--- |
title: Dadc |
emoji: 🏢 |
colorFrom: red |
colorTo: gray |
sdk: gradio |
sdk_version: 3.0.17 |
app_file: app.py |
pinned: false |
license: bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 |
--- |
A basic example of dynamic adversarial data collection with a Gradio app. |
*Instructions for someone to use for their own project:* |
**Setting up the Space** |
1. Clone this repo and deploy it on your own Hugging Face space. |
2. Add one of your Hugging Face tokens to the secrets for your space, with the |
name `HF_TOKEN`. Now, create an empty Hugging Face dataset on the hub. Put |
the url of this dataset in the secrets for your space, with the name |
`DATASET_REPO_URL`. It can be a private or public dataset. When you run this |
space on mturk and when people visit your space on huggingface.co, the app |
will use your token to automatically store new HITs in your dataset. NOTE: |
if you push something to your dataset manually, you need to restart your space |
or it could get merge conflicts when trying to push HIT data. |
**Running Data Collection** |
1. On your local repo that you pulled, create a copy of `config.py.example`, |
just called `config.py`. Now, put keys from your AWS account in `config.py`. |
These keys should be for an AWS account that has the |
AmazonMechanicalTurkFullAccess permission. You also need to |
create an mturk requestor account associated with your AWS account. |
2. Run `python collect.py` locally. |
**Profit** |
Now, you should be watching hits come into your Hugging Face dataset |
automatically! |
**Tips and Tricks** |
- If you are developing and running this space locally to test it out, try |
deleting the data directory that the app clones before running the app again. |
Otherwise, the app could get merge conflicts when storing new HITs on the hub. |
When you redeploy your app on Hugging Face spaces, the data directory is deleted |
automatically. |
- huggingface spaces have limited computational resources and memory. If you |
run too many HITs and/or assignments at once, then you could encounter issues. |
You could also encounter issues if you are trying to create a dataset that is |
very large. Check the log of your space for any errors that could be happening. |