HRVC / pyproject.toml
SpyC0der77's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
1a942eb verified
requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""
name = "ultimate-rvc"
version = "0.1.24"
description = "Ultimate RVC"
readme = ""
requires-python = "==3.12.*"
dependencies = [
# General
# Networking
# TODO add these later
# "deemix",
# "wget",
# "flask",
# "beautifulsoup4",
# "pypresence",
# Data science
# Machine learning
# Version of onnxruntime-gpu needs to align with what
# version audio-separator package uses.
# TODO add these later
# "tensorboard",
# "torchfcpe",
# "local-attention",
# "libf0",
# "einops",
# "numba; sys_platform == 'linux'",
# "numba==0.57.0; sys_platform == 'darwin' or sys_platform == 'win32'",
# Audio
# TODO add the later
# "noisereduce",
# "audio_upscaler==0.1.4",
# "edge-tts==6.1.9",
# "ffmpeg-python>=0.2.0",
# "ffmpy==0.3.1"
urvc = "ultimate_rvc.cli.main:app"
urvc-web = "ultimate_rvc.web.main:app_wrapper"
environments = ["sys_platform == 'win32'", "sys_platform == 'linux'"]
cache-dir = "./uv/cache"
compile-bytecode = true
torch = { index = "torch-cu124"}
torchaudio = { index = "torch-cu124"}
diffq = { url = "", marker = "sys_platform == 'win32'"}
name = "torch-cu124"
url = ""
explicit = true
stubPath = "src/ultimate_rvc/stubs"
pythonVersion = "3.12"
pythonPlatform = "All"
typeCheckingMode = "strict"
ignore = ["**/.venv"]
exclude = ["./uv"]
target-version = ['py312']
preview = true
enable-unstable-feature = ["string_processing"]
target-version = "py312"
fix = true
required-version = ">=0.5.7"
docstring-code-format = true
preview = true
select = ["ALL"]
extend-select = ["I"]
ignore = [
# Ignore missing blank before between class name and docstring
# Do not require a description after summary line in docstring
# Do not require summary line to be located on first physical line of docstring
# Do not require docstring section names to end with colon
# Ignore TODO notes
# Ignore missing copyright notice
# Ignore function signatures with too many arguments
# ignore function signatures with too many positional arguments
# Ignore boolean positional argument in function signature
unfixable = ["F401"]
preview = true
#ignore-fully-untyped = true
relative-imports-order = "closest-to-furthest"
section-order = [
"typing" = ["typing", "typing_extensions"]
"networking" = [
"validation" = ["pydantic"]
"data-science" = [
"machine-learning" = [
"audio" = [
"cli" = ["typer", "rich"]
"ultimate_rvc" = ["ultimate_rvc"]
max-doc-length = 72