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Initial commit

A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.22.0


IBM Research Hugging Face Spaces gradio template

This template repository lets you quickly build a gradio Hugging Face spaces demo for the ibm-granite org. It is set up with the requirements and theming for the ibm-granite org as well as pre-commit hooks and linting configuration to maintain a consistent code standard across all demos.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Introduction

To deploy demos to the ibm-granite org on Hugging Face, you will be working with the Research Design Technical Experiences (RDTE) team via this GitHub org. You will not gain write access to Hugging Face org as there are limited seats available for those who are able to contribute. Hence, with read-only access you will work via the RDTE team (who have write access) to create and deploy demos to Hugging Face.

πŸ› οΈ Getting started

This is the place to start when building gradio demos for IBM Granite. Complete the following steps to get a repository set up and configured for your demo as well as the deployment pipeline to validate and push it to Hugging Face spaces.

  1. Raise an onboarding request. Please fill out the linked template to request a new repository be set up for you in this org and to give access to anything else required. You can always add more contributors later if needed.
  2. Once your repository has been created, please either update it with your existing demo if you have one, or have a play with the example and modify it to create your new demo. You'll be working in the main branch whilst developing your demo.
  3. Make sure that you follow the development guide and use the pre-configured pre-commit hooks before every commit and push. The validation pipeline will independently gate demos based on these hooks, so to avoid any deployment delays, it's best to run the checks with every commit.
  4. Once you are happy with your demo and want to get it deployed to Hugging Face spaces in the ibm-granite org, open a pull request to merge the main branch into the stable branch. This will trigger a build and stage a deployment so that you and the RDTE team can validate the demo works well both from a technical and UX standpoint. If your demo needs any custom environment variables or secrets, let the RDTE team know and we will contact you directly to get them added to the Space configuration on Hugging Face.
  5. Once the Pull request has been approved, you can merge it into the stable branch. A deployment will then push your changes into the Hugging Face spaces git repository and your demo will then be available.

πŸ› οΈ Development guide

Further information on developing the code in this repository is provided below.

Create a code repository

Use this template to create a new code repository for your demo. This could initially live somewhere else on GitHub if you wish but the RDTE team can also create a repository for you within this ibm-hugging-face-space-demos org.

Once your code repo has been created on GitHub (from this template), clone the repository to your local machine.


Some things you will need to do on your machine before developing.


Precommit is a tool that adds git commit hooks. You will need to install it on your machine and then run within your code repository:

pre-commit install

You can manually run pre-commit using the following command:

# To run against staged files:
pre-commit run

# If you want to run against staged and unstaged files:
pre-commit run --all-files

It is important to run the pre-commit hooks and fix any files that fail before you commit and push to the repository as the pull request build will fail any PR that does not adhere to them i.e. the RDTE team will only accept your code for deployment to Hugging Face once it has passed all of the pre-commit checks.


Poetry is a tool for Python packaging, dependency and virtual environment management that is used to manage the development of this project. You will need to install Poetry locally. There are several ways to install it including through the package manager of your operating system, however, the easiest way to install is likely using their installer, as follows:

curl -sSL | python3 -

You can also use pip and pipx to install poetry, the details of which are at

Once installed, the project is configured and controlled via the pyproject.toml file with the current dependency tree stored in poetry.lock. You may also configure poetry further if you wish but there is no need to do so as the default options are sufficient. You may, however, wish to change some of the options set in this template:

Setting Notes
name Update this, to reflect the name of your demo
version Update this, to reflect the current version of your demo
description Update this, to a short description of your demo
authors Update this, to the list of authors of your demo

Install and run locally

To get set up ready to run the code in development mode:

# create and activate a python virtual environment
poetry shell
poetry install

# run the demo locally
python src/


Each demo should have unit tests to validate that the generate functions work correctly, these can be stubbed out so that a GPU is not required. The UX elements will be tested manually in the staging environment.

  1. Fork this template
  2. Update the .spaces-conf.yaml with the correct metadata for your project. If you don't know what the fields should be, contact the Research Design Technical Experiences Team.
  3. Create a virtual environment and install dependencies using poetry
  4. Run some updates to make sure everything is up-to-date
  5. Run the example code locally.

Documenting your demo

If you would like to write some information/documentation about your demo that is intended for developers or other people that might want to run the demo from scratch, please use the file, leaving the Hugging Face Spaces configuration header in place at the top of the file.

Hugging face spaces configuration settings

Hugging Face allow the configuration of spaces demonstrations via the file in the root of the project. There is a Spaces Configuration Reference guide that you can use to gain an understanding of the configuration options that can be specified here.

The template has a set of initial defaults, similar to these:

title: Granite 3.0 Chat
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: indigo
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 5.9.1
app_file: src/
pinned: false
license: apache-2.0
short_description: Chat with IBM Granite 3.0


The default options specified above:

Setting Notes
title Update this, keep this short (recommend max 24 chars), this information is displayed in the centre of the demo description card
emoji Do not update this, our demos will use a consistent emoji character
colorFrom Do not update this, used in combination with colorTo to colourize the demo description card
colorTo see colorFrom
sdk Do not update this, our Gradio demos will always use the "gradio" setting
sdk_version Update this if necessary for your demo to function, ideally should be set to the latest gradio version
app_file Update this if necessary for your demo to function, should be set to the path of the main entry point to the demo
license Do not update this, our demos are to always be apache-2.0 licensed
short_description Update this, should be set to a few words that describe the demo in a little more detail than the title, this information is displayed in the bottom-right of the demo description card

Other available options:

Setting Notes
python_version You may optionally set this, best advice is to use the default Python version if possible (current default is Python 3.10)
suggested_hardware Do not use this, unlikely to be required as demos run on ZeroGPU
suggested_storage Do not use this, our demos do not require storage
app_port Do not use this, not relevant for gradio demos
base_path Do not use this, use the app_file setting
fullWidth Do not use this, our demos will use a consistent default width
header Do not use this, our demos will use a consistent header
models Do not use this, let their parsing discover these from our code
datasets Do not use this, let their parsing discover these from our code
tags Do not use this, we are not tagging our demos
thumbnail Do not use this, provides a thumbnail for social sharing of demos
pinned Do not use this, the RDTE team will change this setting if it's deemed necessary
hf_oauth Do not use this, we are not using OAuth
hf_oauth_scopes Do not use this, we are not using OAuth
hf_oauth_expiration_minutes Do not use this, we are not using OAuth
disable_embedding Do not use this, leave at the default that allows embedding to take place
startup_duration_timeout Do not use this, leave at the default 30 minutes
custom_headers Do not use this, we do not need to add any custom HTTP headers
preload_from_hub Do not use this, specifying this builds the models and data sets into the container image with the goal of making start up times faster due to not needing to download them each time. However, RDTE testing indicates this setting significantly increases the start up time for our relatively small Granite models