SwinTExCo / src /utils.py
duongttr's picture
Update RGB2LAB to optimize time
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from skimage import color
from skimage.transform import resize
import src.data.functional as F
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F_torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as F_torchvision
from numba import cuda, jit
import math
import torchvision.utils as vutils
from torch.autograd import Variable
import cv2
rgb_from_xyz = np.array(
[3.24048134, -0.96925495, 0.05564664],
[-1.53715152, 1.87599, -0.20404134],
[-0.49853633, 0.04155593, 1.05731107],
l_norm, ab_norm = 1.0, 1.0
l_mean, ab_mean = 50.0, 0
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from skimage.transform import resize
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from skimage.transform import resize
class SquaredPadding:
def __init__(self, target_size=384, fill_value=0):
self.target_size = target_size
self.fill_value = fill_value
def __call__(self, img, return_pil=True, return_paddings=False, dtype=np.uint8):
if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
img = np.array(img)
ndim = len(img.shape)
H, W = img.shape[:2]
if H > W:
H_new, W_new = self.target_size, int(W/H*self.target_size)
# Resize image
img = resize(img, (H_new, W_new), preserve_range=True).astype(dtype)
# Padding image
padded_size = H_new - W_new
if ndim == 3:
paddings = [(0, 0), (padded_size // 2, (padded_size // 2) + (padded_size % 2)), (0,0)]
elif ndim == 2:
paddings = [(0, 0), (padded_size // 2, (padded_size // 2) + (padded_size % 2))]
padded_img = np.pad(img, paddings, mode='constant', constant_values=self.fill_value)
H_new, W_new = int(H/W*self.target_size), self.target_size
# Resize image
img = resize(img, (H_new, W_new), preserve_range=True).astype(dtype)
# Padding image
padded_size = W_new - H_new
if ndim == 3:
paddings = [(padded_size // 2, (padded_size // 2) + (padded_size % 2)), (0, 0), (0,0)]
elif ndim == 2:
paddings = [(padded_size // 2, (padded_size // 2) + (padded_size % 2)), (0, 0)]
padded_img = np.pad(img, paddings, mode='constant', constant_values=self.fill_value)
if return_pil:
padded_img = Image.fromarray(padded_img)
if return_paddings:
return padded_img, paddings
return padded_img
class UnpaddingSquare():
def __call__(self, img, paddings):
if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
img = np.array(img)
H, W = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
(pad_top, pad_bottom), (pad_left, pad_right), _ = paddings
W_ori = W - pad_left - pad_right
H_ori = H - pad_top - pad_bottom
return img[pad_top:pad_top+H_ori, pad_left:pad_left+W_ori, :]
class UnpaddingSquare_Tensor():
def __call__(self, img, paddings):
H, W = img.shape[1], img.shape[2]
(pad_top, pad_bottom), (pad_left, pad_right), _ = paddings
W_ori = W - pad_left - pad_right
H_ori = H - pad_top - pad_bottom
return img[:, pad_top:pad_top+H_ori, pad_left:pad_left+W_ori]
class ResizeFlow(object):
def __init__(self, target_size=(224,224)):
self.target_size = target_size
def __call__(self, flow):
return F_torch.interpolate(flow.unsqueeze(0), self.target_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True).squeeze(0)
class SquaredPaddingFlow(object):
def __init__(self, fill_value=0):
self.fill_value = fill_value
def __call__(self, flow):
H, W = flow.size(1), flow.size(2)
if H > W:
# Padding flow
padded_size = H - W
paddings = (padded_size // 2, (padded_size // 2) + (padded_size % 2), 0, 0)
padded_img = F_torch.pad(flow, paddings, value=self.fill_value)
