Runtime error
Runtime error
import math | |
import numpy as np | |
import re | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from pytorchvideo.models.x3d import create_x3d_stem | |
from timm.models.vision_transformer import VisionTransformer | |
from timm.models.swin_transformer_v2 import SwinTransformerV2 | |
from . import backbones | |
from . import segmentation | |
from .pooling import create_pool2d_layer, create_pool3d_layer | |
from .sequence import Transformer, DualTransformer, DualTransformerV2 | |
from .tools import change_initial_stride, change_num_input_channels | |
class Net2D(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, | |
backbone, | |
pretrained, | |
num_classes, | |
dropout, | |
pool, | |
in_channels=3, | |
change_stride=None, | |
feature_reduction=None, | |
multisample_dropout=False, | |
load_pretrained_backbone=None, | |
freeze_backbone=False, | |
backbone_params={}, | |
pool_layer_params={}): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.backbone, dim_feats = backbones.create_backbone(name=backbone, pretrained=pretrained, **backbone_params) | |
if isinstance(pool, str): | |
self.pool_layer = create_pool2d_layer(name=pool, **pool_layer_params) | |
else: | |
self.pool_layer = nn.Identity() | |
if pool == "catavgmax": | |
dim_feats *= 2 | |
self.msdo = multisample_dropout | |
if in_channels != 3: | |
self.backbone = change_num_input_channels(self.backbone, in_channels) | |
if change_stride: | |
self.backbone = change_initial_stride(self.backbone, tuple(change_stride), in_channels) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) | |
if isinstance(feature_reduction, int): | |
# Use 1D grouped convolution to reduce # of parameters | |
groups = math.gcd(dim_feats, feature_reduction) | |
self.feature_reduction = nn.Conv1d(dim_feats, feature_reduction, groups=groups, kernel_size=1, | |
stride=1, bias=False) | |
dim_feats = feature_reduction | |
self.classifier = nn.Linear(dim_feats, num_classes) | |
if load_pretrained_backbone: | |
# Assumes that model has a `backbone` attribute | |
# Note: if you want to load the entire pretrained model, this is done via the | |
# builder.build_model function | |
print(f"Loading pretrained backbone from {load_pretrained_backbone} ...") | |
weights = torch.load(load_pretrained_backbone, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['state_dict'] | |
weights = {re.sub(r'^model.', '', k) : v for k,v in weights.items()} | |
# Get feature_reduction, if present | |
feat_reduce_weight = {re.sub(r"^feature_reduction.", "", k): v | |
for k, v in weights.items() if "feature_reduction" in k} | |
# Get backbone only | |
weights = {re.sub(r'^backbone.', '', k) : v for k,v in weights.items() if 'backbone' in k} | |
self.backbone.load_state_dict(weights) | |
if len(feat_reduce_weight) > 0: | |
print("Also loading feature reduction layer ...") | |
self.feature_reduction.load_state_dict(feat_reduce_weight) | |
if freeze_backbone: | |
print("Freezing backbone ...") | |
for param in self.backbone.parameters(): | |
param.requires_grad = False | |
def extract_features(self, x): | |
features = self.backbone(x) | |
features = self.pool_layer(features) | |
if isinstance(self.backbone, VisionTransformer): | |
features = features[:, self.backbone.num_prefix_tokens:].mean(dim=1) | |
if isinstance(self.backbone, SwinTransformerV2): | |
features = features.mean(dim=1) | |
if hasattr(self, "feature_reduction"): | |
features = self.feature_reduction(features.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) | |
return features | |
def forward(self, x): | |
features = self.extract_features(x) | |
if self.msdo: | |
x = torch.mean(torch.stack([self.classifier(self.dropout(features)) for _ in range(5)]), dim=0) | |
else: | |
x = self.classifier(self.dropout(features)) | |
# Important nuance: | |
# For binary classification, the model returns a tensor of shape (N,) | |
# Otherwise, (N,C) | |
return x[:, 0] if self.classifier.out_features == 1 else x | |
class SeqNet2D(Net2D): | |
def forward(self, x): | |
# x.shape = (N, C, Z, H, W) | |
features = torch.stack([self.extract_features(x[:, :, _]) for _ in range(x.size(2))], dim=2) | |
features = features.max(2)[0] | |
if self.msdo: | |
x = torch.mean(torch.stack([self.classifier(self.dropout(features)) for _ in range(5)]), dim=0) | |
else: | |
x = self.classifier(self.dropout(features)) | |
# Important nuance: | |
# For binary classification, the model returns a tensor of shape (N,) | |
# Otherwise, (N,C) | |
return x[:, 0] if self.classifier.out_features == 1 else x | |
class TDCNN(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, cnn_params, transformer_params, freeze_cnn=False, freeze_transformer=False): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.cnn = Net2D(**cnn_params) | |
del self.cnn.dropout | |
del self.cnn.classifier | |
self.transformer = Transformer(**transformer_params) | |
if freeze_cnn: | |
