update the version of the bundled Javascript files to es2020.
include all const enum values in the bundled JavaScript files (ScanError, SyntaxKind, ParseErrorCode).
3.1.0 2022-07-07
added new API FormattingOptions.keepLines : It leaves the initial line positions in the formatting.
3.0.0 2020-11-13
fixed API spec for parseTree. Can return undefine for empty input.
added new API FormattingOptions.insertFinalNewline.
2.3.0 2020-07-03
new API ModificationOptions.isArrayInsertion: If JSONPath refers to an index of an array and isArrayInsertion is true, then modify will insert a new item at that location instead of overwriting its contents.
ModificationOptions.formattingOptions is now optional. If not set, newly inserted content will not be formatted.
2.2.0 2019-10-25
added ParseOptions.allowEmptyContent. Default is false.
new API getNodeType: Returns the type of a value returned by parse.
parse: Fix issue with empty property name
2.1.0 2019-03-29
JSONScanner and JSONVisitor return lineNumber / character.
2.0.0 2018-04-12
renamed Node.columnOffset to Node.colonOffset
new API getNodePath: Gets the JSON path of the given JSON DOM node
new API findNodeAtOffset: Finds the most inner node at the given offset. If includeRightBound is set, also finds nodes that end at the given offset.
1.0.3 2018-03-07
provide ems modules
1.0.2 2018-03-05
added the visit.onComment API, reported when comments are allowed.
added the ParseErrorCode.InvalidCommentToken enum value, reported when comments are disallowed.
added the format API: computes edits to format a JSON document.
added the modify API: computes edits to insert, remove or replace a property or value in a JSON document.
added the allyEdits API: applies edits to a document
fix for getLocation. Now getLocation inside an object will always return a property from inside that property. Can be empty string if the object has no properties or if the offset is before a actual property { "a": { | }} will return location ['a', ' ']