# Padding flow
padded_size = W - H
paddings = (0, 0, padded_size // 2, (padded_size // 2) + (padded_size % 2))
padded_img = F_torch.pad(flow, paddings, value=self.fill_value)
return padded_img
def gray2rgb_batch(l):
# gray image tensor to rgb image tensor
l_uncenter = uncenter_l(l)
l_uncenter = l_uncenter / (2 * l_mean)
return torch.cat((l_uncenter, l_uncenter, l_uncenter), dim=1)
def batch_lab2rgb_transpose_mc(img_l_mc, img_ab_mc, nrow=8):
if isinstance(img_l_mc, Variable):
img_l_mc = img_l_mc.data.cpu()
if isinstance(img_ab_mc, Variable):
img_ab_mc = img_ab_mc.data.cpu()
if img_l_mc.is_cuda:
img_l_mc = img_l_mc.cpu()
if img_ab_mc.is_cuda:
img_ab_mc = img_ab_mc.cpu()
assert img_l_mc.dim() == 4 and img_ab_mc.dim() == 4, "only for batch input"
img_l = img_l_mc * l_norm + l_mean
img_ab = img_ab_mc * ab_norm + ab_mean
pred_lab = torch.cat((img_l, img_ab), dim=1)
grid_lab = vutils.make_grid(pred_lab, nrow=nrow).numpy().astype("float64")
return (np.clip(color.lab2rgb(grid_lab.transpose((1, 2, 0))), 0, 1) * 255).astype("uint8")
def vgg_preprocess(tensor):
# input is RGB tensor which ranges in [0,1]
# output is BGR tensor which ranges in [0,255]
tensor_bgr = torch.cat((tensor[:, 2:3, :, :], tensor[:, 1:2, :, :], tensor[:, 0:1, :, :]), dim=1)
tensor_bgr_ml = tensor_bgr - torch.Tensor([0.40760392, 0.45795686, 0.48501961]).type_as(tensor_bgr).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
return tensor_bgr_ml * 255
def tensor_lab2rgb(input):
n * 3* h *w
input_trans = input.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3) # n * h * w * 3
L, a, b = (
input_trans[:, :, :, 0:1],
input_trans[:, :, :, 1:2],
input_trans[:, :, :, 2:],
y = (L + 16.0) / 116.0
x = (a / 500.0) + y
z = y - (b / 200.0)
neg_mask = z.data < 0
z[neg_mask] = 0
xyz = torch.cat((x, y, z), dim=3)
mask = xyz.data > 0.2068966
mask_xyz = xyz.clone()
mask_xyz[mask] = torch.pow(xyz[mask], 3.0)
mask_xyz[~mask] = (xyz[~mask] - 16.0 / 116.0) / 7.787
mask_xyz[:, :, :, 0] = mask_xyz[:, :, :, 0] * 0.95047
mask_xyz[:, :, :, 2] = mask_xyz[:, :, :, 2] * 1.08883
rgb_trans = torch.mm(mask_xyz.view(-1, 3), torch.from_numpy(rgb_from_xyz).type_as(xyz)).view(
input.size(0), input.size(2), input.size(3), 3
rgb = rgb_trans.transpose(2, 3).transpose(1, 2)
mask = rgb > 0.0031308
mask_rgb = rgb.clone()
mask_rgb[mask] = 1.055 * torch.pow(rgb[mask], 1 / 2.4) - 0.055
mask_rgb[~mask] = rgb[~mask] * 12.92
neg_mask = mask_rgb.data < 0
large_mask = mask_rgb.data > 1
mask_rgb[neg_mask] = 0
mask_rgb[large_mask] = 1
return mask_rgb
###### loss functions ######
def feature_normalize(feature_in):
feature_in_norm = torch.norm(feature_in, 2, 1, keepdim=True) + sys.float_info.epsilon
feature_in_norm = torch.div(feature_in, feature_in_norm)
return feature_in_norm
# denormalization for l
def uncenter_l(l):
return l * l_norm + l_mean
def get_grid(x):
torchHorizontal = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, x.size(3)).view(1, 1, 1, x.size(3)).expand(x.size(0), 1, x.size(2), x.size(3))
torchVertical = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, x.size(2)).view(1, 1, x.size(2), 1).expand(x.size(0), 1, x.size(2), x.size(3))
return torch.cat([torchHorizontal, torchVertical], 1)
class WarpingLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device):
super(WarpingLayer, self).__init__()
self.device = device
def forward(self, x, flow):
It takes the input image and the flow and warps the input image according to the flow
x: the input image
flow: the flow tensor, which is a 4D tensor of shape (batch_size, 2, height, width)
