import inspect |
import os |
import time |
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List, Iterator |
import filelock |
from langchain.callbacks.manager import CallbackManagerForLLMRun |
from langchain.schema.output import GenerationChunk |
from langchain_community.llms import gpt4all |
from pydantic.v1 import root_validator |
from enums import coqui_lock_name |
from utils import FakeTokenizer, url_alive, download_simple, clear_torch_cache, n_gpus_global, makedirs, get_lock_file |
def get_model_tokenizer_gpt4all(base_model, n_jobs=None, gpu_id=None, n_gpus=None, max_seq_len=None, |
llamacpp_dict=None, |
llamacpp_path=None): |
cvd = os.getenv('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES') |
if gpu_id is not None and gpu_id != -1: |
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(gpu_id) |
assert llamacpp_dict is not None |
model_name = base_model.lower() |
llama_kwargs = dict(model_name=model_name, |
model=None, |
n_jobs=n_jobs, |
n_gpus=n_gpus, |
main_gpu=gpu_id if gpu_id not in [None, -1, '-1'] else 0, |
inner_class=True, |
max_seq_len=max_seq_len, |
llamacpp_dict=llamacpp_dict, |
llamacpp_path=llamacpp_path) |
model, tokenizer, redo, max_seq_len = get_llm_gpt4all(**llama_kwargs) |
if redo: |
del model |
del tokenizer |
clear_torch_cache() |
llama_kwargs.update(dict(max_seq_len=max_seq_len)) |
model, tokenizer, redo, max_seq_len = get_llm_gpt4all(**llama_kwargs) |
if cvd is not None: |
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = cvd |
else: |
os.environ.pop('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', None) |
return model, tokenizer, 'cpu' if n_gpus != 0 else 'cuda' |
from langchain.callbacks.streaming_stdout import StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler |
class H2OStreamingStdOutCallbackHandler(StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler): |
def on_llm_new_token(self, token: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: |
"""Run on new LLM token. Only available when streaming is enabled.""" |
pass |
def get_model_kwargs(llamacpp_dict, default_kwargs, cls, exclude_list=[]): |
model_kwargs = {k: v.default for k, v in dict(inspect.signature(cls).parameters).items() if k not in exclude_list} |
model_kwargs.update(default_kwargs) |
model_kwargs.update(llamacpp_dict) |
func_names = list(inspect.signature(cls).parameters) |
model_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in model_kwargs.items() if k in func_names} |
for k, v in model_kwargs.items(): |
try: |
if float(v) == int(v): |
model_kwargs[k] = int(v) |
else: |
model_kwargs[k] = float(v) |
except: |
pass |
return model_kwargs |
def get_gpt4all_default_kwargs(max_new_tokens=256, |
temperature=0.1, |
seed=0, |
repetition_penalty=1.0, |
top_k=40, |
top_p=0.7, |
n_jobs=None, |
verbose=False, |
max_seq_len=None, |
main_gpu=0, |
): |
if n_jobs in [None, -1]: |
n_jobs = int(os.getenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', str(os.cpu_count() // 2))) |
n_jobs = max(1, min(20, n_jobs)) |
n_gpus = n_gpus_global |
max_seq_len_local = max_seq_len if max_seq_len is not None else 2048 |
default_kwargs = dict(context_erase=0.5, |
n_batch=1, |
max_tokens=max_new_tokens, |
n_predict=max_new_tokens, |
repeat_last_n=64 if repetition_penalty != 1.0 else 0, |
repeat_penalty=repetition_penalty, |
temp=temperature, |
temperature=temperature, |
seed=seed, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=top_p, |
use_mlock=True, |
n_ctx=max_seq_len_local, |
n_threads=n_jobs, |
main_gpu=main_gpu, |
verbose=verbose) |
if n_gpus != 0: |
default_kwargs.update(dict(n_gpu_layers=100, f16_kv=True)) |
return default_kwargs |
def get_llm_gpt4all(model_name=None, |
model=None, |
max_new_tokens=256, |
temperature=0.1, |
seed=0, |
repetition_penalty=1.0, |
top_k=40, |
top_p=0.7, |
