rtemisseq_version <- "0.2.7" |
library(rtemis) |
library(rtemisbio) |
library(shiny) |
library(bslib) |
library(htmltools) |
library(plotly) |
source("globals.R") |
source("data.R") |
primary <- "#72CDF4" |
info <- helpcol <- "#B43880" |
success <- "#B4DC55" |
seqvizlive <- function( |
default_theme = "dark", |
protein_plotly_height = "900px", |
jsonedit_height = "900px", |
verbosity = 0) { |
logo <- base64enc::dataURI( |
file = "./www/rtemisseq_gray.png", mime = "image/png" |
) |
platform <- sessionInfo()[["platform"]] |
svl <- paste0( |
"rtemisseq v", rtemisseq_version, |
" | ", "rtemisbio v", utils::packageVersion("rtemisbio"), |
" | ", "rtemis v", utils::packageVersion("rtemis"), |
" | R v", version$major, ".", version$minor, |
" | running on ", platform |
) |
shinylive_info <- if (substr(platform, 1, 4) == "wasm") { |
paste0( |
"<br><br>This application has been compiled to ", |
as.character(a("WebAssembly", href = "https://webassembly.org/", target = "_blank")), |
" using ", |
as.character(a("shinylive", href = "https://posit-dev.github.io/r-shinylive/", target = "_blank")), |
"<br>and is best viewed with the latest version of Chrome." |
) |
} else { |
} |
ui <- function(request) { |
bslib::page_navbar( |
title = list( |
logo = a( |
img( |
src = logo, |
width = "140px", |
height = "auto", |
alt = "rtemisseq" |
), |
href = "https://rtemis.org/rtemisseq", |
) |
), |
id = "rtemisseq", |
selected = "Welcome", |
footer = span( |
svl, |
" © 2024 EDG", |
style = "display: block; text-align: center; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;" |
), |
theme = bslib::bs_theme( |
bg = "#fff", |
fg = "#000", |
primary = primary, |
secondary = "#704071", |
success = success, |
info = info, |
`tooltip-bg` = "#303030", |
`tooltip-color` = helpcol, |
`tooltip-opacity` = 1, |
`tooltip-border-radius` = "10px", |
`tooltip-padding-x` = "1rem", |
`tooltip-padding-y` = "1rem", |
`tooltip-font-size` = "1rem" |
) |> |
bs_add_rules(sass::sass_file("www/rtemislive.scss")), |
window_title = "rtemisSeq", |
lang = "en", |
bslib::nav_panel( |
title = "Welcome", |
icon = bsicons::bs_icon("stars"), |
bslib::card( |
card_body( |
class = "d-inline text-center", |
h4("Welcome to rtemisSeq", style = "text-align: center;"), |
br(), |
HTML(paste0( |
"rtemisSeq is a web interface for ", |
as.character(a("rtemisbio", href = "https://rtemis.org/rtemisbio", target = "_blank")), |
", <br>providing interactive visualization of sequence data.", |
"<br>Created for the ", as.character(a("FTD CWOW", href = "https://cwow.ucsf.edu/", target = "_blank")), |
".<br><br>", |
rthelp_inline( |
"To get started, use the navigation tabs at the top.", |
title = "Welcome" |
), |
shinylive_info |
)), |
br(), br(), |
bslib::card_image( |
file = "./www/rtemisseq-splash.webp", |
alt = "rtemisseq", |
align = "center", |
border_radius = "all", |
fill = FALSE, |
width = "40%", |
class = "mx-auto" |
) |
) |
) |
), |
bslib::nav_panel( |
title = "Protein Visualization", |
icon = bsicons::bs_icon("body-text"), |
card( |
full_screen = TRUE, |
class = "p-0", |
card_header( |
class = "d-flex justify-content-end", |
uiOutput("ui_a3_tooltip"), |
uiOutput("ui_a3_popover") |
), |
layout_sidebar( |
fillable = TRUE, |
sidebar = bslib::sidebar( |
uiOutput("ui_a3_load_switch"), |
uiOutput("ui_a3_data_load"), |
uiOutput("ui_a3_data_info"), |
uiOutput("ui_a3_plot_button"), |
), |
uiOutput("ui_dplot3_protein") |
) |
) |
), |
bslib::nav_panel( |
title = "About", |
icon = bsicons::bs_icon("info-square"), |
bslib::card( |
class = "mx-auto", |
bslib::card_body( |
div( |
