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Ticket Name: Linux/TDA2: Cannot build SDK on Linux with opencx
Query Text:
Part Number: TDA2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA460 Tool/software: Linux Hello Im trying to use opencv with linux on TDA2xx SoC, vision version 03.04.00. Building the kernel and running it, is working fine but when i try to build SDK i get the following error: # Making tda2xx-evm:c66xdsp_1:release:vision_sdk_lib... # Linking into /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/vision_sdk/bin/tda2xx-evm/vision_sdk_c66xdsp_1_release.xe66... undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- EDMA3_semCreate /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/c66xdsp_1/release/utils_common.ae66<utils_dma_edma3cc.oe66> EDMA3_semDelete /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/c66xdsp_1/release/utils_common.ae66<utils_dma_edma3cc.oe66> edma3OsProtectEntry /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/66/release/edma3lld_drv.ae66<edma3_drv_adv.oe66> edma3OsProtectExit /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/66/release/edma3lld_drv.ae66<edma3_drv_adv.oe66> edma3OsSemGive /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/66/release/edma3lld_drv.ae66<edma3_drv_adv.oe66> edma3OsSemTake /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/66/release/edma3lld_drv.ae66<edma3_drv_adv.oe66> rtos_init_ocl_dsp_monitor /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/lib/tda2xx-evm/c66xdsp_1/release/links_common_system.ae66<system_common.oe66> error: unresolved symbols remain error: errors encountered during linking; "/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx _evm_linux_opencx/vision_sdk/bin/tda2xx-evm/vision_sdk_c66xdsp_1_release.xe6 6" not built /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/rtos/makerules/ recipe for target '/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/vision_sdk/bin/tda2xx-evm/vision_sdk_c66xdsp_1_release.xe66' failed make[7]: *** [/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/binaries/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/vision_sdk/bin/tda2xx-evm/vision_sdk_c66xdsp_1_release.xe66] Error 1 /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/rtos/makerules/ recipe for target 'c66xdsp_1' failed make[6]: *** [c66xdsp_1] Error 2 MAKEFILE.MK:116: recipe for target 'apps_dsp1' failed make[5]: *** [apps_dsp1] Error 2 MAKEFILE.MK:31: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[4]: *** [apps] Error 2 MAKEFILE.MK:287: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[3]: *** [apps] Error 2 Makefile:171: recipe for target 'apps_exe' failed make[2]: *** [apps_exe] Error 2 Makefile:36: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[1]: *** [apps] Error 2 Makefile:12: recipe for target 'vision_sdk' failed make: *** [vision_sdk] Error 2 ________________________________________ I do not get this when i build SDK for (normal) linux without opencx. I tried to figure out where are those functions, and it seems they are both in ti_components/codecs/framework_components_3_40_02_07/packages/ti/sdo/fc/edma3/edma3_config.c and ti_components/codecs/codec_engine_3_24_00_08/cetools/packages/ti/sdo/fc/edma3/edma3_config.c I also tried to change mkefiles so build would pass but with no success. I followed the Linux User Guide pdf and should have setup both Codec Engine and Framework Components correctly. Thanks for reading this and for help in advance!
Hi, can you try to delete directory "vision_sdk/binaries/$(MAKEAPPNAME)/$(MAKECONFIG)" and then run "make -s depend" and "make -s" (sometimes -j option causes such errors) and see if you get the error? Regards, Yordan
Hi Yordan, thank you for responding, I have tried what you said and it did not help, how ever i came to conclusion that edma3_config.c files dont even get compiled. I placed intentional errors in those .c files and make return no errors for them, everything runs the same. Is it possible that make files dont have correct paths? Im running out of ideas.
