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App.R runs both the ui and server side of the add and loads necessary objects in R/setup.R. Shiny App working locally, but errors when pushing to ShinyApps.io.

The aim of this Shiny app is to provide decision support for the Reimagining San Francisco Initiative

This Shiny App takes:

Long/Lat on a mac by a users click OR typing of adress using geocoder.

Select a travel time and transportation code to calculate isochromes

The background then allows to identify biodiversity around a calculted isochrome as well as socio-economic and environmental variables

It further calculates a summary table of the GBIF data located within the isochrome

Next steps: Optimize preanno of sf gbif and cbg

Add Imp Surf, Walking Scores, SVI to cbg_sf

Add community grass root partner orgs locations

Get images to work

Public transport ddata

Calculate accessability matrix for SF

Show difference on the day