class = "text-center", |
HTML(paste0( |
"Created by the ", |
as.character(a("FTD CWOW", href = "https://cwow.ucsf.edu/", target = "_blank")), |
" Genomics & Transcriptomics core.<br/>", |
"Powered by rtemis & rtemisbio (", |
as.character(a("rtemis.org", href = "https://rtemis.org", target = "_blank")), |
")." |
)) |
), |
card_image( |
file = "./www/rtemisbio.webp", |
href = "https://rtemis.org/rtemisbio", |
alt = "rtemisbio", |
align = "center", |
border_radius = "all", |
fill = FALSE, |
width = "54%", |
class = "mx-auto" |
), |
div( |
class = "text-center", |
a( |
img( |
src = "rtemis_gray.png", |
alt = "rtemis", |
width = "190px" |
), |
href = "https://rtemis.org", |
target = "_blank" |
) |
) |
) |
) |
), |
bslib::nav_spacer(), |
bslib::nav_item(input_dark_mode(id = "dark_mode", mode = default_theme)), |
header = list( |
shinybusy::add_busy_spinner( |
spin = "orbit", |
color = "#00ffff", |
timeout = 200, |
position = "bottom-left", |
onstart = FALSE |
) |
) |
) |
} |
server <- function(input, output, session) { |
output$ui_a3_load_switch <- shiny::renderUI({ |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Rendering ui_a3_load_switch") |
} |
shiny::radioButtons( |
inputId = "a3_load_switch", |
label = "Data source", |
choices = list( |
`Built-in datasets` = "builtin", |
`File upload` = "upload" |
), |
selected = "builtin" |
) |
}) |
output$ui_a3_data_load <- shiny::renderUI({ |
req(input$a3_load_switch) |
if (input$a3_load_switch == "upload") { |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Rendering ui_a3_data_load for file upload") |
} |
shiny::fileInput( |
inputId = "a3_file", |
label = "Upload a3 JSON file", |
buttonLabel = "Browse local files...", |
) |
} else { |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Rendering ui_a3_data_load for built-in data selection") |
} |
shiny::selectizeInput( |
inputId = "a3_builtin_data", |
label = "Select built-in a3 dataset", |
choices = c("MAPT_Annot", "MAPT_Cleavage", "MAPT_Citrullination"), |
selected = "MAPT_Annot" |
) |
} |
}) |
output$ui_a3_data_info <- shiny::renderUI({ |
req(a3_obj()) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Rendering ui_a3_data_info") |
} |
bslib::card( |
bslib::card_title("a3 Dataset Info", container = htmltools::h6), |
bslib::card_body( |
summarize_a3(a3_obj()), |
fillable = FALSE |
) |
) |
}) |
output$ui_a3_plot_button <- shiny::renderUI({ |
req(a3_obj()) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Rendering ui_a3_plot_button") |
} |
bslib::input_task_button( |
"a3_plot_button", |
"Plot dataset", |
icon = bsicons::bs_icon("magic"), |
label_busy = "Drawing...", |
icon_busy = bsicons::bs_icon("clock-history"), |
type = "primary", |
auto_reset = TRUE |
) |
}) |
a3_obj <- shiny::reactive({ |
req(input$a3_load_switch) |
if (input$a3_load_switch == "upload") { |
req(input$a3_file) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Loading a3 JSON file '", input$a3_file$datapath, "'") |
} |
dat <- read.a3json(input$a3_file$datapath) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Loaded dataset of class '", class(dat)[1], "'") |
} |
return(dat) |
} else { |
req(input$a3_builtin_data) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Loading built-in a3 dataset '", input$a3_builtin_data, "'") |
} |
dat <- get(input$a3_builtin_data) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Loaded dataset of class '", class(dat)[1], "'") |
} |
return(dat) |
} |
}) |
dplot3_theme <- shiny::reactive({ |
req(input$dark_mode) |
if (input$dark_mode == "dark") { |
"black" |
} else { |
"white" |
} |
}) |
