title: Moody Lyrics
emoji: π
colorFrom: gray
colorTo: indigo
sdk: docker
pinned: false
license: mit
Moody Lyrics
Song recommendation website.
High-Level Functional Features
- Associates a song with a mood based on the lyrics.
- Lists out similar songs. (TODO)
Eventual Non-Functional Features
- Scale - 1 million reqs/second
- Availability - Limited downtime
High Level Architecture
- A simple web app that takes in song name and artist.
- A backend server that -
- Fetches the lyrics from
- Passes the lyrics into the model to assign a mood.
- Uses this mood to fetch similar songs. (TODO)
- Backend served and scaled by TFX (TODO)
Tech Stack
- Front-end - React (TODO)
- Rest of the stuff in Python.
- Database - TBD
- Deploy the simple flask app
- Added functionality: Interpet model prediction
- Added functionality: Store predictions
- Added functionality: Validation by user