import streamlit as st |
from transformers import pipeline |
import plotly.express as px |
import pandas as pd |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") |
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation = True) |
def get_classifier_model(): |
return pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="models/bart-large-mnli") |
st.image("Suncorp-Bank-logo.png",width=255) |
st.title("Detecting Barriers from Conversations") |
st.markdown("***") |
text = st.text_area(label="Enter text to classify") |
st.markdown("***") |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns((1,1,1)) |
col1.header("Select Sentiments") |
sentiments = col1.multiselect("",["Happy","Sad","Anxious","Depressed","Empathetic"],["Happy","Sad","Anxious","Depressed","Empathetic"]) |
col2.header("Select Entities") |
entities = col2.multiselect("",["Employee","Doctor","Family","Friends"], |
["Employee","Doctor","Family","Friends"]) |
col3.header("Select Reasons") |
reasons = col3.multiselect("",["Bullying","Alchohol","Abuse","Domestic_Violence",'Chronic_Pain','Driving','Hobbies','Treatment'], |
["Bullying","Alchohol","Abuse","Domestic_Violence",'Chronic_Pain','Driving','Hobbies','Treatment']) |
is_multi_class = st.checkbox("Can have more than one classes",value=True) |
st.markdown("***") |
classify_button_clicked = st.button("Classify") |
def get_classification(candidate_labels): |
classification_output = classifier(sequence_to_classify, candidate_labels, multi_class=is_multi_class) |
data = {'Class': classification_output['labels'], 'Scores': classification_output['scores']} |
df = pd.DataFrame(data) |
df = df.sort_values(by='Scores', ascending=False) |
fig = px.bar(df, x='Scores', y='Class', orientation='h', width=800, height=800) |
fig.update_layout( |
yaxis=dict( |
autorange='reversed' |
) |
) |
return fig |
if classify_button_clicked: |
if text: |
st.markdown("***") |
with st.spinner(" Please wait while the text is being classified.."): |
classifier = get_classifier_model() |
sequence_to_classify = text |
if sentiments: |
fig = get_classification(sentiments) |
col1.write(fig) |
if entities: |
fig = get_classification(entities) |
col2.write(fig) |
if reasons: |
fig = get_classification(reasons) |
col3.write(fig) |