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df79503 verified
# Manages user & assistant messages in the session state.
### 1. Import the libraries
import streamlit as st
import time
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain_community.llms import Cohere
### 2. Setup datastructure for holding the messages
# Define a Message class for holding the query/response
class Message:
role: str # identifies the actor (system, user or human, assistant or ai)
payload: str # instructions, query, response
# Streamlit knows about the common roles as a result, it is able to display the icons
USER = "user" # or human,
ASSISTANT = "assistant" # or ai,
SYSTEM = "system"
# This is to simplify local development
# Without this you will need to copy/paste the API key with every change
# CHANGE the location of the file
# Add the API key to the session - use it for populating the interface
if os.getenv('COHERE_API_KEY'):
st.session_state['COHERE_API_KEY'] = os.getenv('COHERE_API_KEY')
print("Environment file not found !! Copy & paste your Cohere API key.")
### 3. Initialize the datastructure to hold the context
if MESSAGES not in st.session_state:
system_message = Message(role=SYSTEM, payload='you are a polite assistant named "Ruby".')
st.session_state[MESSAGES] = [system_message]
### 4. Setup the title & input text element for the Cohere API key
# Set the title
# Populate API key from session if it is available
st.title("Multi-Turn conversation interface !!!")
# If the key is already available, initialize its value on the UI
if 'COHERE_API_KEY' in st.session_state:
cohere_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input('Cohere API key',value=st.session_state['COHERE_API_KEY'])
cohere_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input('Cohere API key',placeholder='copy & paste your API key')
### 5. Define utility functions to invoke the LLM
# Create an instance of the LLM
def get_llm():
return Cohere(model="command", cohere_api_key=cohere_api_key)
# Create the context by concatenating the messages
def get_chat_context():
context = ''
for msg in st.session_state[MESSAGES]:
context = context + '\n\n' + msg.role + ':' + msg.payload
return context
# Generate the response and return
def get_llm_response(prompt):
llm = get_llm()
# Show spinner, while we are waiting for the response
with st.spinner('Invoking LLM ... '):
# get the context
chat_context = get_chat_context()
# Prefix the query with context
query_payload = chat_context +'\n\n Question: ' + prompt
response = llm.invoke(query_payload)
return response
### 6. Write the messages to chat_message container
# Write messages to the chat_message element
# This is needed as streamlit re-runs the entire script when user provides input in a widget
for msg in st.session_state[MESSAGES]:
### 7. Create the *chat_input* element to get the user query
# Interface for user input
prompt = st.chat_input(placeholder='Your input here')
### 8. Process the query received from user
if prompt:
# create user message and add to end of messages in the session
user_message = Message(role=USER, payload=prompt)
# Write the user prompt as chat message
# Invoke the LLM
response = get_llm_response(prompt)
# Create message object representing the response
assistant_message = Message(role=ASSISTANT, payload=response)
# Add the response message to the mesages array in the session
# Write the response as chat_message
### 9. Write out the current content of the context
st.subheader('st.session_state[MESSAGES] dump:')
# Print the state of the buffer
for msg in st.session_state[MESSAGES]:
st.text(msg.role + ' : ' + msg.payload)