from __future__ import annotations | |
import io | |
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, replace | |
from functools import cached_property | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from typing import Sequence, TypeVar, Union | |
import biotite.structure as bs | |
import brotli | |
import msgpack | |
import msgpack_numpy | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from Bio.Data import PDBData | |
from biotite.application.dssp import DsspApp | |
from biotite.database import rcsb | |
from import NpzFile | |
from import PDBFile | |
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform | |
from torch import Tensor | |
from esm.utils import residue_constants as RC | |
from esm.utils.constants import esm3 as C | |
from esm.utils.misc import slice_python_object_as_numpy | |
from esm.utils.structure.affine3d import Affine3D | |
from esm.utils.structure.aligner import Aligner | |
from esm.utils.structure.lddt import compute_lddt_ca | |
from esm.utils.structure.normalize_coordinates import ( | |
apply_frame_to_coords, | |
get_protein_normalization_frame, | |
normalize_coordinates, | |
) | |
msgpack_numpy.patch() | |
ArrayOrTensor = TypeVar("ArrayOrTensor", np.ndarray, Tensor) | |
PathLike = Union[str, Path] | |
PathOrBuffer = Union[PathLike, io.StringIO] | |
def index_by_atom_name( | |
atom37: ArrayOrTensor, atom_names: str | list[str], dim: int = -2 | |
) -> ArrayOrTensor: | |
squeeze = False | |
if isinstance(atom_names, str): | |
atom_names = [atom_names] | |
squeeze = True | |
indices = [RC.atom_order[atom_name] for atom_name in atom_names] | |
dim = dim % atom37.ndim | |
index = tuple(slice(None) if dim != i else indices for i in range(atom37.ndim)) | |
result = atom37[index] # type: ignore | |
if squeeze: | |
result = result.squeeze(dim) | |
return result | |
def infer_CB(C, N, Ca, L: float = 1.522, A: float = 1.927, D: float = -2.143): | |
""" | |
Inspired by a util in trDesign: | | | |
input: 3 coords (a,b,c), (L)ength, (A)ngle, and (D)ihedral | |
output: 4th coord | |
""" | |
norm = lambda x: x / np.sqrt(np.square(x).sum(-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8) | |
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # inf - inf = nan is ok here | |
vec_bc = N - Ca | |
vec_ba = N - C | |
bc = norm(vec_bc) | |
n = norm(np.cross(vec_ba, bc)) | |
m = [bc, np.cross(n, bc), n] | |
d = [L * np.cos(A), L * np.sin(A) * np.cos(D), -L * np.sin(A) * np.sin(D)] | |
return Ca + sum([m * d for m, d in zip(m, d)]) | |
class AtomIndexer: | |
def __init__(self, structure: ProteinChain, property: str, dim: int): | |
self.structure = structure | | = property | |
self.dim = dim | |
def __getitem__(self, atom_names: str | list[str]) -> np.ndarray: | |
return index_by_atom_name( | |
getattr(self.structure,, atom_names, self.dim | |
) | |
class ProteinChain: | |
"""Dataclass with atom37 representation of a single protein chain.""" | |
id: str | |
sequence: str | |
chain_id: str # author chain id | |
entity_id: int | None | |
residue_index: np.ndarray | |
insertion_code: np.ndarray | |
atom37_positions: np.ndarray | |
atom37_mask: np.ndarray | |
confidence: np.ndarray | |
def __post_init__(self): | |
self.atom37_mask = self.atom37_mask.astype(bool) | |
assert self.atom37_positions.shape[0] == len(self.sequence), ( | |
self.atom37_positions.shape, | |
len(self.sequence), | |
) | |
assert self.atom37_mask.shape[0] == len(self.sequence), ( | |
self.atom37_mask.shape, | |
len(self.sequence), | |
) | |
assert self.residue_index.shape[0] == len(self.sequence), ( | |
self.residue_index.shape, | |
len(self.sequence), | |
) | |
assert self.insertion_code.shape[0] == len(self.sequence), ( | |
self.insertion_code.shape, | |
len(self.sequence), | |
) | |
assert self.confidence.shape[0] == len(self.sequence), ( | |