output$dplot3_protein <- plotly::renderPlotly({ |
req(a3_obj()) |
if (verbosity > 0) { |
message("Rendering dplot3_protein of object with class '", class(a3_obj())[1], "'") |
} |
plot( |
a3_obj(), |
theme = dplot3_theme(), |
marker.size = input$marker.size, |
font.size = input$font.size, |
ptm.marker.size = input$ptm.marker.size, |
clv.marker.size = input$clv.marker.size, |
bg = input$plot.bg, |
plot.bg = input$plot.bg, |
marker.col = input$marker.col, |
n.per.row = if (input$n.per.row == "auto") NULL else as.integer(input$n.per.row) |
) |
}) |> |
bindEvent(input$a3_plot_button, input$a3_plot_update_button) |
clicked <- shiny::reactiveVal(FALSE) |
shiny::observeEvent(input$a3_plot_button, { |
clicked(TRUE) |
}) |
output$ui_a3_tooltip <- shiny::renderUI({ |
bslib::tooltip( |
trigger = span( |
"Plot help", bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", class = "text-info"), |
style = "text-align: right;", |
class = "rtanihi" |
), |
div( |
rhelplist( |
c( |
"Select Data Source (built-in or upload)", |
"Click 'Plot dataset' to render the plot - repeat after changing datasets.", |
"Hover over plot to see annotations.", |
"Click on legend items to toggle visibility of annotations.", |
"Double-click on legend items to isolate a single annotation type.", |
"Click on top-right gear icon to change plot settings." |
) |
), |
style = "text-align: left;" |
), |
placement = "bottom" |
) |
}) |
output$ui_a3_popover <- shiny::renderUI({ |
if (clicked()) { |
popover( |
trigger = bsicons::bs_icon("gear", class = "ms-auto"), |
shiny::sliderInput("marker.size", label = "Marker size", min = 1, max = 100, value = 28), |
shiny::sliderInput("font.size", label = "Font size", min = 1, max = 72, value = 18), |
if (length(a3_obj()$Annotations$PTM) > 0) shiny::sliderInput("ptm.marker.size", label = "PTM Marker size", min = .1, max = 36, value = 28 / 4.5), |
if (length(a3_obj()$Annotations$Cleavage_site) > 0) shiny::sliderInput("clv.marker.size", label = "Cleavage Site Marker size", min = .1, max = 36, value = 28 / 4), |
shinyWidgets::colorPickr( |
"plot.bg", |
label = "Plot background", |
selected = ifelse(input$dark_mode == "dark", "#191919", "#FFFFFF") |
), |
shinyWidgets::colorPickr( |
"marker.col", |
label = "Marker color", |
selected = ifelse(input$dark_mode == "dark", "#3f3f3f", "#dfdfdf") |
), |
textInput("n.per.row", "Number of AAs per row", value = "auto"), |
bslib::input_task_button( |
"a3_plot_update_button", |
"Update rendering", |
icon = bsicons::bs_icon("arrow-clockwise"), |
label_busy = "Drawing...", |
icon_busy = bsicons::bs_icon("clock-history"), |
type = "primary", |
auto_reset = TRUE |
), |
title = "Plot settings", |
placement = "auto" |
) |
} else { |
popover( |
trigger = bsicons::bs_icon("gear", class = "ms-auto"), |
"Please select dataset from the left sidebar and click 'Plot dataset'.<br>Plot settings will appear here after the plot is rendered." |
) |
) |
} |
}) |
output$ui_dplot3_protein <- renderUI({ |
if (clicked() == FALSE || is.null(a3_obj())) { |
rthelp( |
"Select Data Source and Click 'Plot dataset' on the left.", |
title = "Protein Visualization " |
) |
} else { |
plotly::plotlyOutput( |
"dplot3_protein", |
width = "100%", |
height = protein_plotly_height |
) |
} |
}) |
output$jsonedit <- listviewer::renderJsonedit({ |
req(a3_obj()) |
listviewer::jsonedit(a3_obj()) |
}) |
output$ui_jsonedit <- shiny::renderUI({ |
listviewer::jsoneditOutput( |
"jsonedit", |
height = jsonedit_height |
) |
}) |
} |
shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, enableBookmarking = "url") |
} |
seqvizlive() |