erasmopurif's picture
First commit
# Copyright 2019 Seth V. Neel, Michael J. Kearns, Aaron L. Roth, Zhiwei Steven Wu
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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"""Function generating 3-d heatmap visualizing gamma-disparity.
The main function in this module, heat_map(), generates and saves a 3-d
heatmap visualizing the gamma-disparity for groups defined by linear thresholds over 2 sensitive attributes.
This serves as a (heuristic) method to help visualize convergence of the algorithm via brute force checking in
low dimensions, rather than relying on the Auditor. See [KRNW18] for details.
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from aif360.algorithms.inprocessing.gerryfair.reg_oracle_class import *
def calc_disp(predictions, X, group_labels, X_prime, group):
"""Return the fp disparity in a group g - helper function for heat_map.
:param predictions: dataframe of predictions of the classifier
:param X: dataframe of covariates
:param group_labels: dataframe of group labels
:param X_prime: sensitive covariates
:param group: object of class Group(), see
:return: weighted disparity on the group g
X_0 = pd.DataFrame(
[X_prime.iloc[u, :] for u, s in enumerate(group_labels) if s == 0])
group_0 = group.predict(X_0)
n = len(group_labels)
g_size_0 = np.sum(group_0) * 1.0 / n
FP = [predictions[i] for i, c in enumerate(group_labels) if c == 0]
FP = np.mean(FP)
group_members = group.predict(X_prime)
fp_g = [
predictions[i] for i, c in enumerate(group_labels)
if group_members[i] == 1 and c == 0
if len(fp_g) == 0:
return 0
fp_g = np.mean(fp_g)
return (FP - fp_g) * g_size_0
def heat_map(X, X_prime, y, predictions, eta, plot_path, vmin=None, vmax=None):
"""Generate 3-d heatmap and save it at plot_path.
:param eta: discretization parameter of coefficients defining subgroups
:param plot_path: the path to save the heatmap at
:param vmin: Min value to map: see plot_surface documentation in matplotlib
:param vmax: Max value to map
:return: the min and max gamma disparities on groups in the plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
columns = [str(c) for c in X_prime.columns]
attribute_1 = np.zeros(int(1 / eta))
attribute_2 = np.zeros(int(1 / eta))
disparity = np.zeros((int(1 / eta), int(1 / eta)))
for i in range(int(1 / eta)):
for j in range(int(1 / eta)):
beta = [-1 + 2 * eta * i, -1 + 2 * eta * j]
group = LinearThresh(beta)
attribute_1[i] = beta[0]
attribute_2[j] = beta[1]
disparity[i, j] = calc_disp(predictions, X, y, X_prime, group)
X_plot, Y_plot = np.meshgrid(attribute_1, attribute_2)
ax.set_xlabel(columns[0] + ' coefficient')
ax.set_ylabel(columns[1] + ' coefficient')
ax.set_zlabel('gamma disparity')
ax.set_zlim3d([np.min(disparity), np.max(disparity)])
surface = ax.plot_surface(X_plot,
if plot_path != '.':
return [np.min(disparity), np.max(disparity)]