The warped image
# WarpingLayer uses F.grid_sample, which expects normalized grid
# we still output unnormalized flow for the convenience of comparing EPEs with FlowNet2 and original code
# so here we need to denormalize the flow
flow_for_grip = torch.zeros_like(flow).to(self.device)
flow_for_grip[:, 0, :, :] = flow[:, 0, :, :] / ((flow.size(3) - 1.0) / 2.0)
flow_for_grip[:, 1, :, :] = flow[:, 1, :, :] / ((flow.size(2) - 1.0) / 2.0)
grid = (get_grid(x).to(self.device) + flow_for_grip).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
return F_torch.grid_sample(x, grid, align_corners=True)
class CenterPad_threshold(object):
def __init__(self, image_size, threshold=3 / 4):
self.height = image_size[0]
self.width = image_size[1]
self.threshold = threshold
def __call__(self, image):
# pad the image to 16:9
# pad height
I = np.array(image)
# for padded input
height_old = np.size(I, 0)
width_old = np.size(I, 1)
old_size = [height_old, width_old]
height = self.height
width = self.width
I_pad = np.zeros((height, width, np.size(I, 2)))
ratio = height / width
if height_old / width_old == ratio:
if height_old == height:
return Image.fromarray(I.astype(np.uint8))
new_size = [int(x * height / height_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
return Image.fromarray(I_resize.astype(np.uint8))
if height_old / width_old > self.threshold:
width_new, height_new = width_old, int(width_old * self.threshold)
height_margin = height_old - height_new
height_crop_start = height_margin // 2
I_crop = I[height_crop_start : (height_crop_start + height_new), :, :]
I_resize = resize(I_crop, [height, width], mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
return Image.fromarray(I_resize.astype(np.uint8))
if height_old / width_old > ratio: # pad the width and crop
new_size = [int(x * width / width_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
width_resize = np.size(I_resize, 1)
height_resize = np.size(I_resize, 0)
start_height = (height_resize - height) // 2
I_pad[:, :, :] = I_resize[start_height : (start_height + height), :, :]
else: # pad the height and crop
new_size = [int(x * height / height_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
width_resize = np.size(I_resize, 1)
height_resize = np.size(I_resize, 0)
start_width = (width_resize - width) // 2
I_pad[:, :, :] = I_resize[:, start_width : (start_width + width), :]
return Image.fromarray(I_pad.astype(np.uint8))
class Normalize(object):
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, inputs):
inputs[0:1, :, :] = F.normalize(inputs[0:1, :, :], 50, 1)
inputs[1:3, :, :] = F.normalize(inputs[1:3, :, :], (0, 0), (1, 1))
return inputs
class RGB2Lab(object):
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, inputs):
normed_inputs = np.float32(inputs) / 255.0
rgb_inputs = cv2.cvtColor(normed_inputs, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB)
return rgb_inputs
class ToTensor(object):
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, inputs):
return F.to_mytensor(inputs)
class CenterPad(object):
def __init__(self, image_size):
self.height = image_size[0]
self.width = image_size[1]
def __call__(self, image):
# pad the image to 16:9
# pad height
I = np.array(image)
# for padded input
height_old = np.size(I, 0)
width_old = np.size(I, 1)
old_size = [height_old, width_old]
height = self.height
width = self.width
I_pad = np.zeros((height, width, np.size(I, 2)))
ratio = height / width
if height_old / width_old == ratio:
if height_old == height:
