title: README
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Welcome to BirdL!
BirdL is a multi subject matter company. Publically Owned by Julian Herrera.
About Our Staff!
Julian Herrera(CEO)
I'm Julian Herrera, A 14 year old focused on Writing, Coding, Machine Learning, and Metaverses. I've been coding python for 2 years, and have been working with ML for a
year now. I'm looking to colaborate with other grassroots efforts, and with other people interested in helping me with my work.
You can contact me at my Gmail or at my discord:Puffy Avocado#7496
1. The BirdL Pledge
The team at BirdL are producing a decentralized metaverse experience for all to enjoy! Using the best OSS tools!
What we will do:
- We will keep all research artifacts open and accessible.
- We will give proper credit to model creators.
- We will expand open training methods such as those inspired by Boris Dayma with Dalle-Mini(1)
- We will keep all experiences accessible to the public.
What we will NOT do:
- We will not open source game code or other “collage” code defined in 1.2 My reasoning is to not enable easy exploiting and ease for competitors who won’t respect our open position in ML.
- We will not mislead customers that these experiences are in any way attached to real people.
1.1 About Us
BirdL is an organization dedicated to producing digital experiences, our goal is to produce great games built on modern technology, with modern practices,
1.2 Collage code
Collage code is code to bring experiences together, such as the code directly in our games, server infrastructure, and other code meant to make the experience integrated.
Collage code isn’t code for model related tasks such as: finetuning, experimenting, logging, etc. Collage code is primarily aimed at helping researchers and are parts of the puzzle in our integrated experiences. This code will be released under Apache 2.0 and other permissible licenses.
Citations Used
author = {Dayma, Boris and Patil, Suraj and Cuenca, Pedro and Saifullah, Khalid and Abraham, Tanishq and Lê Khắc, Phúc and Melas, Luke and Ghosh, Ritobrata},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5146400},
month = {7},
title = {DALL·E Mini},
url = {},
year = {2021}