Hi, I have pinged VisionSDK experts for further help. Regards, Yordan
Hi, Could you make sure dsp compiler bin path added to PATH variable ? If not please run below command export PATH=<path_to_dsp_compiler_8.1.0>/bin:$PATH & then build Regards Surya
Yes dsp compiler is installed and path is exported. I have removed every opencl build for dps, edited some make files so opencvCannyLink_priv and iOpenCVCannyAlgo could be compiled and now i have this error: Compiling OpenCL file >> WARNING: invalid compiler option --bc_file=copy.bc (ignored) "/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/../ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs/usr/share/ti/opencl/dsp.syms", line 9: error #10022-D: invalid option: --single_data_segment "/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/../ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs/usr/share/ti/opencl/dsp.syms", line 10: error #10022-D: invalid option: --no_entry_point warning #10247-D: creating output section ".stack" without a SECTIONS specification warning #10210-D: creating ".stack" section with default size of 0x400; use the -stack option to change the default size undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- main /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/cg_tools/linux/ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0/lib/rts6600_elf.lib<args_main.obj> error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "copy.out" not built >> Compilation failure Makefile:5: recipe for target 'copy.dsp_h' failed make[7]: *** [copy.dsp_h] Error 255 MAKEFILE.MK:14: recipe for target 'opencl_build' failed make[6]: *** [opencl_build] Error 2 MAKEFILE_adas.MK:14: recipe for target 'vision_sdk_linux_demo' failed make[5]: *** [vision_sdk_linux_demo] Error 2 MAKEFILE_adas.MK:5: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[4]: *** [apps] Error 2 Makefile:183: recipe for target 'apps_exe_hlos' failed make[3]: *** [apps_exe_hlos] Error 2 Makefile:64: recipe for target 'apps_hlos' failed make[2]: *** [apps_hlos] Error 2 Makefile:36: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[1]: *** [apps] Error 2 Makefile:12: recipe for target 'vision_sdk' failed make: *** [vision_sdk] Error 2
Hi Could you just run "echo $PATH" & share ? Regards Surya
Here it is: [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_03_00_00/vision_sdk/build]$ echo $PATH /home/rtrk/bin:/home/rtrk/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_03_00_00/ti_components/os_tools/linux/xdctools_3_32_01_22_core:/snap/bin:/home/rtrk/.fzf/bin:/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/cg_tools/linux/ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0/bin:/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_03_00_00/ti_components/cg_tools/linux/ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0/bin
Hi OpenCL uses prebuilt dsp binaries which is part of OpenCL file system patch Could you please confirm OpenCL file system patch extracted in targetfs folder ? Also please run "ls -al" in ti_components\cg_tools\linux & share ? Regards Surya
Here they are: [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs]$ ll total 52M drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 12 12:10 bin drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K сеп 19 09:17 boot drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 dev drwxrwxr-x 32 rtrk rtrk 4,0K мар 6 2018 etc drwxr-xr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 home drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:19 include -rwxrw-r-- 1 rtrk rtrk 1,5M сеп 18 14:56 install-extra.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 9 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 12 12:10 lib drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 media drwxr-xr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 mnt drwxrwxr-x 4 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 8 2017 opencl_fs_patches -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 50M сеп 19 09:17 opencl_fs_patches.