self.confidence.shape, | |
len(self.sequence), | |
) | |
def atoms(self) -> AtomIndexer: | |
return AtomIndexer(self, property="atom37_positions", dim=-2) | |
def atom_mask(self) -> AtomIndexer: | |
return AtomIndexer(self, property="atom37_mask", dim=-1) | |
def atom_array(self) -> bs.AtomArray: | |
atoms = [] | |
for res_name, res_idx, ins_code, positions, mask, conf in zip( | |
self.sequence, | |
self.residue_index, | |
self.insertion_code, | |
self.atom37_positions, | |
self.atom37_mask.astype(bool), | |
self.confidence, | |
): | |
for i, pos in zip(np.where(mask)[0], positions[mask]): | |
atom = bs.Atom( | |
coord=pos, | |
chain_id="A" if self.chain_id is None else self.chain_id, | |
res_id=res_idx, | |
ins_code=ins_code, | |
res_name=RC.restype_1to3.get(res_name, "UNK"), | |
hetero=False, | |
atom_name=RC.atom_types[i], | |
element=RC.atom_types[i][0], | |
b_factor=conf, | |
) | |
atoms.append(atom) | |
return bs.array(atoms) | |
def residue_index_no_insertions(self) -> np.ndarray: | |
return self.residue_index + np.cumsum(self.insertion_code != "") | |
def atom_array_no_insertions(self) -> bs.AtomArray: | |
atoms = [] | |
for res_idx, (res_name, positions, mask, conf) in enumerate( | |
zip( | |
self.sequence, | |
self.atom37_positions, | |
self.atom37_mask.astype(bool), | |
self.confidence, | |
) | |
): | |
for i, pos in zip(np.where(mask)[0], positions[mask]): | |
atom = bs.Atom( | |
coord=pos, | |
# hard coded to as we currently only support single chain structures | |
chain_id=CHAIN_ID_CONST, | |
res_id=res_idx + 1, | |
res_name=RC.restype_1to3.get(res_name, "UNK"), | |
hetero=False, | |
atom_name=RC.atom_types[i], | |
element=RC.atom_types[i][0], | |
b_factor=conf, | |
) | |
atoms.append(atom) | |
return bs.array(atoms) | |
def __getitem__(self, idx: int | list[int] | slice | np.ndarray): | |
if isinstance(idx, int): | |
idx = [idx] | |
sequence = slice_python_object_as_numpy(self.sequence, idx) | |
return replace( | |
self, | |
sequence=sequence, | |
residue_index=self.residue_index[..., idx], | |
insertion_code=self.insertion_code[..., idx], | |
atom37_positions=self.atom37_positions[..., idx, :, :], | |
atom37_mask=self.atom37_mask[..., idx, :], | |
confidence=self.confidence[..., idx], | |
) | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len(self.sequence) | |
def cbeta_contacts(self, distance_threshold: float = 8.0) -> np.ndarray: | |
distance = self.pdist_CB | |
contacts = (distance < distance_threshold).astype(np.int64) | |
contacts[np.isnan(distance)] = -1 | |
contacts = squareform(contacts) | |
np.fill_diagonal(contacts, -1) | |
return contacts | |
def to_npz(self, path: PathOrBuffer): | |
f = NpzFile() | |
f.set_structure(self.atom_array) | |
f.write(path) | |
def to_npz_string(self): | |
f = NpzFile() | |
f.set_structure(self.atom_array) | |
buf = io.BytesIO() | |
f.write(buf) | |
return buf.getvalue() | |
def to_structure_encoder_inputs( | |
self, | |
should_normalize_coordinates: bool = True, | |
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: | |
coords = torch.tensor(self.atom37_positions, dtype=torch.float32) | |
plddt = torch.tensor(self.confidence, dtype=torch.float32) | |
residue_index = torch.tensor(self.residue_index, dtype=torch.long) | |
if should_normalize_coordinates: | |
coords = normalize_coordinates(coords) | |
return coords.unsqueeze(0), plddt.unsqueeze(0), residue_index.unsqueeze(0) | |
def to_pdb(self, path: PathOrBuffer, include_insertions: bool = True): | |
"""Dssp works better w/o insertions.""" | |
f = PDBFile() | |
if not include_insertions: | |
f.set_structure(self.atom_array_no_insertions) | |
else: | |
f.set_structure(self.atom_array) | |
f.write(path) | |
def to_pdb_string(self, include_insertions: bool = True) -> str: | |
buf = io.StringIO() | |
