from cliport.tasks.align_box_corner import AlignBoxCorner |
from cliport.tasks.assembling_kits import AssemblingKits |
from cliport.tasks.assembling_kits_seq import AssemblingKitsSeq |
from cliport.tasks.block_insertion import BlockInsertion |
from cliport.tasks.manipulating_rope import ManipulatingRope |
from cliport.tasks.align_rope import AlignRope |
from cliport.tasks.packing_boxes import PackingBoxes |
from cliport.tasks.packing_shapes import PackingShapes |
from cliport.tasks.packing_boxes_pairs import PackingBoxesPairs |
from cliport.tasks.packing_google_objects import PackingSeenGoogleObjectsSeq |
from cliport.tasks.palletizing_boxes import PalletizingBoxes |
from cliport.tasks.place_red_in_green import PlaceRedInGreen |
from cliport.tasks.put_block_in_bowl import PutBlockInBowl |
from cliport.tasks.stack_block_pyramid import StackBlockPyramid |
from cliport.tasks.stack_block_pyramid_seq import StackBlockPyramidSeq |
from cliport.tasks.sweeping_piles import SweepingPiles |
from cliport.tasks.separating_piles import SeparatingPiles |
from cliport.tasks.task import Task |
from cliport.tasks.towers_of_hanoi import TowersOfHanoi |
from cliport.tasks.towers_of_hanoi_seq import TowersOfHanoiSeq |
from cliport.tasks.generated_task import GeneratedTask |
import pybullet as p |
import os |
import numpy as np |
from cliport.tasks.task import Task |
from cliport.utils import utils |
class BlockInsertionTranslation(BlockInsertion): |
"""Insertion Task - Translation Variant.""" |
def get_random_pose(self, env, obj_size): |
pose = super(BlockInsertionTranslation, self).get_random_pose(env, obj_size) |
pos, rot = pose |
rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, np.pi / 2)) |
return pos, rot |
class BlockInsertionEasy(BlockInsertionTranslation): |
"""Insertion Task - Easy Variant.""" |
def add_block(self, env): |
"""Add L-shaped block in fixed position.""" |
urdf = 'insertion/ell.urdf' |
pose = ((0.5, 0, 0.02), p.getQuaternionFromEuler((0, 0, np.pi / 2))) |
return env.add_object(urdf, pose) |
class BlockInsertionSixDof(BlockInsertion): |
"""Insertion Task - 6DOF Variant.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.sixdof = True |
self.pos_eps = 0.02 |
def add_fixture(self, env): |
"""Add L-shaped fixture to place block.""" |
size = (0.1, 0.1, 0.04) |
urdf = 'insertion/fixture.urdf' |
pose = self.get_random_pose_6dof(env, size) |
env.add_object(urdf, pose, 'fixed') |
return pose |
def get_random_pose_6dof(self, env, obj_size): |
pos, rot = super(BlockInsertionSixDof, self).get_random_pose(env, obj_size) |
z = (np.random.rand() / 10) + 0.03 |
pos = (pos[0], pos[1], obj_size[2] / 2 + z) |
roll = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 2 |
pitch = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 2 |
yaw = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi |
rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((roll, pitch, yaw)) |
return pos, rot |
class BlockInsertionNoFixture(BlockInsertion): |
"""Insertion Task - No Fixture Variant.""" |
def add_fixture(self, env): |
"""Add target pose to place block.""" |
size = (0.1, 0.1, 0.04) |
pose = self.get_random_pose(env, size) |
return pose |
class AssemblingKitsSeqUnseenColors(AssemblingKitsSeq): |
"""Kitting Task - Easy variant.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'test' |
class AssemblingKitsSeqSeenColors(AssemblingKitsSeqUnseenColors): |
"""Kitting Task - Easy variant.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'train' |
class AssemblingKitsSeqFull(AssemblingKitsSeqUnseenColors): |
"""Kitting Task - Easy variant.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'full' |
class AssemblingKitsEasy(AssemblingKits): |
"""Kitting Task - Easy variant.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.rot_eps = np.deg2rad(30) |
self.train_set = np.int32( |
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]) |
self.test_set = np.int32([3, 11]) |
self.homogeneous = True |
class PackingBoxesPairsUnseenColors(PackingBoxesPairs): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'test' |
class PackingBoxesPairsSeenColors(PackingBoxesPairsUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'train' |
class PackingBoxesPairsFull(PackingBoxesPairsUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'all' |
class PackingUnseenGoogleObjectsSeq(PackingSeenGoogleObjectsSeq): |
"""Packing Unseen Google Objects Sequence task.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
def get_object_names(self): |
return utils.google_seen_obj_shapes |
class PackingSeenGoogleObjectsGroup(PackingSeenGoogleObjectsSeq): |
"""Packing Seen Google Objects Group task.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.lang_template = "pack all the {obj} objects in the brown box" |
self.max_steps = 3 |
def choose_objects(self, object_names, k): |
chosen_objects = np.random.choice(object_names, k, replace=True) |
repeat_category, distractor_category = np.random.choice(chosen_objects, 2, replace=False) |
num_repeats = np.random.randint(2, 3) |
chosen_objects[:num_repeats] = repeat_category |
chosen_objects[num_repeats:2*num_repeats] = distractor_category |
return chosen_objects, repeat_category |
def set_goals(self, object_descs, object_ids, object_points, repeat_category, zone_pose, zone_size): |
num_pack_objs = object_descs.count(repeat_category) |
true_poses = [] |
chosen_obj_pts = dict() |
chosen_obj_ids = [] |
for obj_idx, (object_id, info) in enumerate(object_ids): |
if object_descs[obj_idx] == repeat_category: |
true_poses.append(zone_pose) |
chosen_obj_pts[object_id] = object_points[object_id] |
chosen_obj_ids.append((object_id, info)) |
self.goals.append(( |
chosen_obj_ids, np.eye(len(chosen_obj_ids)), true_poses, False, True, 'zone', |
(chosen_obj_pts, [(zone_pose, zone_size)]), 1)) |
self.lang_goals.append(self.lang_template.format(obj=repeat_category)) |
self.max_steps = num_pack_objs+1 |
class PackingUnseenGoogleObjectsGroup(PackingSeenGoogleObjectsGroup): |
"""Packing Unseen Google Objects Group task.""" |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
def get_object_names(self): |
return utils.google_unseen_obj_shapes |
class PutBlockInBowlUnseenColors(PutBlockInBowl): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'test' |
class PutBlockInBowlSeenColors(PutBlockInBowlUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'train' |
class PutBlockInBowlFull(PutBlockInBowlUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'full' |
class SeparatingPilesUnseenColors(SeparatingPiles): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'test' |
class SeparatingPilesSeenColors(SeparatingPilesUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'train' |
class SeparatingPilesFull(SeparatingPilesUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'full' |
class StackBlockPyramidSeqUnseenColors(StackBlockPyramidSeq): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'test' |
class StackBlockPyramidSeqSeenColors(StackBlockPyramidSeqUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'train' |
class StackBlockPyramidSeqFull(StackBlockPyramidSeqUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'full' |
class TowersOfHanoiSeqUnseenColors(TowersOfHanoiSeq): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'test' |
class TowersOfHanoiSeqSeenColors(TowersOfHanoiSeqUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'train' |
class TowersOfHanoiSeqFull(TowersOfHanoiSeqUnseenColors): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.mode = 'full' |