return Image.fromarray(I.astype(np.uint8))
new_size = [int(x * height / height_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
return Image.fromarray(I_resize.astype(np.uint8))
if height_old / width_old > ratio: # pad the width and crop
new_size = [int(x * width / width_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
width_resize = np.size(I_resize, 1)
height_resize = np.size(I_resize, 0)
start_height = (height_resize - height) // 2
I_pad[:, :, :] = I_resize[start_height : (start_height + height), :, :]
else: # pad the height and crop
new_size = [int(x * height / height_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
width_resize = np.size(I_resize, 1)
height_resize = np.size(I_resize, 0)
start_width = (width_resize - width) // 2
I_pad[:, :, :] = I_resize[:, start_width : (start_width + width), :]
return Image.fromarray(I_pad.astype(np.uint8))
class CenterPadCrop_numpy(object):
pad the image according to the height
def __init__(self, image_size):
self.height = image_size[0]
self.width = image_size[1]
def __call__(self, image, threshold=3 / 4):
# pad the image to 16:9
# pad height
I = np.array(image)
# for padded input
height_old = np.size(I, 0)
width_old = np.size(I, 1)
old_size = [height_old, width_old]
height = self.height
width = self.width
padding_size = width
if image.ndim == 2:
I_pad = np.zeros((width, width))
I_pad = np.zeros((width, width, I.shape[2]))
ratio = height / width
if height_old / width_old == ratio:
return I
# if height_old / width_old > threshold:
# width_new, height_new = width_old, int(width_old * threshold)
# height_margin = height_old - height_new
# height_crop_start = height_margin // 2
# I_crop = I[height_start : (height_start + height_new), :]
# I_resize = resize(
# I_crop, [height, width], mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True
# )
# return I_resize
if height_old / width_old > ratio: # pad the width and crop
new_size = [int(x * width / width_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
width_resize = np.size(I_resize, 1)
height_resize = np.size(I_resize, 0)
start_height = (height_resize - height) // 2
start_height_block = (padding_size - height) // 2
if image.ndim == 2:
I_pad[start_height_block : (start_height_block + height), :] = I_resize[
start_height : (start_height + height), :
I_pad[start_height_block : (start_height_block + height), :, :] = I_resize[
start_height : (start_height + height), :, :
else: # pad the height and crop
new_size = [int(x * height / height_old) for x in old_size]
I_resize = resize(I, new_size, mode="reflect", preserve_range=True, clip=False, anti_aliasing=True)
width_resize = np.size(I_resize, 1)
height_resize = np.size(I_resize, 0)
start_width = (width_resize - width) // 2
start_width_block = (padding_size - width) // 2
if image.ndim == 2:
I_pad[:, start_width_block : (start_width_block + width)] = I_resize[:, start_width : (start_width + width)]
I_pad[:, start_width_block : (start_width_block + width), :] = I_resize[
:, start_width : (start_width + width), :
crop_start_height = (I_pad.shape[0] - height) // 2
crop_start_width = (I_pad.shape[1] - width) // 2
if image.ndim == 2:
return I_pad[crop_start_height : (crop_start_height + height), crop_start_width : (crop_start_width + width)]
return I_pad[crop_start_height : (crop_start_height + height), crop_start_width : (crop_start_width + width), :]
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)
def biInterpolation_cpu(distorted, i, j):
i = np.uint16(i)
j = np.uint16(j)
Q11 = distorted[j, i]