self.to_pdb(buf, include_insertions=include_insertions) | | | |
return | |
def state_dict(self, backbone_only=False): | |
"""This state dict is optimized for storage, so it turns things to fp16 whenever | |
possible. Note that we also only support int32 residue indices, I'm hoping we don't | |
need more than 2**32 residues...""" | |
dct = {k: v for k, v in asdict(self).items()} | |
for k, v in dct.items(): | |
if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): | |
match v.dtype: | |
case np.int64: | |
dct[k] = v.astype(np.int32) | |
case np.float64 | np.float32: | |
dct[k] = v.astype(np.float16) | |
case _: | |
pass | |
if backbone_only: | |
dct["atom37_mask"][:, 3:] = False | |
dct["atom37_positions"] = dct["atom37_positions"][dct["atom37_mask"]] | |
return dct | |
def to_blob(self, backbone_only=False) -> bytes: | |
return brotli.compress(msgpack.dumps(self.state_dict(backbone_only))) | |
def from_state_dict(cls, dct): | |
atom37 = np.full((*dct["atom37_mask"].shape, 3), np.nan) | |
atom37[dct["atom37_mask"]] = dct["atom37_positions"] | |
dct["atom37_positions"] = atom37 | |
dct = { | |
k: (v.astype(np.float32) if k in ["atom37_positions", "confidence"] else v) | |
for k, v in dct.items() | |
} | |
return cls(**dct) | |
def from_blob(cls, input: Path | str | io.BytesIO | bytes): | |
"""NOTE: blob + sparse coding + brotli + fp16 reduces memory | |
of chains from 52G/1M chains to 20G/1M chains, I think this is a good first | |
shot at compressing and dumping chains to disk. I'm sure there's better ways.""" | |
match input: | |
case Path() | str(): | |
bytes = Path(input).read_bytes() | |
case io.BytesIO(): | |
bytes = input.getvalue() | |
case _: | |
bytes = input | |
return cls.from_state_dict(msgpack.loads(brotli.decompress(bytes))) | |
def dssp(self): | |
dssp = DsspApp.annotate_sse(self.atom_array_no_insertions) | |
full_dssp = np.full(len(self.sequence), "X", dtype="<U1") | |
full_dssp[self.atom37_mask.any(-1)] = dssp | |
return full_dssp | |
def sasa(self): | |
arr = self.atom_array_no_insertions | |
sasa_per_atom = bs.sasa(arr) # type: ignore | |
# Sum per-atom SASA into residue "bins", with np.bincount. | |
assert arr.res_id is not None | |
assert np.array_equal( | |
np.sort(np.unique(arr.res_id)), np.arange(1, arr.res_id.max() + 1) | |
), "SASA calculation expected contiguous res_ids in range(1, len(chain)+1)" | |
# NOTE: arr.res_id is 1-indexed, but np.bincount returns a sum for bin 0, so we strip. | |
sasa_per_residue = np.bincount(arr.res_id, weights=sasa_per_atom)[1:] | |
assert len(sasa_per_residue) == len(self) | |
return sasa_per_residue | |
def align( | |
self, | |
target: ProteinChain, | |
mobile_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, | |
target_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, | |
only_use_backbone: bool = False, | |
): | |
""" | |
Aligns the current protein to the provided target. | |
Args: | |
target (ProteinChain): The target protein to align to. | |
mobile_inds (list[int], np.ndarray, optional): The indices of the mobile atoms to align. These are NOT residue indices | |
target_inds (list[int], np.ndarray, optional): The indices of the target atoms to align. These are NOT residue indices | |
only_use_backbone (bool, optional): If True, only align the backbone atoms. | |
""" | |
aligner = Aligner( | |
self if mobile_inds is None else self[mobile_inds], | |
target if target_inds is None else target[target_inds], | |
only_use_backbone, | |
) | |
return aligner.apply(self) | |
def rmsd( | |
self, | |
target: ProteinChain, | |
also_check_reflection: bool = False, | |
mobile_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, | |
target_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, | |
only_compute_backbone_rmsd: bool = False, | |
): | |
""" | |
Compute the RMSD between this protein chain and another. | |