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 4 rtrk rtrk 4,0K сеп 13 12:07 opt drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 proc drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 12 12:10 run drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 12 12:10 sbin drwxr-xr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 sys drwxrwxr-x 2 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 11 22:01 tmp drwxrwxr-x 11 rtrk rtrk 4,0K мар 6 2018 usr drwxr-xr-x 8 rtrk rtrk 4,0K јун 12 12:10 var and: [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/cg_tools/linux]$ ll total 16 drwxrwsr-x 8 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:40 arp32_1.0.7 drwxrwsr-x 8 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:40 C6000_7.4.2 drwxrwsrwx 6 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:40 ti-cgt-arm_16.9.2.LTS drwxrwxr-x 7 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 18 13:42 ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0
Hi I got the issue, while building VSDK pass target as "opencx" make -s -j depend make -s -j opencx Regards Surya
Hi, Even though you extracted opencl_fs_patches.tar.gz in targetfs folder, the content of the tar ball is not copied to respective folder (lib/ & usr/ folder) you can cross check this by navigating to below folder ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs/usr/share/ti -> are you able to see "opencl" folder ? If not,Please manually copy the folders using below commands from "ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs" folder cp -r opencl_fs_patches/lib . cp -r opencl_fs_patches/usr . & then build Regards Surya
Hi Surya Sorry if im posting multiple and same answers, im being filtered by forum moderator and im not sure how that exactly works. I cleared my previous build and tried running make -s -j depend make -s -j opencx and now problem looks like this: [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build]$ make opencx echo yes yes make -C /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/hlos/makerules/linux _vision_sdk_opencx PROFILE=release BUILD_OS=Linux BUILD_OPENCV_SRC=yes make[1]: Entering directory '/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/hlos/makerules/linux' export OpenCV_BUILD_PATH make -C/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/hlos/makerules/linux vision_sdk_opencv_linux PROFILE=release make[2]: Entering directory '/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/hlos/makerules/linux' make: cd /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/open_compute/opencv_src/tiopencv/build_linux_release make: cd /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk mkdir -p /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/open_compute/opencv_src/tiopencv/build_linux_release /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk; recipe for target 'vision_sdk_opencv_linux' failed make[2]: *** [vision_sdk_opencv_linux] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/hlos/makerules/linux' recipe for target '_vision_sdk_opencx' failed make[1]: *** [_vision_sdk_opencx] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/hlos/makerules/linux' Makefile:83: recipe for target 'opencx' failed make: *** [opencx] Error 2
Hi, Can you just run make -s showconfig & share ? Regards Surya
Output: # # Build Config is [ tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx ] # Build Config file is @ /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/configs/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/ # Build Config .h file is @ /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/links_fw/include/config/apps/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/system_cfg.h # Build CPUs is @ ipu1_0 ipu2 a15_0 dsp1 # # CPUs included in application, # PROC_IPU1_0_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_IPU1_1_INCLUDE=no # PROC_IPU2_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_DSP1_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_DSP2_INCLUDE=no # PROC_EVE1_INCLUDE=no # PROC_EVE2_INCLUDE=no # PROC_EVE3_INCLUDE=no # PROC_EVE4_INCLUDE=no # PROC_A15_0_INCLUDE=yes # # Platform config, # VSDK_BOARD_TYPE=TDA2XX_EVM [options: TDA2XX_EVM TDA2EX_EVM TDA3XX_EVM TDA3XX_RVP TDA2XX_RVP] # PLATFORM=tda2xx-evm # DUAL_A15_SMP_BIOS=no # IPU1_SMP_BIOS=no # DDR_MEM=DDR_MEM_1024M [options: DDR_MEM_128M DDR_MEM_512M