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# Define course outlines
phy504 = """
# PHY 504: Classical Mechanics (Advanced Mechanics)
This course focuses on a detailed and sophisticated approach to classical mechanics, emphasizing mathematical methods and applications to physical systems.
## Outline:
1. **Lagrangian Mechanics**
- Principle of least action
- Euler-Lagrange equations
- Constraints and generalized coordinates
2. **Variational Principles**
- Hamilton's principle
- Symmetries and Noether’s theorem
3. **Hamiltonian Mechanics**
- Hamilton’s equations of motion
- Canonical transformations
4. **Phase Space and Liouville's Theorem**
- Phase space flow and conservation
5. **Central Force Problems**
- Orbital mechanics
- Scattering in central forces
6. **Small Oscillations**
- Normal modes
- Perturbation methods
7. **Rigid Body Dynamics**
- Euler angles and rotational motion
- Inertia tensors and principal axes
- Gyroscopic motion
8. **Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos**
- Bifurcation theory
- Lyapunov exponents
- Poincaré maps
9. **Relativistic Mechanics**
- Lorentz transformations and four-vectors
- Action for relativistic particles
phy611 = """
# PHY 611: Quantum Mechanics I
This course provides a rigorous foundation in quantum theory, with a focus on the mathematical formalism and physical interpretation.
## Outline:
1. **Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics**
- Hilbert spaces and operators
- Eigenvalue problems
- Dirac notation
2. **Postulates of Quantum Mechanics**
- State vectors and observables
- Measurement postulates
- Time evolution of quantum states
3. **Harmonic Oscillator and Operator Methods**
- Creation and annihilation operators
- Ladder operator techniques
- Coherent states
4. **Angular Momentum**
- Commutation relations
- Spin and orbital angular momentum
- Addition of angular momenta
5. **Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics**
- Group theory applications
- Parity, time reversal, and charge conjugation
- Conservation laws and symmetries
6. **Approximation Methods**
- Time-independent perturbation theory
- Variational methods
- WKB approximation
7. **Quantum Systems in External Fields**
- Magnetic fields and the Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Stark and Zeeman effects
8. **Scattering Theory**
- Partial wave analysis
- Born approximation
- Cross sections and scattering amplitudes
9. **Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics**
- Feynman path integrals
- Applications to quantum field theory
phy613 = """
# PHY 613: Statistical Physics
This course covers the statistical description of systems with many degrees of freedom, focusing on both equilibrium and non-equilibrium phenomena.
## Outline:
1. **Review of Thermodynamics**
- Laws of thermodynamics
- Thermodynamic potentials
- Phase transitions and critical phenomena
2. **Microcanonical, Canonical, and Grand Canonical Ensembles**
- Partition functions and thermodynamic properties
- Connections between ensembles
- Quantum statistics: Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions
3. **Statistical Ensembles and Entropy**
- Entropy as a measure of disorder
- Gibbs entropy formula
- Boltzmann distribution
4. **Ideal and Interacting Gases**
- Classical ideal gas
- Quantum ideal gases (Bose and Fermi gases)
- Virial expansion and interactions
5. **Phase Transitions**
- Landau theory
- Critical exponents and universality
- Renormalization group theory
6. **Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics**
- Boltzmann equation
- Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations
- Brownian motion
7. **Fluctuations and Response Theory**
- Fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- Linear response theory
- Kubo formalism
phy614 = """
# PHY 614: Electromagnetism I (Electromagnetic Theory I)
This course covers the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory, with a deep dive into Maxwell's equations and their applications.
## Outline:
1. **Maxwell’s Equations**
- Integral and differential forms
- Boundary conditions
- Continuity equation and gauge invariance
2. **Electrostatics**
- Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations
- Green’s functions and boundary value problems
- Multipole expansions
3. **Magnetostatics**
- Biot-Savart law
- Vector potentials
- Magnetic dipoles and multipoles
4. **Electromagnetic Waves**
- Plane waves in vacuum and matter
- Reflection, refraction, and polarization
- Waveguides and cavities
5. **Radiation from Moving Charges**
- Lienard-Wiechert potentials
- Dipole and quadrupole radiation
- Synchrotron and bremsstrahlung radiation
6. **Special Relativity and Electromagnetism**
- Lorentz transformations
- Covariant formulation of electromagnetism
- Relativistic kinematics and dynamics
7. **Electromagnetic Field in Matter**
- Polarization and magnetization
- Boundary conditions at interfaces
- Electromagnetic waves in dispersive and conducting media
phy615 = """
# PHY 615: Quantum Mechanics II
This advanced course in quantum mechanics delves into more complex quantum systems, focusing on applications and advanced techniques.
## Outline:
1. **Review of Quantum Mechanics I**
- Key principles and formalism
- Advanced applications of harmonic oscillator
2. **Advanced Scattering Theory**
- S-matrix and optical theorem
- Scattering in three dimensions
- Coulomb scattering and partial waves
3. **Relativistic Quantum Mechanics**
- Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations
- Spin-1/2 particles and relativistic wave equations
- Zitterbewegung and antiparticles
4. **Quantum Field Theory Basics**
- Quantization of fields
- Path integrals in field theory
- Interaction picture and perturbation theory
5. **Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)**
- Feynman diagrams and rules
- Renormalization and gauge symmetry
- Applications to atomic physics
6. **Symmetry and Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics**
- Lie groups and Lie algebras
- Representations of symmetry groups
- Wigner-Eckart theorem and selection rules
7. **Many-Body Quantum Mechanics**
- Second quantization formalism
- Hartree-Fock method
- Bose-Einstein condensation and fermionic systems
phy632 = """
# PHY 632: Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics
This course explores contemporary and cutting-edge topics in theoretical physics, often including current research trends and advanced mathematical methods.
## Outline:
1. **Quantum Field Theory II**
- Renormalization group theory
- Gauge theories and spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Anomalies and the Standard Model
2. **Supersymmetry**
- Supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- Superfields and superspace
- Applications to particle physics and string theory
3. **String Theory Basics**
- Bosonic strings and superstrings
- D-branes and dualities
- Holography and AdS/CFT correspondence
4. **Advanced General Relativity**
- Gravitational waves
- Black hole thermodynamics
- Cosmology and inflation
5. **Topological Quantum Field Theory**
- Chern-Simons theory
- Topological insulators and anyons
- Applications to condensed matter physics
6. **Nonperturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory**
- Instantons and solitons
- Lattice gauge theory
- Large N expansion and dualities
7. **Quantum Computing and Quantum Information**
- Qubits and quantum gates
- Quantum algorithms and complexity
- Quantum error correction and entanglement entropy
# Streamlit app to display the outlines
st.title("Graduate Physics Course Outlines")
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6 = st.tabs(["PHY 504", "PHY 611", "PHY 613", "PHY 614", "PHY 615", "PHY 632"])
with tab1:
with tab2:
with tab3:
with tab4:
with tab5:
with tab6: