# magic-string |
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Suppose you have some source code. You want to make some light modifications to it - replacing a few characters here and there, wrapping it with a header and footer, etc - and ideally you'd like to generate a [source map](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/) at the end of it. You've thought about using something like [recast](https://github.com/benjamn/recast) (which allows you to generate an AST from some JavaScript, manipulate it, and reprint it with a sourcemap without losing your comments and formatting), but it seems like overkill for your needs (or maybe the source code isn't JavaScript). |
Your requirements are, frankly, rather niche. But they're requirements that I also have, and for which I made magic-string. It's a small, fast utility for manipulating strings and generating sourcemaps. |
## Installation |
magic-string works in both node.js and browser environments. For node, install with npm: |
```bash |
npm i magic-string |
``` |
To use in browser, grab the [magic-string.umd.js](https://unpkg.com/magic-string/dist/magic-string.umd.js) file and add it to your page: |
```html |
<script src='magic-string.umd.js'></script> |
``` |
(It also works with various module systems, if you prefer that sort of thing - it has a dependency on [vlq](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/vlq).) |
## Usage |
These examples assume you're in node.js, or something similar: |
```js |
import MagicString from 'magic-string'; |
import fs from 'fs' |
const s = new MagicString('problems = 99'); |
s.update(0, 8, 'answer'); |
s.toString(); // 'answer = 99' |
s.update(11, 13, '42'); // character indices always refer to the original string |
s.toString(); // 'answer = 42' |
s.prepend('var ').append(';'); // most methods are chainable |
s.toString(); // 'var answer = 42;' |
const map = s.generateMap({ |
source: 'source.js', |
file: 'converted.js.map', |
includeContent: true |
}); // generates a v3 sourcemap |
fs.writeFileSync('converted.js', s.toString()); |
fs.writeFileSync('converted.js.map', map.toString()); |
``` |
You can pass an options argument: |
```js |
const s = new MagicString(someCode, { |
// these options will be used if you later call `bundle.addSource( s )` - see below |
filename: 'foo.js', |
indentExclusionRanges: [/*...*/], |
// market source as ignore in DevTools, see below #Bundling |
ignoreList: false |
}); |
``` |
## Methods |
### s.addSourcemapLocation( index ) |
Adds the specified character index (with respect to the original string) to sourcemap mappings, if `hires` is `false` (see below). |
### s.append( content ) |
Appends the specified content to the end of the string. Returns `this`. |
### s.appendLeft( index, content ) |
Appends the specified `content` at the `index` in the original string. If a range *ending* with `index` is subsequently moved, the insert will be moved with it. Returns `this`. See also `s.prependLeft(...)`. |
### s.appendRight( index, content ) |
Appends the specified `content` at the `index` in the original string. If a range *starting* with `index` is subsequently moved, the insert will be moved with it. Returns `this`. See also `s.prependRight(...)`. |
### s.clone() |
Does what you'd expect. |
### s.generateDecodedMap( options ) |
Generates a sourcemap object with raw mappings in array form, rather than encoded as a string. See `generateMap` documentation below for options details. Useful if you need to manipulate the sourcemap further, but most of the time you will use `generateMap` instead. |
### s.generateMap( options ) |
Generates a [version 3 sourcemap](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit). All options are, well, optional: |
* `file` - the filename where you plan to write the sourcemap |
* `source` - the filename of the file containing the original source |
* `includeContent` - whether to include the original content in the map's `sourcesContent` array |
* `hires` - whether the mapping should be high-resolution. Hi-res mappings map every single character, meaning (for example) your devtools will always be able to pinpoint the exact location of function calls and so on. With lo-res mappings, devtools may only be able to identify the correct line - but they're quicker to generate and less bulky. You can also set `"boundary"` to generate a semi-hi-res mappings segmented per word boundary instead of per character, suitable for string semantics that are separated by words. If sourcemap locations have been specified with `s.addSourcemapLocation()`, they will be used here. |
The returned sourcemap has two (non-enumerable) methods attached for convenience: |
* `toString` - returns the equivalent of `JSON.stringify(map)` |
* `toUrl` - returns a DataURI containing the sourcemap. Useful for doing this sort of thing: |
```js |
code += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + map.toUrl(); |
``` |
### s.hasChanged() |
Indicates if the string has been changed. |
### s.indent( prefix[, options] ) |
Prefixes each line of the string with `prefix`. If `prefix` is not supplied, the indentation will be guessed from the original content, falling back to a single tab character. Returns `this`. |
The `options` argument can have an `exclude` property, which is an array of `[start, end]` character ranges. These ranges will be excluded from the indentation - useful for (e.g.) multiline strings. |
### s.insertLeft( index, content ) |
**DEPRECATED** since 0.17 β use `s.appendLeft(...)` instead |
### s.insertRight( index, content ) |
**DEPRECATED** since 0.17 β use `s.prependRight(...)` instead |
### s.isEmpty() |
Returns true if the resulting source is empty (disregarding white space). |
