Can yolov9 be used for face recognition?

by xxXWarMachineRoXxx - opened
  • I wanted to implement a door access solution using yolov9
  • Currently, I am using deepface ( VGG-Face) and can recognise faces
  • But I want the model to recognise people even when they are not facing the camera or are looking away from it.

I'd recommend you ask this question on the official GitHub repo: There may also be more suitable facial recognition models out there (usable without fine-tuning).

Looks like there's already been some work on this!


face detection is another thing, but face recognition is another.
Thanks anyway! @Xenova

  • What if the camera is looking from top and or from the back?
  • I'll be using the model on a raspberry pi/arduino,esp32 or just maybe a jetson (if I am really convinced)

if the solution you provided works, would it detect faces in different orientations and then extract landmarks and then compare them to known faces?

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