Args: | |
target (ProteinChain): The target (other) protein chain to compare to. | |
also_check_reflection (bool, optional): If True, also check if the reflection of the mobile atoms has a lower RMSD. | |
mobile_inds (list[int], optional): The indices of the mobile atoms to align. These are NOT residue indices | |
target_inds (list[int], optional): The indices of the target atoms to align. These are NOT residue indices | |
only_compute_backbone_rmsd (bool, optional): If True, only compute the RMSD of the backbone atoms. | |
""" | |
if isinstance(target, bs.AtomArray): | |
raise ValueError( | |
"Support for bs.AtomArray removed, use " | |
"ProteinChain.from_atomarry for ProteinChain." | |
) | |
aligner = Aligner( | |
self if mobile_inds is None else self[mobile_inds], | |
target if target_inds is None else target[target_inds], | |
only_compute_backbone_rmsd, | |
) | |
avg_rmsd = aligner.rmsd | |
if not also_check_reflection: | |
return avg_rmsd | |
aligner = Aligner( | |
self if mobile_inds is None else self[mobile_inds], | |
target if target_inds is None else target[target_inds], | |
only_compute_backbone_rmsd, | |
use_reflection=True, | |
) | |
avg_rmsd_neg = aligner.rmsd | |
return min(avg_rmsd, avg_rmsd_neg) | |
def lddt_ca( | |
self, | |
target: ProteinChain, | |
mobile_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, | |
target_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, | |
**kwargs, | |
) -> float | np.ndarray: | |
"""Compute the LDDT between this protein chain and another. | |
Arguments: | |
target (ProteinChain): The other protein chain to compare to. | |
mobile_inds (list[int], np.ndarray, optional): The indices of the mobile atoms to align. These are NOT residue indices | |
target_inds (list[int], np.ndarray, optional): The indices of the target atoms to align. These are NOT residue indices | |
Returns: | |
float | np.ndarray: The LDDT score between the two protein chains, either | |
a single float or per-residue LDDT scores if `per_residue` is True. | |
""" | |
lddt = compute_lddt_ca( | |
torch.tensor(self.atom37_positions[mobile_inds]).unsqueeze(0), | |
torch.tensor(target.atom37_positions[target_inds]).unsqueeze(0), | |
torch.tensor(self.atom37_mask[mobile_inds]).unsqueeze(0), | |
**kwargs, | |
) | |
return float(lddt) if lddt.numel() == 1 else lddt.numpy().flatten() | |
def from_atom37( | |
cls, | |
atom37_positions: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, | |
*, | |
id: str | None = None, | |
sequence: str | None = None, | |
chain_id: str | None = None, | |
entity_id: int | None = None, | |
residue_index: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None = None, | |
insertion_code: np.ndarray | None = None, | |
confidence: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | None = None, | |
): | |
if isinstance(atom37_positions, torch.Tensor): | |
atom37_positions = atom37_positions.cpu().numpy() | |
if atom37_positions.ndim == 4: | |
if atom37_positions.shape[0] != 1: | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"Cannot handle batched inputs, atom37_positions has shape {atom37_positions.shape}" | |
) | |
atom37_positions = atom37_positions[0] | |
assert isinstance(atom37_positions, np.ndarray) | |
seqlen = atom37_positions.shape[0] | |
atom_mask = np.isfinite(atom37_positions).all(-1) | |
if id is None: | |
id = "" | |
if sequence is None: | |
sequence = "A" * seqlen | |
if chain_id is None: | |
chain_id = "A" | |
if residue_index is None: | |
residue_index = np.arange(1, seqlen + 1) | |
elif isinstance(residue_index, torch.Tensor): | |
residue_index = residue_index.cpu().numpy() | |
assert isinstance(residue_index, np.ndarray) | |
if residue_index.ndim == 2: | |
if residue_index.shape[0] != 1: | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"Cannot handle batched inputs, residue_index has shape {residue_index.shape}" | |