### s.locate( index ) |
**DEPRECATED** since 0.10 β see [#30](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/magic-string/pull/30) |
### s.locateOrigin( index ) |
**DEPRECATED** since 0.10 β see [#30](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/magic-string/pull/30) |
### s.move( start, end, index ) |
Moves the characters from `start` and `end` to `index`. Returns `this`. |
### s.overwrite( start, end, content[, options] ) |
Replaces the characters from `start` to `end` with `content`, along with the appended/prepended content in that range. The same restrictions as `s.remove()` apply. Returns `this`. |
The fourth argument is optional. It can have a `storeName` property β if `true`, the original name will be stored for later inclusion in a sourcemap's `names` array β and a `contentOnly` property which determines whether only the content is overwritten, or anything that was appended/prepended to the range as well. |
It may be preferred to use `s.update(...)` instead if you wish to avoid overwriting the appended/prepended content. |
### s.prepend( content ) |
Prepends the string with the specified content. Returns `this`. |
### s.prependLeft ( index, content ) |
Same as `s.appendLeft(...)`, except that the inserted content will go *before* any previous appends or prepends at `index` |
### s.prependRight ( index, content ) |
Same as `s.appendRight(...)`, except that the inserted content will go *before* any previous appends or prepends at `index` |
### s.replace( regexpOrString, substitution ) |
String replacement with RegExp or string. When using a RegExp, replacer function is also supported. Returns `this`. |
```ts |
import MagicString from 'magic-string' |
const s = new MagicString(source) |
s.replace('foo', 'bar') |
s.replace(/foo/g, 'bar') |
s.replace(/(\w)(\d+)/g, (_, $1, $2) => $1.toUpperCase() + $2) |
``` |
The differences from [`String.replace`]((https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/replace)): |
- It will always match against the **original string** |
- It mutates the magic string state (use `.clone()` to be immutable) |
### s.replaceAll( regexpOrString, substitution ) |
Same as `s.replace`, but replace all matched strings instead of just one. |
If `substitution` is a regex, then it must have the global (`g`) flag set, or a `TypeError` is thrown. Matches the behavior of the bultin [`String.property.replaceAll`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/replaceAll). |
### s.remove( start, end ) |
Removes the characters from `start` to `end` (of the original string, **not** the generated string). Removing the same content twice, or making removals that partially overlap, will cause an error. Returns `this`. |
### s.slice( start, end ) |
Returns the content of the generated string that corresponds to the slice between `start` and `end` of the original string. Throws error if the indices are for characters that were already removed. |
### s.snip( start, end ) |
Returns a clone of `s`, with all content before the `start` and `end` characters of the original string removed. |
### s.toString() |
Returns the generated string. |
### s.trim([ charType ]) |
Trims content matching `charType` (defaults to `\s`, i.e. whitespace) from the start and end. Returns `this`. |
### s.trimStart([ charType ]) |
Trims content matching `charType` (defaults to `\s`, i.e. whitespace) from the start. Returns `this`. |
### s.trimEnd([ charType ]) |
Trims content matching `charType` (defaults to `\s`, i.e. whitespace) from the end. Returns `this`. |
### s.trimLines() |
Removes empty lines from the start and end. Returns `this`. |
### s.update( start, end, content[, options] ) |
Replaces the characters from `start` to `end` with `content`. The same restrictions as `s.remove()` apply. Returns `this`. |
The fourth argument is optional. It can have a `storeName` property β if `true`, the original name will be stored for later inclusion in a sourcemap's `names` array β and an `overwrite` property which defaults to `false` and determines whether anything that was appended/prepended to the range will be overwritten along with the original content. |
`s.update(start, end, content)` is equivalent to `s.overwrite(start, end, content, { contentOnly: true })`. |
## Bundling |
To concatenate several sources, use `MagicString.Bundle`: |
```js |
const bundle = new MagicString.Bundle(); |
bundle.addSource({ |
filename: 'foo.js', |
content: new MagicString('var answer = 42;') |
}); |
bundle.addSource({ |
filename: 'bar.js', |
content: new MagicString('console.log( answer )') |
}); |
// Sources can be marked as ignore-listed, which provides a hint to debuggers |
// to not step into this code and also don't show the source files depending |
// on user preferences. |
bundle.addSource({ |
filename: 'some-3rdparty-library.js', |
content: new MagicString('function myLib(){}'), |
ignoreList: false // <-- |
}) |
// Advanced: a source can include an `indentExclusionRanges` property |
// alongside `filename` and `content`. This will be passed to `s.indent()` |
// - see documentation above |
bundle.indent() // optionally, pass an indent string, otherwise it will be guessed |
.prepend('(function () {\n') |
.append('}());'); |
bundle.toString(); |
// (function () { |
// var answer = 42; |
// console.log( answer ); |
// }()); |
// options are as per `s.generateMap()` above |
const map = bundle.generateMap({ |
file: 'bundle.js', |
includeContent: true, |
hires: true |
}); |
``` |
As an alternative syntax, if you a) don't have `filename` or `indentExclusionRanges` options, or b) passed those in when you used `new MagicString(...)`, you can simply pass the `MagicString` instance itself: |
```js |
const bundle = new MagicString.Bundle(); |
const source = new MagicString(someCode, { |
filename: 'foo.js' |
}); |
bundle.addSource(source); |
``` |
## License |