 0.0) -> dict:
"""Return arguments in dict format
a (str): a
b (int): b
c (float): c
dict: input arguments
- a (str): a
- b (int): b
- c: c
return {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}
{'name': 'list_args',
'description': 'Return arguments in dict format',
'parameters': [{'name': 'a', 'type': 'STRING', 'description': 'a'},
{'name': 'b', 'type': 'NUMBER', 'description': 'b'},
{'name': 'c', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'description': 'c'}],
'required': ['a', 'b'],
'return_data': [{'name': 'a', 'description': 'a', 'type': 'STRING'},
{'name': 'b', 'description': 'b', 'type': 'NUMBER'},
{'name': 'c', 'description': 'c'}]}
Only Google style Python docstrings is currently supported.
## Interface Design
`BaseAction(description=None, parser=JsonParser, enable=True)` is the base class all actions should inherit from. It takes three initialization arguments
- **description**: a tool description dictionary, used set instance attribute `description`. Mostly you don't need explicitly pass this argument since the meta class of `BaseAction` will search methods decorated by `tool_api` and assemble their `api_description` as a class attribute `__tool_description__`, and if the initial `description` is left null, then `__tool_description__` will be copied as `description`.
- **parser**: `BaseParser` class. It will instantialize a parser used to validate the arguments of APIs in `description`.
For example, `JsonParser` requires arguments passed in the format of JSON or `dict`. To make LLMs aware of this, It inserts a field `parameter_description` into the `description`.
from lagent import BaseAction
action = BaseAction(
'name': 'bold',
'description': 'a function used to make text bold',
'parameters': [
'name': 'text', 'type': 'STRING', 'description': 'input content'
'required': ['text']
{'name': 'bold',
'description': 'a function used to make text bold',
'parameters': [{'name': 'text',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'input content'}],
'required': ['text'],
'parameter_description': '如果调用该工具,你必须使用Json格式 {key: value} 传参,其中key为参数名称'}
- **enable**: specify whether the tool is available.
### Custom Action
A simple tool must have its `run` method implemented, while APIs of toolkits should avoid naming conflicts with this reserved word.
`run` is allowed not to be decorated by `tool_api` for simple tools unless you want to hint the return data.
class Bold(BaseAction):
def run(self, text: str):
"""make text bold
text (str): input text
str: bold text
return '**' + text + '**'
class PhraseEmphasis(BaseAction):
"""a toolkit which provides different styles of text emphasis"""
def bold(self, text):
"""make text bold
text (str): input text
str: bold text
return '**' + text + '**'
def italic(self, text):
"""make text italic
text (str): input text
str: italic text
return '*' + text + '*'
# Inspect the default description
# Bold.__tool_description__, PhraseEmphasis.__tool_description__
### Auto-registration
Any subclass of `BaseAction` will be registered automatically. You can use `list_tools()` and `get_tool()` to view all tools and initialize by name.
from lagent import list_tools, get_tool
Create a `PhraseEmphasis` object
action = get_tool('PhraseEmphasis')
{'name': 'PhraseEmphasis',
'description': 'a toolkit which provides different styles of text emphasis',
'api_list': [{'name': 'bold',
'description': 'make text bold',
'parameters': [{'name': 'text',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'input text'}],
'required': ['text'],
'parameter_description': '如果调用该工具,你必须使用Json格式 {key: value} 传参,其中key为参数名称'},
{'name': 'italic',
'description': 'make text italic',
'parameters': [{'name': 'text',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'input text'}],
'required': ['text'],
'parameter_description': '如果调用该工具,你必须使用Json格式 {key: value} 传参,其中key为参数名称'}]}
## Tool Calling
### Run a Tool
`__call__` method of `Action` takes two arguments
- `inputs`: It depends on the action's parser. Often a string in specific formats generated by LLMs.
- `JsonParser`: Allow passing arguments in the format of JSON string or Python `dict`.
- `TupleParser`: Allow passing arguments in the format of tuple string format or Python `tuple`.
- `name`: Which API to call. Default is `run`.
It returns an `ActionReturn` object which encapsulates calling details
- `args`: Dictionary of action inputs.
- `type`: Action name.
- `result`: List of dicts. Each contains two keys: 'type' and 'content'. when errors occur, it is `None`.
- `errmsg`: Error message. Default is `None`.
Below is an example
from lagent import IPythonInterpreter, TupleParser
action1 = IPythonInterpreter()
ret = action1('{"command": "import math;math.sqrt(100)"}')
ret = action1({'command': 'import math;math.sqrt(100)'})
action2 = IPythonInterpreter(parser=TupleParser)
ret = action2('("import math;math.sqrt(100)", )')
ret = action2(('import math;math.sqrt(100)',))
[{'type': 'text', 'content': '10.0'}]
[{'type': 'text', 'content': '10.0'}]
[{'type': 'text', 'content': '10.0'}]
[{'type': 'text', 'content': '10.0'}]
### Dynamic Invocation
Lagent provides an `ActionExecutor` to manage multiple tools. It will flatten `api_list` of toolkits and rename each `{tool_name}.{api_name}`.
from lagent import ActionExecutor, ArxivSearch, IPythonInterpreter
executor = ActionExecutor(actions=[ArxivSearch(), IPythonInterpreter()])
executor.get_actions_info() # This information is fed to LLMs as the tool meta prompt
[{'name': 'ArxivSearch.get_arxiv_article_information',
'description': 'Run Arxiv search and get the article meta information.',
'parameters': [{'name': 'query',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'the content of search query'}],
'required': ['query'],
'return_data': [{'name': 'content',
'description': 'a list of 3 arxiv search papers',
'type': 'STRING'}],
'parameter_description': '如果调用该工具,你必须使用Json格式 {key: value} 传参,其中key为参数名称'},
{'name': 'IPythonInterpreter',
'description': "When you send a message containing Python code to python, it will be executed in a stateful Jupyter notebook environment. python will respond with the output of the execution or time out after 60.0 seconds. The drive at '/mnt/data' can be used to save and persist user files. Internet access for this session is disabled. Do not make external web requests or API calls as they will fail.",
'parameters': [{'name': 'command',
'type': 'STRING',
'description': 'Python code'},
{'name': 'timeout',
'type': 'NUMBER',
'description': 'Upper bound of waiting time for Python script execution.'}],
'required': ['command'],
'parameter_description': '如果调用该工具,你必须使用Json格式 {key: value} 传参,其中key为参数名称'}]
Trigger an action through the executor
ret = executor('IPythonInterpreter', '{"command": "import math;math.sqrt(100)"}')
[{'type': 'text', 'content': '10.0'}]