) | |
residue_index = residue_index[0] | |
assert isinstance(residue_index, np.ndarray) | |
if insertion_code is None: | |
insertion_code = np.array(["" for _ in range(seqlen)]) | |
if confidence is None: | |
confidence = np.ones(seqlen, dtype=np.float32) | |
elif isinstance(confidence, torch.Tensor): | |
confidence = confidence.cpu().numpy() | |
assert isinstance(confidence, np.ndarray) | |
if confidence.ndim == 2: | |
if confidence.shape[0] != 1: | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"Cannot handle batched inputs, confidence has shape {confidence.shape}" | |
) | |
confidence = confidence[0] | |
assert isinstance(confidence, np.ndarray) | |
return cls( | |
id=id, | |
sequence=sequence, | |
chain_id=chain_id, | |
entity_id=entity_id, | |
atom37_positions=atom37_positions, | |
atom37_mask=atom_mask, | |
residue_index=residue_index, | |
insertion_code=insertion_code, | |
confidence=confidence, | |
) | |
def from_backbone_atom_coordinates( | |
cls, | |
backbone_atom_coordinates: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, | |
**kwargs, | |
): | |
"""Create a ProteinChain from a set of backbone atom coordinates. | |
This function simply expands the seqlen x 3 x 3 array of backbone atom | |
coordinates to a seqlen x 37 x 3 array of all atom coordinates, with the padded | |
positions set to infinity. This allows us to use from_atom37 to create the | |
appropriate ProteinChain object with the appropriate atom37_mask. | |
This function passes all kwargs to from_atom37. | |
""" | |
if isinstance(backbone_atom_coordinates, torch.Tensor): | |
backbone_atom_coordinates = backbone_atom_coordinates.cpu().numpy() | |
if backbone_atom_coordinates.ndim == 4: | |
if backbone_atom_coordinates.shape[0] != 1: | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"Cannot handle batched inputs, backbone_atom_coordinates has " | |
f"shape {backbone_atom_coordinates.shape}" | |
) | |
backbone_atom_coordinates = backbone_atom_coordinates[0] | |
assert isinstance(backbone_atom_coordinates, np.ndarray) | |
assert backbone_atom_coordinates.ndim == 3 | |
assert backbone_atom_coordinates.shape[-2] == 3 | |
assert backbone_atom_coordinates.shape[-1] == 3 | |
atom37_positions = np.full( | |
(backbone_atom_coordinates.shape[0], 37, 3), | |
np.inf, | |
dtype=backbone_atom_coordinates.dtype, | |
) | |
atom37_positions[:, :3, :] = backbone_atom_coordinates | |
return cls.from_atom37( | |
atom37_positions=atom37_positions, | |
**kwargs, | |
) | |
def from_pdb( | |
cls, | |
path: PathOrBuffer, | |
chain_id: str = "detect", | |
id: str | None = None, | |
is_predicted: bool = False, | |
) -> "ProteinChain": | |
"""Return a ProteinStructure object from an pdb file. | |
Args: | |
path (str | Path | io.TextIO): Path or buffer to read pdb file from. Should be uncompressed. | |
id (str, optional): String identifier to assign to structure. Will attempt to infer otherwise. | |
is_predicted (bool): If True, reads b factor as the confidence readout. Default: False. | |
chain_id (str, optional): Select a chain corresponding to (author) chain id. "detect" uses the | |
first detected chain | |
""" | |
if id is not None: | |
file_id = id | |
else: | |
match path: | |
case Path() | str(): | |
file_id = Path(path).with_suffix("").name | |
case _: | |
file_id = "null" | |
atom_array = | |
model=1, extra_fields=["b_factor"] | |
) | |
if chain_id == "detect": | |
chain_id = atom_array.chain_id[0] | |
atom_array = atom_array[ | |
bs.filter_amino_acids(atom_array) | |
& ~atom_array.hetero | |
& (atom_array.chain_id == chain_id) | |
] | |
entity_id = 1 # Not supplied in PDBfiles | |
sequence = "".join( | |
( | |
r | |
if len(r := PDBData.protein_letters_3to1.get(monomer[0].res_name, "X")) | |
== 1 | |
