disaggregators / README.md
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dawood HF staff
Duplicate from society-ethics/disaggregators
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915 Bytes
title: Disaggregators
emoji: 🔥
colorFrom: red
colorTo: green
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.12.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
duplicated_from: society-ethics/disaggregators
Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference
Friction log:
- (Gradio) the dataset's .click handler doesn't refresh if I chagnge the samples in the dataset, so I have to find a workaround...
- (DMT) installing it is a nightmare, especially when I just want to use it as a library
from data_measurements.dataset_statistics import DatasetStatisticsCacheClass as dmt_cls
dstats = dmt_cls(dset_name="NimaBoscarino/medmcqa_age_gender", dset_config=None, split_name="train", text_field="question", label_field=(), label_names=[], use_cache=True) # Maybe values for label_field and label_names??
label_obj = labels.DMTHelper(dstats, load_only=False, save=dstats.save)