""" |
Author: Luigi Piccinelli |
Licensed under the CC-BY NC 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) |
""" |
from functools import wraps |
import numpy as np |
from scipy import interpolate |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from einops import rearrange, repeat, reduce |
def max_stack(tensors): |
return torch.stack(tensors, dim=-1).max(dim=-1)[0] |
def softmax_stack(tensors, temperature=1.0): |
return F.softmax(torch.stack(tensors, dim=-1) / temperature, dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) |
def mean_stack(tensors): |
if len(tensors) == 1: |
return tensors[0] |
return torch.stack(tensors, dim=-1).mean(dim=-1) |
def sum_stack(tensors): |
return torch.stack(tensors, dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) |
def convert_module_to_f16(l): |
""" |
Convert primitive modules to float16. |
""" |
if isinstance(l, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d)): |
l.weight.data = l.weight.data.half() |
if l.bias is not None: |
l.bias.data = l.bias.data.half() |
def convert_module_to_f32(l): |
""" |
Convert primitive modules to float32, undoing convert_module_to_f16(). |
""" |
if isinstance(l, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d)): |
l.weight.data = l.weight.data.float() |
if l.bias is not None: |
l.bias.data = l.bias.data.float() |
def format_seconds(seconds): |
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) |
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) |
return f"{hours:d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}" |
def get_params(module, lr, wd): |
skip_list = {} |
skip_keywords = {} |
if hasattr(module, "no_weight_decay"): |
skip_list = module.no_weight_decay() |
if hasattr(module, "no_weight_decay_keywords"): |
skip_keywords = module.no_weight_decay_keywords() |
has_decay = [] |
no_decay = [] |
for name, param in module.named_parameters(): |
if not param.requires_grad: |
continue |
if ( |
(name in skip_list) |
or any((kw in name for kw in skip_keywords)) |
or len(param.shape) == 1 |
): |
no_decay.append(param) |
else: |
has_decay.append(param) |
group1 = { |
"params": has_decay, |
"weight_decay": wd, |
"lr": lr, |
"weight_decay_init": wd, |
"weight_decay_base": wd, |
"lr_init": lr, |
"lr_base": lr, |
} |
group2 = { |
"params": no_decay, |
"weight_decay": 0.0, |
"lr": lr, |
"weight_decay_init": 0.0, |
"weight_decay_base": 0.0, |
"weight_decay_final": 0.0, |
"lr_init": lr, |
"lr_base": lr, |
} |
return [group1, group2], [lr, lr] |
def get_num_layer_for_swin(var_name, num_max_layer, layers_per_stage): |
if var_name in ("cls_token", "mask_token", "pos_embed", "absolute_pos_embed"): |
return 0 |
elif var_name.startswith("patch_embed"): |
return 0 |
elif var_name.startswith("layers"): |
if var_name.split(".")[2] == "blocks": |
stage_id = int(var_name.split(".")[1]) |
layer_id = int(var_name.split(".")[3]) + sum(layers_per_stage[:stage_id]) |
return layer_id + 1 |
elif var_name.split(".")[2] == "downsample": |
stage_id = int(var_name.split(".")[1]) |
layer_id = sum(layers_per_stage[: stage_id + 1]) |
return layer_id |
else: |
return num_max_layer - 1 |
def get_params_layerdecayswin(module, lr, wd, ld): |
skip_list = {} |
skip_keywords = {} |
if hasattr(module, "no_weight_decay"): |
skip_list = module.no_weight_decay() |
if hasattr(module, "no_weight_decay_keywords"): |
skip_keywords = module.no_weight_decay_keywords() |
layers_per_stage = module.depths |
num_layers = sum(layers_per_stage) + 1 |
lrs = [] |
params = [] |
for name, param in module.named_parameters(): |
if not param.requires_grad: |
print(f"{name} frozen") |
continue |
layer_id = get_num_layer_for_swin(name, num_layers, layers_per_stage) |
lr_cur = lr * ld ** (num_layers - layer_id - 1) |
if (name in skip_list) or any((kw in name for kw in skip_keywords)): |
wd_cur = 0.0 |
else: |
wd_cur = wd |
params.append({"params": param, "weight_decay": wd_cur, "lr": lr_cur}) |
lrs.append(lr_cur) |
return params, lrs |
def log(t, eps: float = 1e-5): |
return torch.log(t.clamp(min=eps)) |
def l2norm(t): |
return F.normalize(t, dim=-1) |
def exists(val): |
return val is not None |
def identity(t, *args, **kwargs): |
return t |
def divisible_by(numer, denom): |
return (numer % denom) == 0 |
def first(arr, d=None): |
if len(arr) == 0: |
return d |
return arr[0] |
def default(val, d): |
if exists(val): |
return val |
return d() if callable(d) else d |
def maybe(fn): |
@wraps(fn) |
def inner(x): |
if not exists(x): |
return x |
return fn(x) |
return inner |
def once(fn): |
called = False |
@wraps(fn) |
def inner(x): |
nonlocal called |
if called: |
return |
called = True |
return fn(x) |
return inner |
def _many(fn): |
@wraps(fn) |
def inner(tensors, pattern, **kwargs): |
return (fn(tensor, pattern, **kwargs) for tensor in tensors) |
return inner |
rearrange_many = _many(rearrange) |
repeat_many = _many(repeat) |
reduce_many = _many(reduce) |
def load_pretrained(state_dict, checkpoint): |