streaming=False, |
callbacks=None, |
tokenizer=None, |
prompter=None, |
max_time=None, |
context='', |
iinput='', |
chat_conversation=[], |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt=None, |
n_jobs=None, |
n_gpus=None, |
main_gpu=0, |
verbose=False, |
inner_class=False, |
max_seq_len=None, |
llamacpp_path=None, |
llamacpp_dict=None, |
): |
model_was_None = model is None |
redo = False |
if not inner_class: |
assert prompter is not None |
default_kwargs = \ |
get_gpt4all_default_kwargs(max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, |
temperature=temperature, |
seed=seed, |
repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=top_p, |
n_jobs=n_jobs, |
verbose=verbose, |
max_seq_len=max_seq_len, |
main_gpu=main_gpu, |
) |
if model_name == 'llama': |
cls = H2OLlamaCpp |
if model is None: |
llamacpp_dict = llamacpp_dict.copy() |
model_path = llamacpp_dict.pop('model_path_llama') |
model_file = model_path |
if model_file.endswith('?download=true'): |
model_file = model_file.replace('?download=true', '') |
llamacpp_path = os.getenv('LLAMACPP_PATH', llamacpp_path) or './' |
if os.path.isfile(os.path.basename(model_file)): |
model_path = os.path.basename(model_file) |
elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(llamacpp_path, os.path.basename(model_file))): |
model_path = os.path.join(llamacpp_path, os.path.basename(model_file)) |
elif url_alive(model_path): |
dest = os.path.join(llamacpp_path, os.path.basename(model_path)) if llamacpp_path else None |
if dest.endswith('?download=true'): |
dest = dest.replace('?download=true', '') |
model_path = download_simple(model_path, dest=dest) |
else: |
model_path = model |
model_kwargs = get_model_kwargs(llamacpp_dict, default_kwargs, cls, exclude_list=['lc_kwargs']) |
model_kwargs.update(dict(model_path=model_path, callbacks=callbacks, streaming=streaming, |
prompter=prompter, context=context, iinput=iinput, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, |
chat_conversation=chat_conversation, |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt=user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt, |
n_gpus=n_gpus, max_time=max_time, )) |
odd_keys = ['model_kwargs', 'grammar_path', 'grammar'] |
for key in odd_keys: |
model_kwargs.pop(key, None) |
llm = cls(**model_kwargs) |
llm.client.verbose = verbose |
inner_model = llm.client |
if max_seq_len is None: |
redo = True |
max_seq_len = llm.client.n_embd() |
print("Auto-detected LLaMa n_ctx=%s, will unload then reload with this setting." % max_seq_len) |
if model_was_None is None: |
inner_model("Say exactly one word", max_tokens=1) |
inner_tokenizer = FakeTokenizer(tokenizer=llm.client, is_llama_cpp=True, model_max_length=max_seq_len) |
elif model_name == 'gpt4all_llama': |
cls = H2OGPT4All |
if model is None: |
llamacpp_dict = llamacpp_dict.copy() |
model_path = llamacpp_dict.pop('model_name_gpt4all_llama') |
if url_alive(model_path): |
llamacpp_path = os.getenv('LLAMACPP_PATH', llamacpp_path) or './' |
dest = os.path.join(llamacpp_path, os.path.basename(model_path)) if llamacpp_path else None |
model_path = download_simple(model_path, dest=dest) |
else: |
model_path = model |
model_kwargs = get_model_kwargs(llamacpp_dict, default_kwargs, cls, exclude_list=['lc_kwargs']) |
model_kwargs.update( |
dict(model=model_path, backend='llama', callbacks=callbacks, streaming=streaming, |
prompter=prompter, context=context, iinput=iinput, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, |
chat_conversation=chat_conversation, |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt=user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt, |
)) |
llm = cls(**model_kwargs) |
inner_model = llm.client |
inner_tokenizer = FakeTokenizer(model_max_length=max_seq_len) |
elif model_name == 'gptj': |
cls = H2OGPT4All |