Q12 = distorted[j, i + 1]
Q21 = distorted[j + 1, i]
Q22 = distorted[j + 1, i + 1]
return np.int8(
Q11 * (i + 1 - i) * (j + 1 - j) + Q12 * (i - i) * (j + 1 - j) + Q21 * (i + 1 - i) * (j - j) + Q22 * (i - i) * (j - j)
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)
def iterSearchShader_cpu(padu, padv, xr, yr, W, H, maxIter, precision):
# print('processing location', (xr, yr))
if abs(padu[yr, xr]) < precision and abs(padv[yr, xr]) < precision:
return xr, yr
# Our initialize method in this paper, can see the overleaf for detail
if (xr + 1) <= (W - 1):
dif = padu[yr, xr + 1] - padu[yr, xr]
dif = padu[yr, xr] - padu[yr, xr - 1]
u_next = padu[yr, xr] / (1 + dif)
if (yr + 1) <= (H - 1):
dif = padv[yr + 1, xr] - padv[yr, xr]
dif = padv[yr, xr] - padv[yr - 1, xr]
v_next = padv[yr, xr] / (1 + dif)
i = xr - u_next
j = yr - v_next
i_int = int(i)
j_int = int(j)
# The same as traditional iterative search method
for _ in range(maxIter):
if not 0 <= i <= (W - 1) or not 0 <= j <= (H - 1):
return i, j
u11 = padu[j_int, i_int]
v11 = padv[j_int, i_int]
u12 = padu[j_int, i_int + 1]
v12 = padv[j_int, i_int + 1]
int1 = padu[j_int + 1, i_int]
v21 = padv[j_int + 1, i_int]
int2 = padu[j_int + 1, i_int + 1]
v22 = padv[j_int + 1, i_int + 1]
u = (
u11 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ u12 * (i - i_int) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ int1 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j - j_int)
+ int2 * (i - i_int) * (j - j_int)
v = (
v11 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ v12 * (i - i_int) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ v21 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j - j_int)
+ v22 * (i - i_int) * (j - j_int)
i_next = xr - u
j_next = yr - v
if abs(i - i_next) < precision and abs(j - j_next) < precision:
return i, j
i = i_next
j = j_next
# if the search doesn't converge within max iter, it will return the last iter result
return i_next, j_next
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)
def iterSearch_cpu(distortImg, resultImg, padu, padv, W, H, maxIter=5, precision=1e-2):
for xr in range(W):
for yr in range(H):
# (xr, yr) is the point in result image, (i, j) is the search result in distorted image
i, j = iterSearchShader_cpu(padu, padv, xr, yr, W, H, maxIter, precision)
# reflect the pixels outside the border
if i > W - 1:
i = 2 * W - 1 - i
if i < 0:
i = -i
if j > H - 1:
j = 2 * H - 1 - j
if j < 0:
j = -j
# Bilinear interpolation to get the pixel at (i, j) in distorted image
resultImg[yr, xr, 0] = biInterpolation_cpu(
distortImg[:, :, 0],
resultImg[yr, xr, 1] = biInterpolation_cpu(
distortImg[:, :, 1],
resultImg[yr, xr, 2] = biInterpolation_cpu(
distortImg[:, :, 2],
return None
def forward_mapping_cpu(source_image, u, v, maxIter=5, precision=1e-2):
warp the image according to the forward flow
u: horizontal
v: vertical
H = source_image.shape[0]
W = source_image.shape[1]
distortImg = np.array(np.zeros((H + 1, W + 1, 3)), dtype=np.uint8)
distortImg[0:H, 0:W] = source_image[0:H, 0:W]
distortImg[H, 0:W] = source_image[H - 1, 0:W]
distortImg[0:H, W] = source_image[0:H, W - 1]
distortImg[H, W] = source_image[H - 1, W - 1]
padu = np.array(np.zeros((H + 1, W + 1)), dtype=np.float32)
padu[0:H, 0:W] = u[0:H, 0:W]
padu[H, 0:W] = u[H - 1, 0:W]
padu[0:H, W] = u[0:H, W - 1]
padu[H, W] = u[H - 1, W - 1]
padv = np.array(np.zeros((H + 1, W + 1)), dtype=np.float32)
padv[0:H, 0:W] = v[0:H, 0:W]
padv[H, 0:W] = v[H - 1, 0:W]
padv[0:H, W] = v[0:H, W - 1]
padv[H, W] = v[H - 1, W - 1]
