Steven10429's picture
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include "wkv6.hpp"
constexpr int WKV_BLOCK_SIZE = 64; // Matching CUDA_WKV_BLOCK_SIZE
// Helper function for the main kernel
static void rwkv_wkv_f32_kernel(
const int B, const int T, const int C, const int H,
const float* k, const float* v, const float* r,
const float* tf, const float* td, const float* s,
float* dst, const sycl::nd_item<3>& item_ct1, float* shared_mem) {
const int tid = item_ct1.get_local_id(2);
const int bid = item_ct1.get_group(2);
const int head_size = WKV_BLOCK_SIZE;
const int batch_i = bid / H;
const int head_i = bid % H;
const int state_size = C * head_size;
const int n_seq_tokens = T / B;
// Set up shared memory pointers
float* _k = shared_mem;
float* _r = _k + head_size;
float* _tf = _r + head_size;
float* _td = _tf + head_size;
// Local state array
float state[WKV_BLOCK_SIZE];
// Load initial state
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < head_size; i++) {
state[i] = s[batch_i * state_size + head_i * head_size * head_size + i * head_size + tid];
// Sync threads before shared memory operations
// Load time-mixing parameters
_tf[tid] = tf[head_i * head_size + tid];
// Main sequence processing loop
for (int t = batch_i * n_seq_tokens * C + head_i * head_size + tid;
t < (batch_i + 1) * n_seq_tokens * C + head_i * head_size + tid;
t += C) {
// Load current timestep data to shared memory
_k[tid] = k[t];
_r[tid] = r[t];
_td[tid] = td[t];
const float _v = v[t];
float y = 0;
// Process in chunks of 4 for better vectorization
sycl::float4 k4, r4, tf4, td4, s4;
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < head_size; j += 4) {
// Load data in vec4 chunks
k4 = sycl::float4(_k[j], _k[j+1], _k[j+2], _k[j+3]);
r4 = sycl::float4(_r[j], _r[j+1], _r[j+2], _r[j+3]);
tf4 = sycl::float4(_tf[j], _tf[j+1], _tf[j+2], _tf[j+3]);
td4 = sycl::float4(_td[j], _td[j+1], _td[j+2], _td[j+3]);
s4 = sycl::float4(state[j], state[j+1], state[j+2], state[j+3]);
// Compute key-value product
sycl::float4 kv4 = k4 * _v;
// Accumulate weighted sum
y += sycl::dot(r4, tf4 * kv4 + s4);
// Update state
s4 = s4 * td4 + kv4;
// Store updated state
state[j] = s4.x();
state[j+1] = s4.y();
state[j+2] = s4.z();
state[j+3] = s4.w();
dst[t] = y;
// Save final state
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < head_size; i++) {
dst[T * C + batch_i * state_size + head_i * head_size * head_size + i * head_size + tid] = state[i];
void ggml_sycl_op_rwkv_wkv6(ggml_backend_sycl_context& ctx, ggml_tensor* dst) {
const ggml_tensor *src0 = dst->src[0];
const ggml_tensor *src1 = dst->src[1];
const float* k_d = (const float*)dst->src[0]->data;
const float* v_d = (const float*)dst->src[1]->data;
const float* r_d = (const float*)dst->src[2]->data;
const float* tf_d = (const float*)dst->src[3]->data;
const float* td_d = (const float*)dst->src[4]->data;
const float* s_d = (const float*)dst->src[5]->data;
float* dst_d = (float*)dst->data;
const int64_t B = dst->src[5]->ne[1];
const int64_t T = dst->src[0]->ne[2];
const int64_t C = dst->ne[0];
const int64_t H = dst->src[0]->ne[1];
GGML_ASSERT(dst->src[5]->type == GGML_TYPE_F32);
GGML_ASSERT(C % H == 0);
GGML_ASSERT(C / H == WKV_BLOCK_SIZE); // The current sycl kernel is designed for RWKV6, HEAD_SIZE == 64
dpct::queue_ptr stream =;
// Calculate execution configuration
const size_t shared_mem_size = WKV_BLOCK_SIZE * 4 * sizeof(float); // For k, r, tf, td
sycl::range<3> block_dims(1, 1, C / H);
sycl::range<3> grid_dims(1, 1, B * H);
// Submit kernel
stream->submit([&](sycl::handler& cgh) {
sycl::local_accessor<float, 1> shared_mem_acc(shared_mem_size, cgh);
sycl::nd_range<3>(grid_dims * block_dims, block_dims),
[=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
B, T, C, H, k_d, v_d, r_d, tf_d, td_d, s_d, dst_d,
item_ct1, (float*)shared_mem_acc.get_multi_ptr<sycl::access::decorated::no>().get()