checkpoint_model = checkpoint["model"] |
if any([True if "encoder." in k else False for k in checkpoint_model.keys()]): |
checkpoint_model = { |
k.replace("encoder.", ""): v |
for k, v in checkpoint_model.items() |
if k.startswith("encoder.") |
} |
print("Detect pre-trained model, remove [encoder.] prefix.") |
else: |
print("Detect non-pre-trained model, pass without doing anything.") |
print(f">>>>>>>>>> Remapping pre-trained keys for SWIN ..........") |
checkpoint = load_checkpoint_swin(state_dict, checkpoint_model) |
def load_checkpoint_swin(model, checkpoint_model): |
state_dict = model.state_dict() |
all_keys = list(checkpoint_model.keys()) |
for key in all_keys: |
if "relative_position_bias_table" in key: |
relative_position_bias_table_pretrained = checkpoint_model[key] |
relative_position_bias_table_current = state_dict[key] |
L1, nH1 = relative_position_bias_table_pretrained.size() |
L2, nH2 = relative_position_bias_table_current.size() |
if nH1 != nH2: |
print(f"Error in loading {key}, passing......") |
else: |
if L1 != L2: |
print(f"{key}: Interpolate relative_position_bias_table using geo.") |
src_size = int(L1**0.5) |
dst_size = int(L2**0.5) |
def geometric_progression(a, r, n): |
return a * (1.0 - r**n) / (1.0 - r) |
left, right = 1.01, 1.5 |
while right - left > 1e-6: |
q = (left + right) / 2.0 |
gp = geometric_progression(1, q, src_size // 2) |
if gp > dst_size // 2: |
right = q |
else: |
left = q |
dis = [] |
cur = 1 |
for i in range(src_size // 2): |
dis.append(cur) |
cur += q ** (i + 1) |
r_ids = [-_ for _ in reversed(dis)] |
x = r_ids + [0] + dis |
y = r_ids + [0] + dis |
t = dst_size // 2.0 |
dx = np.arange(-t, t + 0.1, 1.0) |
dy = np.arange(-t, t + 0.1, 1.0) |
print("Original positions = %s" % str(x)) |
print("Target positions = %s" % str(dx)) |
all_rel_pos_bias = [] |
for i in range(nH1): |
z = ( |
relative_position_bias_table_pretrained[:, i] |
.view(src_size, src_size) |
.float() |
.numpy() |
) |
f_cubic = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, z, kind="cubic") |
all_rel_pos_bias.append( |
torch.Tensor(f_cubic(dx, dy)) |
.contiguous() |
.view(-1, 1) |
.to(relative_position_bias_table_pretrained.device) |
) |
new_rel_pos_bias = torch.cat(all_rel_pos_bias, dim=-1) |
checkpoint_model[key] = new_rel_pos_bias |
relative_position_index_keys = [ |
k for k in checkpoint_model.keys() if "relative_position_index" in k |
] |
for k in relative_position_index_keys: |
del checkpoint_model[k] |
relative_coords_table_keys = [ |
k for k in checkpoint_model.keys() if "relative_coords_table" in k |
] |
for k in relative_coords_table_keys: |
del checkpoint_model[k] |
rpe_mlp_keys = [k for k in checkpoint_model.keys() if "cpb_mlp" in k] |
for k in rpe_mlp_keys: |
checkpoint_model[k.replace("cpb_mlp", "rpe_mlp")] = checkpoint_model.pop(k) |
attn_mask_keys = [k for k in checkpoint_model.keys() if "attn_mask" in k] |
for k in attn_mask_keys: |
del checkpoint_model[k] |
encoder_keys = [k for k in checkpoint_model.keys() if k.startswith("encoder.")] |
for k in encoder_keys: |
checkpoint_model[k.replace("encoder.", "")] = checkpoint_model.pop(k) |
return checkpoint_model |
def add_padding_metas(out, image_metas): |
device = out.device |
paddings = [img_meta.get("padding_size", [0] * 4) for img_meta in image_metas] |
paddings = torch.stack(paddings).to(device) |
outs = [F.pad(o, padding, value=0.0) for padding, o in zip(paddings, out)] |
return torch.stack(outs) |
def remove_padding(out, paddings): |
B, C, H, W = out.shape |
device = out.device |
paddings = torch.stack(paddings).to(device) |
outs = [ |
o[:, padding[1] : H - padding[3], padding[0] : W - padding[2]] |
for padding, o in zip(paddings, out) |
] |
return torch.stack(outs) |
def remove_padding_metas(out, image_metas): |
B, C, H, W = out.shape |
device = out.device |
paddings = [ |
torch.tensor(img_meta.get("padding_size", [0] * 4)) for img_meta in image_metas |
] |
return remove_padding(out, paddings) |
def ssi_helper(tensor1, tensor2): |
stability_mat = 1e-4 * torch.eye(2, device=tensor1.device) |
tensor2_one = torch.stack([tensor2, torch.ones_like(tensor2)], dim=1) |
scale_shift = torch.inverse(tensor2_one.T @ tensor2_one + stability_mat) @ ( |
tensor2_one.T @ tensor1.unsqueeze(1) |
) |
scale, shift = scale_shift.squeeze().chunk(2, dim=0) |
return scale, shift |
def calculate_mean_values(names, values): |
name_values = {name: {} for name in names} |
for name, value in zip(names, values): |
name_values[name]["sum"] = name_values[name].get("sum", 0.0) + value |
name_values[name]["count"] = name_values[name].get("count", 0.0) + 1 |
output_dict = { |
name: name_values[name]["sum"] / name_values[name]["count"] |
for name in name_values |
} |
return output_dict |
def remove_leading_dim(infos): |
if isinstance(infos, dict): |
return {k: remove_leading_dim(v) for k, v in infos.items()} |
elif isinstance(infos, torch.Tensor): |
return infos.squeeze(0) |
else: |
return infos |