Runtime error
Runtime error
## `aif360.sklearn` | |
This is a wholly separate interface for interacting with data, viewing metrics, | |
and running debiasing algorithms than the main AIF360 package. The purpose of | |
this sub-package is to match scikit-learn paradigms/APIs for easier integration | |
in typical machine learning workflows. | |
See [Getting Started](examples/Getting%20Started.ipynb) to see `aif360.sklearn` | |
in action. | |
To do: | |
- [x] Reformat datasets as separate X and y (and sample_weight) DataFrame | |
objects with sample properties (protected attributes) as the index | |
- [ ] Load included datasets in the above format | |
- [x] Use `sklearn.datasets.fetch_openml` to load UCI datasets (#53) | |
- [ ] COMPAS | |
- [ ] MEPS | |
- [ ] Implement metrics as individual functions instead of instance methods | |
- [x] Make certain metrics compatible as sklearn scorers | |
- [x] Use "prot_attr" and "priv_group" keywords to specify protected attributes to | |
functions | |
- [x] Generalized confusion matrix | |
- [ ] Sample distortion metrics | |
- [ ] Make inprocessing algorithms compatible as sklearn `Estimator`s | |
- [x] Adversarial debiasing | |
- [ ] **[External]** `get_feature_names()` from data preprocessing | |
steps that would remove DataFrame formatting | |
- [ ] [SLEP007]([SLEP008]( - feature names | |
- [ ] Prejudice remover | |
- [ ] Meta-fair classifier | |
- [ ] Make preprocessing algorithms compatible as sklearn `Transformer`s | |
- [ ] **[External]** Add functionality to modify X and y | |
- [ ] [SLEP005]( - Resampler API (see discussion; meta-estimator workaround may be enough) | |
- [ ] Disparate impact remover | |
- [ ] Learning fair representations | |
- [ ] Optimized preprocessing | |
- [X] Reweighing | |
- [X] Meta-estimator workaround | |
- [ ] **[External]** [SLEP006]( - Sample properties (meta-estimator works but would be very nice to have) | |
- [ ] Make postprocessing algorithms compatible | |
- [x] Calibrated equalized odds postprocessing | |
- [x] Meta-estimator workaround again | |
- [ ] Equalized odds postprocessing | |
- [ ] Reject option classification | |
- [ ] Miscellaneous: | |
- [ ] Explainers | |