DDR_MEM_1024M] # EMIFMODE=SINGLE_EMIF_512MB [options: SINGLE_EMIF_512MB SINGLE_EMIF_1GB ref] # NDK_PROC_TO_USE=ipu1_0 [options: a15_0 ipu1_0 ipu1_1 ipu2 none] # NSP_TFDTP_INCLUDE=no [options: yes no] # TDA2EX_ETHSRV_BOARD=no [options: yes no] # FATFS_PROC_TO_USE=none [options: ipu1_0 none] # RADAR_BOARD=none [options: TDA3XX_AR12_ALPS TDA3XX_AR12_VIB_DAB_BOOSTER TDA3XX_RADAR_RVP none] # # Build config, # BUILD_OS=Linux [options: Windows_NT Linux] # BUILD_DEPENDENCY_ALWAYS=no # BUILD_ALGORITHMS=no # BUILD_INFOADAS=no # PROFILE=release [options: debug release] # KW_BUILD=no # CPLUSPLUS_BUILD=no # IPU_PRIMARY_CORE=ipu2 [options: ipu1_0 ipu2] # IPU_SECONDARY_CORE=ipu1_0 [options: ipu1_0 ipu2] # A15_TARGET_OS=Linux [options: Bios Linux Qnx] # BSP_STW_PACKAGE_SELECT=all [options: all vps-iss-dss-only vps-vip-vpe] # # Safety Module config, # RTI_INCLUDE=no # ECC_FFI_INCLUDE=no # DCC_ESM_INCLUDE=no # # Video Module config, # IVAHD_INCLUDE=no # VPE_INCLUDE=no # CAL_INCLUDE=no # ISS_INCLUDE=no # ISS_ENABLE_DEBUG_TAPS=no # WDR_LDC_INCLUDE=no # DSS_INCLUDE=yes # # Open Compute config, # OPENCL_INCLUDE=yes # TARGET_ROOTDIR=/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/../ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs # ENABLE_OPENCV=yes # ENABLE_OPENCV_TESTS=no # OPENVX_INCLUDE=no # # Log config, # ENABLE_UART_LOG=yes # ENABLE_NETWORK_LOG=no # ENABLE_CCS_LOG=no # CIO_REDIRECT=no # # IPC config, # WORKQ_INCLUDE=no # IPC_LIB_INCLUDE=no # # Surround View config, # SRV_FAST_BOOT_INCLUDE=no # # Other Module config, # AVB_INCLUDE=no # DCAN_INCLUDE=no # RADAR_ONLY=no # CPU_IDLE_ENABLED=yes # FAST_BOOT_INCLUDE=no # DATA_VIS_INCLUDE=no # HS_DEVICE=no # ULTRASONIC_INCLUDE=no # PGA450= # PGA460= # ENABLE_ALL_DEPTH= # # Linux config, # DEFAULT_UBOOT_CONFIG=dra7xx_evm_vision_config # DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG=ti_sdk_dra7x_release_defconfig # DEFAULT_DTB=dra7-evm-infoadas.dtb # CMEM_INCLUDE=yes # IPUMM_INCLUDE=no # IPU1_EVELOADER_INCLUDE=no # ROBUST_RVC_INCLUDE=no # BUILD_ADAM_CAR=no # # Alg plugins included in build, # ALG_framecopy ALG_opencvcanny ALG_opencvopencldilation ALG_openclframecopy # # Use-cases included in build, # UC_vip_single_cam_openclframe_copy UC_vip_single_cam_framecopy_sgx_display UC_vip_single_cam_opencvcanny_sgx_display UC_vip_single_cam_opencvopencldilation_sgx_display # # # CPUs that are NOT required but included in config [ tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx ], # # # CPUs that are required but not included in config [ tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx ], # # # Edit /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/build/configs/tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx/ to include or exclude CPUs in an application #
Hi Looks like file has been modified & also I am not able to find out the value set for BUILD_OPENCV_SRC Could you please share the file for tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx Regards Surya
Hi Yes i have modified file for tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx build. When i run make -s -j depend it gives me warning that i need to add ipu1_0 and dsp1 cores to build. cfg file: # # This file defines the modules included in $(MAKECONFIG) config # # Modules are split into, # - Use-cases specified in # - Other system config/feature, specified in this file # # Any specific overrides are also specified in this file # Example, for TDA3x SoC EVE2/3/4 are not present and hence force marked as <blank>, i.e disabled # # # Additional config options # # # CPUs to included in build # # IPU1 (core 0 & 1 are) not supported when IPU_PRIMARY_CORE=ipu2 PROC_IPU1_0_INCLUDE=yes PROC_IPU1_1_INCLUDE=no PROC_IPU2_INCLUDE=yes PROC_A15_0_INCLUDE=yes PROC_DSP1_INCLUDE=yes PROC_DSP2_INCLUDE=no PROC_EVE1_INCLUDE=no PROC_EVE2_INCLUDE=no PROC_EVE3_INCLUDE=no PROC_EVE4_INCLUDE=no VSDK_BOARD_TYPE=TDA2XX_EVM # Supported values: DDR_MEM_1024M DDR_MEM=DDR_MEM_1024M # Supported values: ipu1_0 ipu1_1 a15_0 none NDK_PROC_TO_USE=ipu1_0 # # Used to control building of algorithm source. # By default algorithm source not included in Vision SDK # BUILD_ALGORITHMS=no # # Applies profile to all cores # # Supported profiles: release debug #PROFILE=debug PROFILE ?