added files
history blame
13 kB
import os
import torch
import pickle
import argparse
import numpy as np
from helper import *
from PIL import Image
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from config.GlobalVariables import *
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
from SynthesisNetwork import SynthesisNetwork
from DataLoader import DataLoader
def main(params):
device = 'cpu'
dl = DataLoader(num_writer=1, num_samples=10, divider=5.0, datadir='./data/writers')
net = SynthesisNetwork(weight_dim=256, num_layers=3).to(device)
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
try: # retrained model also contains loss in dict
net.load_state_dict(torch.load('./model/', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))["model_state_dict"])
net.load_state_dict(torch.load('./model/', map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
[_, _, _, _, _, _, all_word_level_stroke_in, all_word_level_stroke_out, all_word_level_stroke_length, all_word_level_term, all_word_level_char, all_word_level_char_length, all_segment_level_stroke_in, all_segment_level_stroke_out, all_segment_level_stroke_length, all_segment_level_term,all_segment_level_char, all_segment_level_char_length] = dl.next_batch(TYPE='TRAIN', uid=params.writer_id, tids=[i for i in range(params.num_samples)])
batch_word_level_stroke_in = [torch.FloatTensor(a).to(device) for a in all_word_level_stroke_in]
batch_word_level_stroke_out = [torch.FloatTensor(a).to(device) for a in all_word_level_stroke_out]
batch_word_level_stroke_length = [torch.LongTensor(a).to(device).unsqueeze(-1) for a in all_word_level_stroke_length]
batch_word_level_term = [torch.FloatTensor(a).to(device) for a in all_word_level_term]
batch_word_level_char = [torch.LongTensor(a).to(device) for a in all_word_level_char]
batch_word_level_char_length = [torch.LongTensor(a).to(device).unsqueeze(-1) for a in all_word_level_char_length]
batch_segment_level_stroke_in = [[torch.FloatTensor(a).to(device) for a in b] for b in all_segment_level_stroke_in]
batch_segment_level_stroke_out = [[torch.FloatTensor(a).to(device) for a in b] for b in all_segment_level_stroke_out]
batch_segment_level_stroke_length = [[torch.LongTensor(a).to(device).unsqueeze(-1) for a in b] for b in all_segment_level_stroke_length]
batch_segment_level_term = [[torch.FloatTensor(a).to(device) for a in b] for b in all_segment_level_term]
batch_segment_level_char = [[torch.LongTensor(a).to(device) for a in b] for b in all_segment_level_char]
batch_segment_level_char_length = [[torch.LongTensor(a).to(device).unsqueeze(-1) for a in b] for b in all_segment_level_char_length]
if params.generating_default == 1:
with torch.no_grad():
commands_list = net.sample([ batch_word_level_stroke_in, batch_word_level_stroke_out, batch_word_level_stroke_length, batch_word_level_term, batch_word_level_char, batch_word_level_char_length, batch_segment_level_stroke_in, batch_segment_level_stroke_out, batch_segment_level_stroke_length, batch_segment_level_term, batch_segment_level_char, batch_segment_level_char_length])
[t_commands, o_commands, a_commands, b_commands, c_commands, d_commands] = commands_list
dst ='RGB', (750, 640))
dst.paste(draw_commands(t_commands), (0, 0))
dst.paste(draw_commands(o_commands), (0, 160))
dst.paste(draw_commands(a_commands), (0, 320))
dst.paste(draw_commands(d_commands), (0, 480))'results/default.png')
with torch.no_grad():
word_inf_state_out = net.inf_state_fc1(batch_word_level_stroke_out[0])
word_inf_state_out = net.inf_state_relu(word_inf_state_out)
word_inf_state_out, _ = net.inf_state_lstm(word_inf_state_out)
user_word_level_char = batch_word_level_char[0]
user_word_level_term = batch_word_level_term[0]
original_Wc = []
word_batch_id = 0
curr_seq_len = batch_word_level_stroke_length[0][word_batch_id][0]
