import os |
import sys |
import json |
import numpy as np |
from cliport import tasks |
from cliport import agents |
from cliport.utils import utils |
import torch |
import cv2 |
from cliport.dataset import RavensDataset |
from cliport.environments.environment import Environment |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader |
import IPython |
import matplotlib |
import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
train_demos = 50 |
n_eval = 1 |
mode = 'test' |
agent_name = 'cliport' |
model_task = 'place-red-in-green' |
task_type = 'cliport3_task_indomain' |
model_folder = f'exps-singletask/debug_checkpoints' |
ckpt_name = 'last.ckpt' |
draw_grasp_lines = True |
affordance_heatmap_scale = 30 |
eval_task = 'place-red-in-green' |
def crop_img(img, height_range=[200, 340], width_range=[180, 460]): |
img = img[height_range[0]:height_range[1], width_range[0]:width_range[1], :] |
return img |
def read_rgb_image(path): |
img = cv2.imread(path) |
img = crop_img(img) |
img = cv2.resize(img, (320, 160)) |
img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2) |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
return img |
def read_depth_image(path): |
img = plt.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) |
img = crop_img(img) |
img = cv2.resize(img, (320, 160))[:, :, 0][:, :, None] |
img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2) |
return img |
def process_real_sample(cmap, dmap, info, aug_theta_sigma=60, augment=False): |
"""Process the sample like the dataset method.""" |
print(cmap.shape, dmap.shape) |
img = np.concatenate((cmap, dmap, dmap, dmap), axis=2) |
p0, p1 = np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1) |
p0_theta, p1_theta = np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1) |
perturb_params = np.zeros(5) |
if augment: |
img, _, (p0, p1), perturb_params = utils.perturb(img, [p0, p1], theta_sigma=aug_theta_sigma) |
sample = { |
'img': img.copy(), |
'p0': np.array(p0).copy(), 'p0_theta': np.array(p0_theta).copy(), |
'p1': np.array(p1).copy(), 'p1_theta': np.array(p1_theta).copy() , |
'perturb_params': np.array(perturb_params).copy() |
} |
if info and 'lang_goal' in info: |
sample['lang_goal'] = info['lang_goal'] |
return sample |
def plot_affordance(batch, obs, agent, info, draw_grasp_lines=True, affordance_heatmap_scale=30): |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(13, 7)) |
img = batch['img'] |
img = torch.from_numpy(img) |
color = np.uint8(img.detach().cpu().numpy())[:,:,:3] |
color = color.transpose(1,0,2) |
depth = np.array(img.detach().cpu().numpy())[:,:,3] |
depth = depth.transpose(1,0) |
axs[0,0].imshow(color) |
axs[0,0].axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[0,0].axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[0,0].set_title('Input RGB') |
axs[0,1].imshow(depth) |
axs[0,1].axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[0,1].axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[0,1].set_title('Input Depth') |
axs[1,0].imshow(color) |
axs[1,0].axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[1,0].axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[1,0].set_title('Pick Affordance') |
axs[1,1].imshow(color) |
axs[1,1].axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[1,1].axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) |
axs[1,1].set_title('Place Affordance') |
l = str(info['lang_goal']) |
act = agent.real_act(obs, info, goal=None) |
pick, place = act['pick'], act['place'] |
pick_inp = {'inp_img': batch['img'], 'lang_goal': l} |
pick_conf = agent.attn_forward(pick_inp)[0] |
print("pick_conf:", pick_conf.shape, pick, place) |
logits = pick_conf.detach().cpu().numpy() |
pick_conf = pick_conf.detach().cpu().numpy() |
argmax = np.argmax(pick_conf) |
argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=pick_conf.shape) |
p0 = argmax[:2] |
p0_theta = (argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / pick_conf.shape[2])) * -1.0 |
line_len = 30 |
pick0 = (pick[0] + line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p0_theta), pick[1] + line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p0_theta)) |
pick1 = (pick[0] - line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p0_theta), pick[1] - line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p0_theta)) |