resultImg = np.array(np.zeros((H, W, 3)), dtype=np.uint8)
iterSearch_cpu(distortImg, resultImg, padu, padv, W, H, maxIter, precision)
return resultImg
class Distortion_with_flow_cpu(object):
"""Elastic distortion"""
def __init__(self, maxIter=3, precision=1e-3):
self.maxIter = maxIter
self.precision = precision
def __call__(self, inputs, dx, dy):
inputs = np.array(inputs)
shape = inputs.shape[0], inputs.shape[1]
remap_image = forward_mapping_cpu(inputs, dy, dx, maxIter=self.maxIter, precision=self.precision)
return Image.fromarray(remap_image)
def biInterpolation_gpu(distorted, i, j):
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
Q11 = distorted[j, i]
Q12 = distorted[j, i + 1]
Q21 = distorted[j + 1, i]
Q22 = distorted[j + 1, i + 1]
return np.int8(
Q11 * (i + 1 - i) * (j + 1 - j) + Q12 * (i - i) * (j + 1 - j) + Q21 * (i + 1 - i) * (j - j) + Q22 * (i - i) * (j - j)
def iterSearchShader_gpu(padu, padv, xr, yr, W, H, maxIter, precision):
# print('processing location', (xr, yr))
if abs(padu[yr, xr]) < precision and abs(padv[yr, xr]) < precision:
return xr, yr
# Our initialize method in this paper, can see the overleaf for detail
if (xr + 1) <= (W - 1):
dif = padu[yr, xr + 1] - padu[yr, xr]
dif = padu[yr, xr] - padu[yr, xr - 1]
u_next = padu[yr, xr] / (1 + dif)
if (yr + 1) <= (H - 1):
dif = padv[yr + 1, xr] - padv[yr, xr]
dif = padv[yr, xr] - padv[yr - 1, xr]
v_next = padv[yr, xr] / (1 + dif)
i = xr - u_next
j = yr - v_next
i_int = int(i)
j_int = int(j)
# The same as traditional iterative search method
for _ in range(maxIter):
if not 0 <= i <= (W - 1) or not 0 <= j <= (H - 1):
return i, j
u11 = padu[j_int, i_int]
v11 = padv[j_int, i_int]
u12 = padu[j_int, i_int + 1]
v12 = padv[j_int, i_int + 1]
int1 = padu[j_int + 1, i_int]
v21 = padv[j_int + 1, i_int]
int2 = padu[j_int + 1, i_int + 1]
v22 = padv[j_int + 1, i_int + 1]
u = (
u11 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ u12 * (i - i_int) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ int1 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j - j_int)
+ int2 * (i - i_int) * (j - j_int)
v = (
v11 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ v12 * (i - i_int) * (j_int + 1 - j)
+ v21 * (i_int + 1 - i) * (j - j_int)
+ v22 * (i - i_int) * (j - j_int)
i_next = xr - u
j_next = yr - v
if abs(i - i_next) < precision and abs(j - j_next) < precision:
return i, j
i = i_next
j = j_next
# if the search doesn't converge within max iter, it will return the last iter result
return i_next, j_next
def iterSearch_gpu(distortImg, resultImg, padu, padv, W, H, maxIter=5, precision=1e-2):
start_x, start_y = cuda.grid(2)
stride_x, stride_y = cuda.gridsize(2)
for xr in range(start_x, W, stride_x):
for yr in range(start_y, H, stride_y):
i,j = iterSearchShader_gpu(padu, padv, xr, yr, W, H, maxIter, precision)
if i > W - 1:
i = 2 * W - 1 - i
if i < 0:
i = -i
if j > H - 1:
j = 2 * H - 1 - j
if j < 0:
j = -j
resultImg[yr, xr,0] = biInterpolation_gpu(distortImg[:,:,0], i, j)
resultImg[yr, xr,1] = biInterpolation_gpu(distortImg[:,:,1], i, j)
resultImg[yr, xr,2] = biInterpolation_gpu(distortImg[:,:,2], i, j)
return None
def forward_mapping_gpu(source_image, u, v, maxIter=5, precision=1e-2):
warp the image according to the forward flow
u: horizontal
v: vertical
H = source_image.shape[0]
W = source_image.shape[1]
resultImg = np.array(np.zeros((H, W, 3)), dtype=np.uint8)
distortImg = np.array(np.zeros((H + 1, W + 1, 3)), dtype=np.uint8)
distortImg[0:H, 0:W] = source_image[0:H, 0:W]