curr_char_len = batch_word_level_char_length[0][word_batch_id][0]
char_vector = torch.eye(len(CHARACTERS))[user_word_level_char[word_batch_id][:curr_char_len]].to(device)
current_term = user_word_level_term[word_batch_id][:curr_seq_len].unsqueeze(-1)
split_ids = torch.nonzero(current_term)[:,0]
char_vector_1 = net.char_vec_fc_1(char_vector)
char_vector_1 = net.char_vec_relu_1(char_vector_1)
char_out_1 = char_vector_1.unsqueeze(0)
char_out_1, (c,h) = net.char_lstm_1(char_out_1)
char_out_1 = char_out_1.squeeze(0)
char_out_1 = net.char_vec_fc2_1(char_out_1)
char_matrix_1 = char_out_1.view([-1,1,256,256])
char_matrix_1 = char_matrix_1.squeeze(1)
char_matrix_inv_1 = torch.inverse(char_matrix_1)
W_c_t = word_inf_state_out[word_batch_id][:curr_seq_len]
W_c = torch.stack([W_c_t[i] for i in split_ids])
W = torch.bmm(char_matrix_inv_1, W_c.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(-1)
mean_global_W = torch.mean(W, 0)
def sample_word(target_word):
available_segments = {}
for sid, sentence in enumerate(all_segment_level_char[0]):
for wid, word in enumerate(sentence):
segment = ''.join([CHARACTERS[i] for i in word])
split_ids = np.asarray(np.nonzero(all_segment_level_term[0][sid][wid]))
if segment in available_segments:
available_segments[segment].append([all_segment_level_stroke_out[0][sid][wid][:all_segment_level_stroke_length[0][sid][wid]], split_ids])
available_segments[segment] = [[all_segment_level_stroke_out[0][sid][wid][:all_segment_level_stroke_length[0][sid][wid]], split_ids]]
index = 0
all_W_c = []
while index <= len(target_word):
available = False
for end_index in range(len(target_word), index, -1):
segment = target_word[index:end_index]
# print (segment)
if segment in available_segments:
# print (f'in dic - {segment}')
available = True
candidates = available_segments[segment]
segment_level_stroke_out, split_ids = candidates[np.random.randint(len(candidates))]
out = net.inf_state_fc1(torch.FloatTensor(segment_level_stroke_out).to(device).unsqueeze(0))
out = net.inf_state_relu(out)
seg_W_c, _ = net.inf_state_lstm(out)
tmp = []
for id in split_ids[0]:
tmp.append(seg_W_c[0, id].squeeze())
index = end_index
if index == len(target_word):
if not available:
character = target_word[index]
# print (f'no dic - {character}')
char_vector = torch.eye(len(CHARACTERS))[CHARACTERS.index(character)].to(device).unsqueeze(0)
out = net.char_vec_fc_1(char_vector)
out = net.char_vec_relu_1(out)
out, _ = net.char_lstm_1(out.unsqueeze(0))
out = out.squeeze(0)
out = net.char_vec_fc2_1(out)
char_matrix = out.view([-1, 256, 256])
TYPE_A_WC = torch.bmm(char_matrix, mean_global_W.repeat(char_matrix.size(0), 1).unsqueeze(2)).squeeze()
index += 1
all_commands = []
current_id = 0
while True:
word_Wc_rec_TYPE_D = []
cid = 0
for segment_batch_id in range(len(all_W_c)):
if len(TYPE_D_REF) == 0:
for each_segment_Wc in all_W_c[segment_batch_id]:
if cid >= current_id:
cid += 1
if len(word_Wc_rec_TYPE_D) > 0:
for each_segment_Wc in all_W_c[segment_batch_id]:
magic_inp =[torch.stack(TYPE_D_REF, 0), each_segment_Wc.unsqueeze(0)], 0)
magic_inp = magic_inp.unsqueeze(0)
TYPE_D_out, (c,h) = net.magic_lstm(magic_inp)
TYPE_D_out = TYPE_D_out.squeeze(0)
WC_ = torch.stack(word_Wc_rec_TYPE_D)
tmp_commands, res = net.sample_from_w_fix(WC_, target_word)
current_id = current_id + res
if len(all_commands) == 0:
if res < 0 or current_id >= len(target_word):
# tmp_commands = net.sample_from_w_fix(torch.stack(tmp_WC), _, target_word)
commands = []
px, py = 0, 100
for coms in all_commands:
for i, [dx, dy, t] in enumerate(coms):
x = px + dx * 5
y = py + dy * 5
px, py = x, y
commands = np.asarray(commands)
commands[:, 0] -= np.min(commands[:, 0])
return commands
def sample(target_sentence):
words = target_sentence.split(' ')