if draw_grasp_lines: |
axs[1,0].plot((pick1[0], pick0[0]), (pick1[1], pick0[1]), color='r', linewidth=1) |
place_inp = {'inp_img': batch['img'], 'p0': pick, 'lang_goal': l} |
place_conf = agent.trans_forward(place_inp)[0] |
place_conf = place_conf.permute(1, 2, 0) |
place_conf = place_conf.detach().cpu().numpy() |
argmax = np.argmax(place_conf) |
argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=place_conf.shape) |
p1_pix = argmax[:2] |
p1_theta = (argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / place_conf.shape[2]) + p0_theta) * -1.0 |
line_len = 30 |
place0 = (place[0] + line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p1_theta), place[1] + line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p1_theta)) |
place1 = (place[0] - line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p1_theta), place[1] - line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p1_theta)) |
if draw_grasp_lines: |
axs[1,1].plot((place1[0], place0[0]), (place1[1], place0[1]), color='g', linewidth=1) |
pick_logits_disp = np.uint8(logits * 255 * affordance_heatmap_scale).transpose(2,1,0) |
place_logits_disp = np.uint8(np.sum(place_conf, axis=2)[:,:,None] * 255 * affordance_heatmap_scale).transpose(1,0,2) |
pick_logits_disp_masked = np.ma.masked_where(pick_logits_disp < 0, pick_logits_disp) |
place_logits_disp_masked = np.ma.masked_where(place_logits_disp < 0, place_logits_disp) |
axs[1][0].imshow(pick_logits_disp_masked, alpha=0.75) |
axs[1][1].imshow(place_logits_disp_masked, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.75) |
print(f"Lang Goal: {str(info['lang_goal'])}") |
plt.savefig(f'{root_dir}/data/real_output/test_real_affordance2.png') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
os.environ['GENSIM_ROOT'] = f'{os.path.abspath(__file__)}/../..' |
root_dir = os.environ['GENSIM_ROOT'] |
print("root_dir:", root_dir) |
assets_root = os.path.join(root_dir, 'cliport/environments/assets/') |
config_file = 'eval.yaml' |
vcfg = utils.load_hydra_config(os.path.join(root_dir, f'cliport/cfg/{config_file}')) |
vcfg['data_dir'] = os.path.join(root_dir, 'data') |
vcfg['mode'] = mode |
vcfg['model_task'] = model_task |
vcfg['eval_task'] = eval_task |
vcfg['agent'] = agent_name |
model_path = os.path.join(root_dir, model_folder) |
if model_folder[-7:] == 'smaller': |
vcfg['train_config'] = f"{model_path}/{model_folder[9:-8]}-{vcfg['agent']}-n{train_demos}-train/.hydra/config.yaml" |
vcfg['model_path'] = f"{model_path}/{model_folder[9:-8]}-{vcfg['agent']}-n{train_demos}-train/checkpoints/" |
else: |
vcfg['train_config'] = f"{model_path}/{model_folder[9:-6]}-{vcfg['agent']}-n{train_demos}-train/.hydra/config.yaml" |
vcfg['model_path'] = f"{model_path}/{model_folder[9:-6]}-{vcfg['agent']}-n{train_demos}-train/checkpoints/" |
tcfg = utils.load_hydra_config(vcfg['train_config']) |
ds = RavensDataset(os.path.join(vcfg['data_dir'], f'{vcfg["eval_task"]}-{vcfg["mode"]}'), |
tcfg, |
n_demos=n_eval, |
augment=False) |
eval_run = 0 |
name = '{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(vcfg['eval_task'], vcfg['agent'], n_eval, eval_run) |
print(f'\nEval ID: {name}\n') |
utils.set_seed(eval_run, torch=True) |
agent = agents.names[vcfg['agent']](name, tcfg, DataLoader(ds), DataLoader(ds)) |
ckpt_path = os.path.join(vcfg['model_path'], ckpt_name) |
print(f'\nLoading checkpoint: {ckpt_path}') |
agent.load(ckpt_path) |
os.makedirs(f'{root_dir}/data/real_output', exist_ok=True) |
real_rgb_img = read_rgb_image(f'{root_dir}/data/real_imgs/rgb0.png') |
plt.imshow(real_rgb_img[:, :, :3]) |
plt.axis('off') |
plt.savefig(f'{root_dir}/data/real_output/real_show.png') |
real_depth_img = read_depth_image(f'{root_dir}/data/real_imgs/depth0.png') |
print(real_depth_img.shape, real_rgb_img.shape) |
plt.imshow(real_depth_img, cmap='gray') |
plt.savefig(f'{root_dir}/data/real_output/real_depth.png') |
info = {} |
info['lang_goal'] = 'place red block in green bowl' |
batch = process_real_sample(real_rgb_img, real_depth_img, info, augment=False) |
obs = batch['img'] |
plot_affordance(batch, obs, agent, info, draw_grasp_lines=draw_grasp_lines, affordance_heatmap_scale=affordance_heatmap_scale) |