Runtime error
Runtime error
# XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding | |
The academic paper which describes XLNet in detail and provides full results on | |
a number of tasks can be found here: | |
XLNet is a generalized autoregressive BERT-like pretraining language model that | |
enables learning bidirectional contexts by maximizing the expected likelihood | |
over all permutations of the factorization order. It can learn dependency beyond | |
a fixed length without disrupting temporal coherence by using segment-level | |
recurrence mechanism and relative positional encoding scheme introduced in | |
[Transformer-XL]( XLNet outperforms BERT | |
on 20 NLP benchmark tasks and achieves state-of-the-art results on 18 tasks | |
including question answering, natural language inference, sentiment analysis, | |
and document ranking. | |
## Contents | |
* [Contents](#contents) | |
* [Set Up](#set-up) | |
* [Process Datasets](#process-datasets) | |
* [Fine-tuning with XLNet](#fine-tuning-with-xlnet) | |
## Set up | |
To run XLNet on a Cloud TPU, you can first create a `tf-nightly` TPU with the | |
[ctpu tool]( | |
```shell | |
ctpu up -name <instance name> --tf-version=”nightly” | |
``` | |
After SSH'ing into the VM (or if you're using an on-prem machine), setup | |
continues as follows: | |
```shell | |
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/models" | |
``` | |
Install `tf-nightly` to get latest updates: | |
```shell | |
pip install tf-nightly-gpu | |
``` | |
## Process Datasets | |
Dataset processing requires a | |
[Sentence Piece]( model. One can be | |
found at the publicly available GCS bucket at: | |
`gs://cloud-tpu-checkpoints/xlnet/cased_spiece.model`. | |
Note that in order to train using Cloud TPUs, data must be stored on a GCS | |
bucket. | |
Setup commands: | |
```shell | |
export SPIECE_DIR=~/cased_spiece/ | |
export SPIECE_MODEL=${SPIECE_DIR}/cased_spiece.model | |
export DATASETS_DIR=gs://some_bucket/datasets | |
mkdir -p ${SPIECE_DIR} | |
gsutil cp gs://cloud-tpu-checkpoints/xlnet/cased_spiece.model ${SPIECE_DIR} | |
``` | |
### Pre-training | |
Pre-training data can be converted into TFRecords using | |
[``]( Inputs should | |
consist of a plain text file (or a file glob of plain text files) with one | |
sentence per line. | |
To run the script, use the following command: | |
```shell | |
export INPUT_GLOB='path/to/wiki_cased/*.txt' | |
python3 --bsz_per_host=32 --num_core_per_host=16 | |
--seq_len=512 --reuse_len=256 --input_glob='path/to/wiki_cased/*.txt' | |
--save_dir=${DATASETS_DIR}/pretrain --bi_data=True --sp_path=${SPIECE_MODEL} | |
--mask_alpha=6 --mask_beta=1 --num_predict=85 | |
``` | |
Note that to make the memory mechanism work correctly, `bsz_per_host` and | |
`num_core_per_host` are *strictly specified* when preparing TFRecords. The same | |
TPU settings should be used when training. | |
### Fine-tuning | |
* Classification | |
To prepare classification data TFRecords on the IMDB dataset, users can download | |
and unpack the [IMDB dataset]( with the | |
following command: | |
```shell | |
export IMDB_DIR=~/imdb | |
mkdir -p ${IMDB_DIR} | |
cd ${IMDB_DIR} | |
wget | |
tar zxvf aclImdb_v1.tar.gz -C ${IMDB_DIR} | |
rm aclImdb_v1.tar.gz | |
``` | |
Then, the dataset can be converted into TFRecords with the following command: | |
```shell | |
export TASK_NAME=imdb | |
python3 --max_seq_length=512 --spiece_model_file=${SPIECE_MODEL} --output_dir=${DATASETS_DIR}/${TASK_NAME} --data_dir=${IMDB_DIR}/aclImdb --task_name=${TASK_NAME} | |
``` | |
Note: To obtain SOTA on the IMDB dataset, using a sequence length of 512 is | |
necessary. | |
* SQUAD | |
The [SQuAD website]( contains | |