else "X" | |
) | |
for monomer in bs.residue_iter(atom_array) | |
) | |
num_res = len(sequence) | |
atom_positions = np.full( | |
[num_res, RC.atom_type_num, 3], | |
np.nan, | |
dtype=np.float32, | |
) | |
atom_mask = np.full( | |
[num_res, RC.atom_type_num], | |
False, | |
dtype=bool, | |
) | |
residue_index = np.full([num_res], -1, dtype=np.int64) | |
insertion_code = np.full([num_res], "", dtype="<U4") | |
confidence = np.ones( | |
[num_res], | |
dtype=np.float32, | |
) | |
for i, res in enumerate(bs.residue_iter(atom_array)): | |
chain = atom_array[atom_array.chain_id == chain_id] | |
assert isinstance(chain, bs.AtomArray) | |
res_index = res[0].res_id | |
residue_index[i] = res_index | |
insertion_code[i] = res[0].ins_code | |
# Atom level features | |
for atom in res: | |
atom_name = atom.atom_name | |
if atom_name == "SE" and atom.res_name == "MSE": | |
# Put the coords of the selenium atom in the sulphur column | |
atom_name = "SD" | |
if atom_name in RC.atom_order: | |
atom_positions[i, RC.atom_order[atom_name]] = atom.coord | |
atom_mask[i, RC.atom_order[atom_name]] = True | |
if is_predicted and atom_name == "CA": | |
confidence[i] = atom.b_factor | |
assert all(sequence), "Some residue name was not specified correctly" | |
return cls( | |
id=file_id, | |
sequence=sequence, | |
chain_id=chain_id, | |
entity_id=entity_id, | |
atom37_positions=atom_positions, | |
atom37_mask=atom_mask, | |
residue_index=residue_index, | |
insertion_code=insertion_code, | |
confidence=confidence, | |
) | |
def from_rcsb( | |
cls, | |
pdb_id: str, | |
chain_id: str = "detect", | |
): | |
f: io.StringIO = rcsb.fetch(pdb_id, "pdb") # type: ignore | |
return cls.from_pdb(f, chain_id=chain_id, id=pdb_id) | |
def from_atomarray( | |
cls, | |
atom_array: bs.AtomArray, | |
id: str | None = None, | |
) -> "ProteinChain": | |
"""A simple converter from bs.AtomArray -> ProteinChain. | |
Uses PDB file format as intermediate.""" | |
pdb_file = # pyright: ignore | |
pdb_file.set_structure(atom_array) | |
buf = io.StringIO() | |
pdb_file.write(buf) | | | |
return cls.from_pdb(buf, id=id) | |
def get_normalization_frame(self) -> Affine3D: | |
"""Given a set of coordinates, compute a single frame. | |
Specifically, we compute the average position of the N, CA, and C atoms use those 3 points to construct a frame using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. The average CA position is used as the origin of the frame. | |
Returns: | |
Affine3D: [] tensor of Affine3D frame | |
""" | |
coords = torch.from_numpy(self.atom37_positions) | |
frame = get_protein_normalization_frame(coords) | |
return frame | |
def apply_frame(self, frame: Affine3D) -> ProteinChain: | |
"""Given a frame, apply the frame to the protein's coordinates. | |
Args: | |
frame (Affine3D): [] tensor of Affine3D frame | |
Returns: | |
ProteinChain: Transformed protein chain | |
""" | |
coords = torch.from_numpy(self.atom37_positions).to(frame.trans.dtype) | |
coords = apply_frame_to_coords(coords, frame) | |
atom37_positions = coords.numpy() | |
return replace(self, atom37_positions=atom37_positions) | |
def normalize_coordinates(self) -> ProteinChain: | |
"""Normalize the coordinates of the protein chain.""" | |
return self.apply_frame(self.get_normalization_frame()) | |
def infer_oxygen(self) -> ProteinChain: | |
"""Oxygen position is fixed given N, CA, C atoms. Infer it if not provided.""" | |
O_vector = torch.tensor([0.6240, -1.0613, 0.0103], dtype=torch.float32) | |
N, CA, C = torch.from_numpy(self.atoms[["N", "CA", "C"]]).float().unbind(dim=1) | |
N = torch.roll(N, -3) | |
N[..., -1, :] = torch.nan | |
# Get the frame defined by the CA-C-N atom | |
frames = Affine3D.from_graham_schmidt(CA, C, N) | |
O = frames.apply(O_vector) | |
atom37_positions = self.atom37_positions.copy() | |