if model is None: |
llamacpp_dict = llamacpp_dict.copy() |
model_path = llamacpp_dict.pop('model_name_gptj') if model is None else model |
if url_alive(model_path): |
llamacpp_path = os.getenv('LLAMACPP_PATH', llamacpp_path) or './' |
dest = os.path.join(llamacpp_path, os.path.basename(model_path)) if llamacpp_path else None |
model_path = download_simple(model_path, dest=dest) |
else: |
model_path = model |
model_kwargs = get_model_kwargs(llamacpp_dict, default_kwargs, cls, exclude_list=['lc_kwargs']) |
model_kwargs.update( |
dict(model=model_path, backend='gptj', callbacks=callbacks, streaming=streaming, |
prompter=prompter, context=context, iinput=iinput, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, |
chat_conversation=chat_conversation, |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt=user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt, |
)) |
llm = cls(**model_kwargs) |
inner_model = llm.client |
inner_tokenizer = FakeTokenizer(model_max_length=max_seq_len) |
else: |
raise RuntimeError("No such model_name %s" % model_name) |
if inner_class: |
return inner_model, inner_tokenizer, redo, max_seq_len |
else: |
return llm |
class H2OGPT4All(gpt4all.GPT4All): |
model: Any |
tokenizer: Any = None |
prompter: Any |
context: Any = '' |
iinput: Any = '' |
chat_conversation = [] |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt: Any = None |
"""Path to the pre-trained GPT4All model file.""" |
@root_validator() |
def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: |
"""Validate that the python package exists in the environment.""" |
try: |
if isinstance(values["model"], str): |
from gpt4all import GPT4All as GPT4AllModel |
full_path = values["model"] |
model_path, delimiter, model_name = full_path.rpartition("/") |
model_path += delimiter |
values["client"] = GPT4AllModel( |
model_name=model_name, |
model_path=model_path or None, |
model_type=values["backend"], |
allow_download=True, |
) |
if values["n_threads"] is not None: |
values["client"].model.set_thread_count(values["n_threads"]) |
else: |
values["client"] = values["model"] |
if values["n_threads"] is not None: |
values["client"].model.set_thread_count(values["n_threads"]) |
try: |
values["backend"] = values["client"].model_type |
except AttributeError: |
values["backend"] = values["client"].model.model_type |
except ImportError: |
raise ValueError( |
"Could not import gpt4all python package. " |
"Please install it with `pip install gpt4all`." |
) |
return values |
def _call( |
self, |
prompt: str, |
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None, |
run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None, |
**kwargs, |
) -> str: |
n_ctx = 2048 |
prompt = prompt[-self.max_tokens * 4:] |
data_point = dict(context=self.context, instruction=prompt, input=self.iinput) |
prompt = self.prompter.generate_prompt(data_point, |
chat_conversation=self.chat_conversation, |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt=self.user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt, |
) |
verbose = False |
if verbose: |
print("_call prompt: %s" % prompt, flush=True) |
return super()._call(prompt, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager) |
from langchain_community.llms import LlamaCpp |
class H2OLlamaCpp(LlamaCpp): |
"""Path to the pre-trained GPT4All model file.""" |
model_path: Any |
tokenizer: Any = None |
prompter: Any |
context: Any |
iinput: Any |
chat_conversation = [] |
count_input_tokens: Any = 0 |
prompts: Any = [] |
count_output_tokens: Any = 0 |
n_gpus: Any = -1 |
max_time: Any = None |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt: Any = None |
@root_validator() |
def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: |
"""Validate that llama-cpp-python library is installed.""" |