detailed information about the SQuAD datasets and evaluation. | |
To download the relevant files, use the following command: | |
```shell | |
export SQUAD_DIR=~/squad | |
mkdir -p ${SQUAD_DIR} && cd ${SQUAD_DIR} | |
wget | |
wget | |
``` | |
Then to process the dataset into TFRecords, run the following commands: | |
```shell | |
python3 --spiece_model_file=${SPIECE_MODEL} --train_file=${SQUAD_DIR}/train-v2.0.json --predict_file=${SQUAD_DIR}/dev-v2.0.json --output_dir=${DATASETS_DIR}/squad --uncased=False --max_seq_length=512 --num_proc=1 --proc_id=0 | |
gsutil cp ${SQUAD_DIR}/dev-v2.0.json ${DATASETS_DIR}/squad | |
``` | |
## Fine-tuning with XLNet | |
* Cloud Storage | |
The unzipped pre-trained model files can be found in the Google Cloud Storage | |
folder `gs://cloud-tpu-checkpoints/xlnet/keras_xlnet`. For example: | |
```shell | |
export XLNET_DIR=gs:/cloud-tpu-checkpoints/xlnet/keras_xlnet | |
export MODEL_DIR=gs://some_bucket/my_output_dir | |
``` | |
### Classification task | |
This example code fine-tunes `XLNet` on the IMDB dataset. For this task, it | |
takes around 11 minutes to get the first 500 steps' results, and takes around 1 | |
hour to complete on a v3-8. It is expected to obtain an accuracy between 96.15 | |
and 96.33. | |
To run on a v3-8 TPU: | |
```shell | |
export TPU_NAME=my-tpu | |
python3 \ | |
--strategy_type=tpu \ | |
--tpu=${TPU_NAME} \ | |
--init_checkpoint=${XLNET_DIR}/xlnet_model.ckpt \ | |
--model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \ | |
--test_data_size=25024 \ | |
--train_tfrecord_path=${DATASETS_DIR}/imdb/cased_spiece.model.len-512.train.tf_record \ | |
--test_tfrecord_path=${DATASETS_DIR}/imdb/ \ | |
--train_batch_size=32 \ | |
--seq_len=512 \ | |
--n_layer=24 \ | |
--d_model=1024 \ | |
--d_embed=1024 \ | |
--n_head=16 \ | |
--d_head=64 \ | |
--d_inner=4096 \ | |
--untie_r=true \ | |
--n_class=2 \ | |
--ff_activation=gelu \ | |
--learning_rate=2e-5 \ | |
--train_steps=4000 \ | |
--warmup_steps=500 \ | |
--iterations=500 \ | |
--bi_data=false \ | |
--summary_type=last | |
``` | |
### SQuAD 2.0 Task | |
The Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) is a popular question answering | |
benchmark dataset. See more in | |
[SQuAD website]( | |
We use `XLNet-LARGE` (cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16) running on a v3-8 as an example to | |
run this workflow. It is expected to reach a `best_f1` score of between 88.30 | |
and 88.80. It should take around 5 minutes to read the pickle file, and then 18 | |
minutes to get the first 1000 steps' results. It takes around 2 hours to | |
complete. | |
```shell | |
export TPU_NAME=my-tpu | |
python3 \ | |
--strategy_type=tpu \ | |
--tpu=${TPU_NAME} \ | |
--init_checkpoint=${XLNET_DIR}/xlnet_model.ckpt \ | |
--model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \ | |
--train_tfrecord_path=${DATASETS_DIR}/squad/squad_cased \ | |
--test_tfrecord_path=${DATASETS_DIR}/squad/squad_cased/12048.eval.tf_record \ | |
--test_feature_path=${DATASETS_DIR}/squad/spiece.model.slen-512.qlen-64.eval.features.pkl \ | |
--predict_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \ | |
--predict_file=${DATASETS_DIR}/squad/dev-v2.0.json \ | |
--train_batch_size=48 \ | |
--seq_len=512 \ | |
--reuse_len=256 \ | |
--mem_len=0 \ | |
--n_layer=24 \ | |
--d_model=1024 \ | |
--d_embed=1024 \ | |
--n_head=16 \ | |
--d_head=64 \ | |
--d_inner=4096 \ | |
--untie_r=true \ | |
--ff_activation=gelu \ | |
--learning_rate=.00003 \ | |
--train_steps=8000 \ | |
--warmup_steps=1000 \ | |
--iterations=1000 \ | |
--bi_data=false \ | |
--query_len=64 \ | |
--adam_epsilon=.000001 \ | |
--lr_layer_decay_rate=0.75 | |
``` | |