atom37_mask = self.atom37_mask.copy() | |
atom37_positions[:, RC.atom_order["O"]] = O.numpy() | |
atom37_mask[:, RC.atom_order["O"]] = ~np.isnan( | |
atom37_positions[:, RC.atom_order["O"]] | |
).any(-1) | |
new_chain = replace( | |
self, atom37_positions=atom37_positions, atom37_mask=atom37_mask | |
) | |
return new_chain | |
def inferred_cbeta(self) -> np.ndarray: | |
"""Infer cbeta positions based on N, C, CA.""" | |
N, CA, C = np.moveaxis(self.atoms[["N", "CA", "C"]], 1, 0) | |
# See usage in trDesign codebase. | |
# | |
CB = infer_CB(C, N, CA, 1.522, 1.927, -2.143) | |
return CB | |
def infer_cbeta(self, infer_cbeta_for_glycine: bool = False) -> ProteinChain: | |
"""Return a new chain with inferred CB atoms at all residues except GLY. | |
Args: | |
infer_cbeta_for_glycine (bool): If True, infers a beta carbon for glycine | |
residues, even though that residue doesn't have one. Default off. | |
NOTE: The reason for having this switch in the first place | |
is that sometimes we want a (inferred) CB coordinate for every residue, | |
for example for making a pairwise distance matrix, or doing an RMSD | |
calculation between two designs for a given structural template, w/ | |
CB atoms. | |
""" | |
atom37_positions = self.atom37_positions.copy() | |
atom37_mask = self.atom37_mask.copy() | |
inferred_cbeta_positions = self.inferred_cbeta | |
if not infer_cbeta_for_glycine: | |
inferred_cbeta_positions[np.array(list(self.sequence)) == "G", :] = np.NAN | |
atom37_positions[:, RC.atom_order["CB"]] = inferred_cbeta_positions | |
atom37_mask[:, RC.atom_order["CB"]] = ~np.isnan( | |
atom37_positions[:, RC.atom_order["CB"]] | |
).any(-1) | |
new_chain = replace( | |
self, atom37_positions=atom37_positions, atom37_mask=atom37_mask | |
) | |
return new_chain | |
def pdist_CA(self) -> np.ndarray: | |
CA = self.atoms["CA"] | |
pdist_CA = squareform(pdist(CA)) | |
return pdist_CA | |
def pdist_CB(self) -> np.ndarray: | |
pdist_CB = squareform(pdist(self.inferred_cbeta)) | |
return pdist_CB | |
def as_complex(cls, chains: Sequence[ProteinChain]): | |
raise RuntimeError( | |
".as_complex() has been deprecated in favor of .concat(). " | |
".concat() will eventually be deprecated in favor of ProteinComplex..." | |
) | |
def concat(cls, chains: Sequence[ProteinChain]): | |
def join_arrays(arrays: Sequence[np.ndarray], sep: np.ndarray): | |
full_array = [] | |
for array in arrays: | |
full_array.append(array) | |
full_array.append(sep) | |
full_array = full_array[:-1] | |
return np.concatenate(full_array, 0) | |
sep_tokens = { | |
"residue_index": np.array([-1]), | |
"insertion_code": np.array([""]), | |
"atom37_positions": np.full([1, 37, 3], np.inf), | |
"atom37_mask": np.zeros([1, 37]), | |
"confidence": np.array([0]), | |
} | |
array_args: dict[str, np.ndarray] = { | |
name: join_arrays([getattr(chain, name) for chain in chains], sep) | |
for name, sep in sep_tokens.items() | |
} | |
return cls( | |
id=chains[0].id, | |
sequence=C.CHAIN_BREAK_STR.join(chain.sequence for chain in chains), | |
chain_id="A", | |
entity_id=None, | |
**array_args, | |
) | |
def select_residue_indices( | |
self, indices: list[int | str], ignore_x_mismatch: bool = False | |
) -> ProteinChain: | |
numeric_indices = [ | |
idx if isinstance(idx, int) else int(idx[1:]) for idx in indices | |
] | |
mask = np.isin(self.residue_index, numeric_indices) | |
new = self[mask] | |
mismatches = [] | |
for aa, idx in zip(new.sequence, indices): | |
if isinstance(idx, int): | |
continue | |
if aa == "X" and ignore_x_mismatch: | |
continue | |
if aa != idx[0]: | |
mismatches.append((aa, idx)) | |
if mismatches: | |
mismatch_str = "; ".join( | |
f"Position {idx[1:]}, Expected: {idx[0]}, Received: {aa}" | |
for aa, idx in mismatches | |
) | |
raise RuntimeError(mismatch_str) | |
return new | |