if isinstance(values["model_path"], str): |
model_path = values["model_path"] |
model_param_names = [ |
"lora_path", |
"lora_base", |
"n_ctx", |
"n_parts", |
"seed", |
"f16_kv", |
"logits_all", |
"vocab_only", |
"use_mlock", |
"n_threads", |
"n_batch", |
"use_mmap", |
"last_n_tokens_size", |
] |
model_params = {k: values[k] for k in model_param_names} |
if values["n_gpu_layers"] is not None: |
model_params["n_gpu_layers"] = values["n_gpu_layers"] |
try: |
try: |
from llama_cpp import Llama |
except Exception as e: |
print("Failed to listen to n_gpus: %s, trying llama_cpp module" % str(e), flush=True) |
try: |
from llama_cpp import Llama |
except ImportError: |
from llama_cpp_cuda import Llama |
values["client"] = Llama(model_path, **model_params) |
except ImportError: |
raise ModuleNotFoundError( |
"Could not import llama-cpp-python library. " |
"Please install the llama-cpp-python library to " |
"use this embedding model: pip install llama-cpp-python" |
) |
except Exception as e: |
raise ValueError( |
f"Could not load Llama model from path: {model_path}. " |
f"Received error {e}" |
) |
else: |
values["client"] = values["model_path"] |
return values |
def _call( |
self, |
prompt: str, |
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None, |
run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None, |
**kwargs, |
) -> str: |
t0 = time.time() |
verbose = False |
inner_tokenizer = FakeTokenizer(tokenizer=self.client, is_llama_cpp=True, model_max_length=self.n_ctx) |
assert inner_tokenizer is not None |
from h2oai_pipeline import H2OTextGenerationPipeline |
prompt, num_prompt_tokens = H2OTextGenerationPipeline.limit_prompt(prompt, inner_tokenizer, |
max_prompt_length=self.max_tokens) |
data_point = dict(context=self.context, instruction=prompt, input=self.iinput) |
prompt = self.prompter.generate_prompt(data_point, |
chat_conversation=self.chat_conversation, |
user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt=self.user_prompt_for_fake_system_prompt, |
) |
self.count_input_tokens += self.get_num_tokens(prompt) |
self.prompts.append(prompt) |
if stop is None: |
stop = [] |
stop.extend(self.prompter.stop_sequences) |
if verbose: |
print("_call prompt: %s" % prompt, flush=True) |
with filelock.FileLock(get_lock_file('llamacpp')): |
with filelock.FileLock(get_lock_file(coqui_lock_name)): |
if self.streaming: |
text = "" |
for token in self.stream(input=prompt, stop=stop): |
if self.max_time is not None and (time.time() - t0) > self.max_time: |
if verbose: |
print("LLaMa.cpp reached max_time=%s" % self.max_time, flush=True) |
break |
text_chunk = token |
text += text_chunk |
self.count_output_tokens += self.get_num_tokens(text) |
text = self.remove_stop_text(text, stop=stop) |
return text |
else: |
params = self._get_parameters(stop) |
params = {**params, **kwargs} |
result = self.client(prompt=prompt, **params) |
text = result["choices"][0]["text"] |
self.count_output_tokens += self.get_num_tokens(text) |
text = self.remove_stop_text(text, stop=stop) |
return text |
def remove_stop_text(self, text, stop=None): |
if stop is None: |
return text |
for stop_seq in stop: |
if stop_seq in text: |
text = text[:text.index(stop_seq)] |
return text |
def _stream( |
self, |
prompt: str, |
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None, |
run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None, |
**kwargs: Any, |
) -> Iterator[GenerationChunk]: |
total_text = '' |
for chunk in super()._stream(prompt, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs): |
total_text += chunk.text |
got_stop = False |
if stop: |
for stop_seq in stop: |
if stop_seq in total_text: |
got_stop = True |
if not got_stop: |
yield chunk |
def get_token_ids(self, text: str) -> List[int]: |
return self.client.tokenize(b" " + text.encode("utf-8")) |