for param in self.cnn.parameters(): | |
param.requires_grad = False | |
if freeze_transformer: | |
for param in self.transformer.parameters(): | |
param.requires_grad = False | |
def extract_features(self, x): | |
N, C, Z, H, W = x.size() | |
assert N == 1, "For feature extraction, batch size must be 1" | |
features = self.cnn.extract_features(x.squeeze(0).transpose(0, 1)).unsqueeze(0) | |
# features.shape = (1, Z, dim_feats) | |
return self.transformer.extract_features((features, torch.ones((features.size(0), features.size(1))).to(features.device))) | |
def forward(self, x): | |
# BCZHW | |
features = torch.stack([self.cnn.extract_features(x[:, :, i]) for i in range(x.size(2))], dim=1) | |
# B, seq_len, dim_feat | |
return self.transformer((features, torch.ones((features.size(0), features.size(1))).to(features.device))) | |
class Net2DWith3DStem(Net2D): | |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): | |
stem_out_channels = kwargs.pop("stem_out_channels", 24) | |
load_pretrained_stem = kwargs.pop("load_pretrained_stem", None) | |
conv_kernel_size = tuple(kwargs.pop("conv_kernel_size", (5, 3, 3))) | |
conv_stride = tuple(kwargs.pop("conv_stride", (1, 2, 2))) | |
in_channels = kwargs.pop("in_channels", 3) | |
kwargs["in_channels"] = stem_out_channels | |
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) | |
self.stem_layer = create_x3d_stem(in_channels=in_channels, | |
out_channels=stem_out_channels, | |
conv_kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, | |
conv_stride=conv_stride) | |
if kwargs["pretrained"]: | |
from pytorchvideo.models.hub import x3d_l | |
self.stem_layer.load_state_dict(x3d_l(pretrained=True).blocks[0].state_dict()) | |
if load_pretrained_stem: | |
import re | |
print(f" Loading pretrained stem from {load_pretrained_stem} ...") | |
weights = torch.load(load_pretrained_stem, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['state_dict'] | |
stem_weights = {k.replace("model.backbone.blocks.0.", ""): v for k, v in weights.items() if "backbone.blocks.0" in k} | |
self.stem_layer.load_state_dict(stem_weights) | |
def forward(self, x): | |
x = self.stem_layer(x) | |
x = x.mean(3) | |
features = self.extract_features(x) | |
if self.msdo: | |
x = torch.mean(torch.stack([self.classifier(self.dropout(features)) for _ in range(5)]), dim=0) | |
else: | |
x = self.classifier(self.dropout(features)) | |
# Important nuance: | |
# For binary classification, the model returns a tensor of shape (N,) | |
# Otherwise, (N,C) | |
return x[:, 0] if self.classifier.out_features == 1 else x | |
class Net3D(Net2D): | |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): | |
z_strides = kwargs.pop("z_strides", [1,1,1,1,1]) | |
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) | |
self.pool_layer = create_pool3d_layer(name=kwargs["pool"], **kwargs.pop("pool_layer_params", {})) | |
class NetSegment2D(nn.Module): | |
""" For now, this class essentially servers as a wrapper for the | |
segmentation model which is mostly defined in the segmentation submodule, | |
similar to the original segmentation_models.pytorch. | |
It may be worth refactoring it in the future, such that you define this as | |
a general class, then select your choice of encoder and decoder. The encoder | |
is pretty much the same across all the segmentation models currently | |
implemented (DeepLabV3+, FPN, Unet). | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, | |
architecture, | |
encoder_name, | |
encoder_params, | |
decoder_params, | |
num_classes, | |
dropout, | |
in_channels, | |
load_pretrained_encoder=None, | |
freeze_encoder=False, | |
deep_supervision=False, | |
pool_layer_params={}, | |
aux_head_params={}): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.segmentation_model = getattr(segmentation, architecture)( | |
encoder_name=encoder_name, | |
encoder_params=encoder_params, | |
dropout=dropout, | |
classes=num_classes, | |
deep_supervision=deep_supervision, | |
in_channels=in_channels, | |
**decoder_params | |
) | |
if load_pretrained_encoder: | |
# Assumes that model has a `encoder` attribute | |
# Note: if you want to load the entire pretrained model, this is done via the | |
# builder.build_model function | |
print(f"Loading pretrained encoder from {load_pretrained_encoder} ...") | |
weights = torch.load(load_pretrained_encoder, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['state_dict'] | |
weights = {re.sub(r'^model.segmentation_model', '', k) : v for k,v in weights.items()} | |
# Get encoder only | |
weights = {re.sub(r'^encoder.', '', k) : v for k,v in weights.items() if 'backbone' in k} | |
self.segmentation_model.encoder.load_state_dict(weights) | |
if freeze_encoder: | |
print("Freezing encoder ...") | |
for param in self.segmentation_model.encoder.parameters(): | |
param.requires_grad = False | |
def forward(self, x): | |
return self.segmentation_model(x) | |
class NetSegment3D(NetSegment2D): | |
pass | |