= release PROFILE_ipu1_0 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_ipu1_1 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_ipu2 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_c66xdsp_1 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_c66xdsp_2 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_arp32_1 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_arp32_2 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_arp32_3 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_arp32_4 ?= $(PROFILE) PROFILE_a15_0 ?= $(PROFILE) # # For TDA2xx & TDA2Ex - vision SDK can run on either IPU1 or IPU2 subsystem # For TDA3xx - We have only IPU1 and hence IPU1 is the only option # Select IPU primary core from the available IPU1 & IPU2 subsytems # # Supported values: ipu1_0 ipu2 IPU_PRIMARY_CORE=ipu2 IPU_SECONDARY_CORE=ipu1_0 # # Set A15_TARGET_OS # A15 can run Linux or Bios # # A15_TARGET_OS support # Platform BIOS Linux # # TDA2XX_EVM yes yes # TDA3XX_EVM yes no # TDA2EX_EVM yes yes # # Supported values: Bios Linux A15_TARGET_OS=Linux IVAHD_INCLUDE=no VPE_INCLUDE=no DSS_INCLUDE=yes AVB_INCLUDE=no # # Enable below macro to enable DCAN integration into Vision SDK. # DCAN_INCLUDE=no CPU_IDLE_ENABLED=yes # # Enable below macro to view the bandwidth used by different IPs in the device # as a graphical plot on the display screen. # DATA_VIS_INCLUDE=no OPENCL_INCLUDE=yes TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERROR = yes HS_DEVICE=no DEFAULT_UBOOT_CONFIG := dra7xx_evm_vision_config DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG := ti_sdk_dra7x_release_defconfig # For TDA2x DEFAULT_DTB := dra7-evm-infoadas.dtb # # Enable macro for OpenCV # ENABLE_OPENCV=yes CMEM_INCLUDE=yes BUILD_OPENCV_SRC=yes BUILD_LLVM=yes include $($(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH)/configs/$(MAKECONFIG)/
Hi, You can ignore those warnings & disable those cores In case of Linux ipu2 is only required as it is the primary core & OpenCL uses prebuilt dsp firmwares And I observed you enabled BUILD_OPENCV_SRC=yes Did you intend to build openCV source ? Did you clone the OpenCV source repo before building? The below issue reported by you while running make opencx is because of BUILD_OPENCV_SRC=yes You can set BUILD_OPENCV_SRC=no & run command make opencx Regards Surya
Hi I did not clone opnencv repo, where can i refer to setting up opencv source? I must have overlooked that part in VisionSDK_UserGuide_opencx.pdf if its there. Also im nearly 100% positive i did not touch BUILD_OPENCV_SRC flag, ok ill set it to no and try again. Ill get back to you as soon as i try that, thanks.
Hi, again The guide for opencv states this: This repository can be cloned with the below command git clone git:// In order to build opencv source as part of vision sdk build, follow the below procedures * Navigate to ‘ti_components’ folder * Then, navigate to ‘algorithms_codecs’ * Now, clone the ‘tiopencv’ repo using the above mentioned command * Set the env variable, ‘BUIILD_OPENCV_SRC’ to ‘yes’ in the ‘tda2xx_evm_<OS>_opencx’ config Now my ti_components dir looks like this: [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components]$ ll total 36 drwxrwxr-x 18 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:38 algorithms drwxrwxr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:38 ccs_csp drwxrwxr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 cg_tools drwxrwxr-x 11 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 10 09:44 codecs drwxrwxr-x 4 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:38 drivers drwxrwxr-x 5 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 networking drwxrwxr-x 5 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 open_compute drwxrwxr-x 5 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 os_tools drwxrwxr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 radar I dont have algorithms_codecs dir, should i make one and proceed or use existing algorithm or codecs dirs? Also there it states that i should set BUILD_OPENCV_SRC=yes, and i noticed this: ?= build_dummy is this ok, or should i change OpenCV_BUILD_PATH to correct path? What should i do?