im = Image.fromarray(np.zeros([160, 750]))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
width = 50
for word in words:
all_commands = sample_word(word)
for [x,y,t] in all_commands:
if t == 0:
dr.line((px+width, py, x+width, y), 255, 1)
px, py = x, y
width += np.max(all_commands[:, 0]) + 25
# im.convert("RGB").save(f'results/{target_word}.png')
def sample_word2(target_word):
available_segments = {}
for sid, sentence in enumerate(all_segment_level_char[0]):
for wid, word in enumerate(sentence):
segment = ''.join([CHARACTERS[i] for i in word])
split_ids = np.asarray(np.nonzero(all_segment_level_term[0][sid][wid]))
if segment in available_segments:
available_segments[segment].append([all_segment_level_stroke_in[0][sid][wid][:all_segment_level_stroke_length[0][sid][wid]], all_segment_level_stroke_out[0][sid][wid][:all_segment_level_stroke_length[0][sid][wid]], split_ids])
available_segments[segment] = [[all_segment_level_stroke_in[0][sid][wid][:all_segment_level_stroke_length[0][sid][wid]], all_segment_level_stroke_out[0][sid][wid][:all_segment_level_stroke_length[0][sid][wid]], split_ids]]
index = 0
all_W_c = []
all_commands = []
know_chars = []
while index <= len(target_word):
available = False
for end_index in range(len(target_word), index, -1):
segment = target_word[index:end_index]
if segment in available_segments:
# print (f'in dic - {segment}')
available = True
candidates = available_segments[segment]
segment_level_stroke_in, segment_level_stroke_out, split_ids = candidates[np.random.randint(len(candidates))]
out = net.inf_state_fc1(torch.FloatTensor(segment_level_stroke_in).to(device).unsqueeze(0))
out = net.inf_state_relu(out)
seg_W_c, _ = net.inf_state_lstm(out)
tmp = []
for id in split_ids[0]:
# print (id)
tmp.append(seg_W_c[0, id].squeeze())
index = end_index
for i in range(index, end_index):
commands = []
px, py = 0, 100
for i, [dx, dy, t] in enumerate(segment_level_stroke_out):
x = px + dx * 5
y = py + dy * 5
px, py = x, y
commands = np.asarray(commands)
commands[:, 0] -= np.min(commands[:, 0])
if index == len(target_word):
if not available:
character = target_word[index]
# print (f'no dic - {character}')
char_vector = torch.eye(len(CHARACTERS))[CHARACTERS.index(character)].to(device).unsqueeze(0)
out = net.char_vec_fc_1(char_vector)
out = net.char_vec_relu_1(out)
out, _ = net.char_lstm_1(out.unsqueeze(0))
out = out.squeeze(0)
out = net.char_vec_fc2_1(out)
char_matrix = out.view([-1, 256, 256])
TYPE_A_WC = torch.bmm(char_matrix, mean_global_W.repeat(char_matrix.size(0), 1).unsqueeze(2)).squeeze().unsqueeze(0)
index += 1
temp_commands = net.sample_from_w(TYPE_A_WC, character)
commands = []
px, py = 0, 100
for i, [dx, dy, t] in enumerate(temp_commands):
x = px + dx * 5
y = py + dy * 5
px, py = x, y
commands = np.asarray(commands)
commands[:, 0] -= np.min(commands[:, 0])
return all_commands
def sample2(target_sentence):
words = target_sentence.split(' ')
im = Image.fromarray(np.zeros([160, 750]))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
width = 50
for word in words:
all_commands = sample_word2(word)
for c in all_commands:
for [x,y,t] in c:
if t == 0:
dr.line((px+width, py, x+width, y), 255, 1)
px, py = x, y
width += np.max(c[:, 0]) + 5
width += 25
# im.convert("RGB").save(f'results/{target_word}.png')
while True:
target_word = input("Type a sentence to generate : ")
if len(target_word) > 0:
if params.direct_use == 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Arguments for generating samples with the handwriting synthesis model.')
parser.add_argument('--writer_id', type=int, default=80)
parser.add_argument('--num_samples', type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument('--generating_default', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--direct_use', type=int, default=0)