distortImg[H, 0:W] = source_image[H - 1, 0:W]
distortImg[0:H, W] = source_image[0:H, W - 1]
distortImg[H, W] = source_image[H - 1, W - 1]
padu = np.array(np.zeros((H + 1, W + 1)), dtype=np.float32)
padu[0:H, 0:W] = u[0:H, 0:W]
padu[H, 0:W] = u[H - 1, 0:W]
padu[0:H, W] = u[0:H, W - 1]
padu[H, W] = u[H - 1, W - 1]
padv = np.array(np.zeros((H + 1, W + 1)), dtype=np.float32)
padv[0:H, 0:W] = v[0:H, 0:W]
padv[H, 0:W] = v[H - 1, 0:W]
padv[0:H, W] = v[0:H, W - 1]
padv[H, W] = v[H - 1, W - 1]
padu = cuda.to_device(padu)
padv = cuda.to_device(padv)
distortImg = cuda.to_device(distortImg)
resultImg = cuda.to_device(resultImg)
threadsperblock = (16, 16)
blockspergrid_x = math.ceil(W / threadsperblock[0])
blockspergrid_y = math.ceil(H / threadsperblock[1])
blockspergrid = (blockspergrid_x, blockspergrid_y)
iterSearch_gpu[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](distortImg, resultImg, padu, padv, W, H, maxIter, precision)
resultImg = resultImg.copy_to_host()
return resultImg
class Distortion_with_flow_gpu(object):
def __init__(self, maxIter=3, precision=1e-3):
self.maxIter = maxIter
self.precision = precision
def __call__(self, inputs, dx, dy):
inputs = np.array(inputs)
shape = inputs.shape[0], inputs.shape[1]
remap_image = forward_mapping_gpu(inputs, dy, dx, maxIter=self.maxIter, precision=self.precision)
return Image.fromarray(remap_image)
def read_flow(filename):
read optical flow from Middlebury .flo file
:param filename: name of the flow file
:return: optical flow data in matrix
f = open(filename, "rb")
magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1)[0] # For Python3.x
magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1) # For Python2.x
data2d = None
if (202021.25 != magic)and(123.25!=magic):
print("Magic number incorrect. Invalid .flo file")
elif (123.25==magic):
w = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1)[0]
h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1)[0]
# print("Reading %d x %d flo file" % (h, w))
data2d = np.fromfile(f, np.float16, count=2 * w * h)
# reshape data into 3D array (columns, rows, channels)
data2d = np.resize(data2d, (h, w, 2))
elif (202021.25 == magic):
w = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1)[0]
h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1)[0]
# print("Reading %d x %d flo file" % (h, w))
data2d = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=2 * w * h)
# reshape data into 3D array (columns, rows, channels)
data2d = np.resize(data2d, (h, w, 2))
return data2d.astype(np.float32)
class LossHandler:
def __init__(self):
self.loss_dict = {}
self.count_sample = 0
def add_loss(self, key, loss):
if key not in self.loss_dict:
self.loss_dict[key] = 0
self.loss_dict[key] += loss
def get_loss(self, key):
return self.loss_dict[key] / self.count_sample
def count_one_sample(self):
self.count_sample += 1
def reset(self):
self.loss_dict = {}
self.count_sample = 0
class TimeHandler:
def __init__(self):
self.time_handler = {}
def compute_time(self, key):
if key not in self.time_handler:
self.time_handler[key] = time.time()
return None
return time.time() - self.time_handler.pop(key)
def print_num_params(model, is_trainable=False):
model_name = model.__class__.__name__.ljust(30)
if is_trainable:
num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
print(f"| TRAINABLE | {model_name} | {('{:,}'.format(num_params)).rjust(10)} |")
num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters())
print(f"| GENERAL | {model_name} | {('{:,}'.format(num_params)).rjust(10)} |")
return num_params