Hi You can clone under open_compute dir, We will update the document in upcoming release Set BUILD_OPENCV_SRC to "yes", if you intend to build opencv src & to "No", if you want to use prebuilt No need to change anything in file "OpenCV_BUILD_PATH ?= build_dummy" as when you build for either BIOS or Linux config, it will be overwritten accordingly To verify whether you able to build opencx on Linux, set BUILD_OPENCV_SRC = no, so that it will use the prebuilts Also ipu1_0 & dsp1 to no & then try a clean build Regards Surya
Hi I did as you said, i cloned tiopencv [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/open_compute]$ ll total 16 drwxrwxr-x 5 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 opencl_rtos_am57xx_01_01_10_00 drwxrwxr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 opencv drwxrwxr-x 12 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 21 11:50 tiopencv drwxrwxr-x 11 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 7 14:39 tiovx_01_00_01_00 i set ipu1, dsp1 BUILD_OPENCV_SRC to no in cfg file, and i got same error back: Compiling OpenCL file >> WARNING: invalid compiler option --bc_file=copy.bc (ignored) "/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/../ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs/usr/share/ti/opencl/dsp.syms", line 9: error #10022-D: invalid option: --single_data_segment "/home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk/../ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs/usr/share/ti/opencl/dsp.syms", line 10: error #10022-D: invalid option: --no_entry_point warning #10247-D: creating output section ".stack" without a SECTIONS specification warning #10210-D: creating ".stack" section with default size of 0x400; use the -stack option to change the default size undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- main /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/cg_tools/linux/ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0/lib/rts6600_elf.lib<args_main.obj> error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "copy.out" not built >> Compilation failure Makefile:5: recipe for target 'copy.dsp_h' failed make[9]: *** [copy.dsp_h] Error 255 MAKEFILE.MK:14: recipe for target 'opencl_build' failed make[8]: *** [opencl_build] Error 2 MAKEFILE_adas.MK:14: recipe for target 'vision_sdk_linux_demo' failed make[7]: *** [vision_sdk_linux_demo] Error 2 MAKEFILE_adas.MK:5: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[6]: *** [apps] Error 2 Makefile:183: recipe for target 'apps_exe_hlos' failed make[5]: *** [apps_exe_hlos] Error 2 Makefile:64: recipe for target 'apps_hlos' failed make[4]: *** [apps_hlos] Error 2 Makefile:36: recipe for target 'apps' failed make[3]: *** [apps] Error 2 Makefile:12: recipe for target 'vision_sdk' failed make[2]: *** [vision_sdk] Error 2 recipe for target '_vision_sdk_opencx' failed make[1]: *** [_vision_sdk_opencx] Error 2 Makefile:83: recipe for target 'opencx' failed make: *** [opencx] Error 2 If i build with BUILD_OPENCV_SRC set to yes i get again this error (im pointing this out so maybe it can help): make: cd /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/open_compute/opencv_src/tiopencv/build_linux_release make: cd /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/vision_sdk; recipe for target 'vision_sdk_opencv_linux' failed make[2]: *** [vision_sdk_opencv_linux] Error 2 recipe for target '_vision_sdk_opencx' failed make[1]: *** [_vision_sdk_opencx] Error 2 Makefile:83: recipe for target 'opencx' failed make: *** [opencx] Error 2
Hi, can you just check & confirm prebuilt dsp symbols are present in below folder of file system ? ti_components\os_tools\linux\targetfs\usr\share\ti\opencl Regards Surya
Here it is: [~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/os_tools/linux/targetfs/usr/share/ti/opencl]$ ll total 19868 drwxrwxr-x 3 rtrk rtrk 4096 сеп 18 14:53 bin -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 86607 сеп 19 16:41 clc.h -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 12124 сеп 19 16:41 cpu.h -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 4088 сеп 19 16:41 dsp_c.h -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 17300 сеп 19 16:41 dsp_edmamgr.h -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 35697 сеп 19 16:41 dsp.h -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 19745928 сеп 19 16:41 dsp.out -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 3558 сеп 19 16:41 dsp.syms -rwxrwxr-x 1 rtrk rtrk 422224 сеп 19 16:41 dsp_syms.obj
Hi Everything looks fine I briefed the steps followed by me which is working fine for me, Could you please try at your end ? 1. Ensure kernel/u-boot/sgx/cmem all are cloned & are on vsdk 3.4 release tag 2. Ensure file system downloaded from the link provided in vsdk 3.4 Linux user guide & untarred in targetfs folder 3. Ensure Opencl file system patch applied on file system 4. Ensure dsp tool chain ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0 downloaded & installed in ti_components/cg_tools/linux folder 5. cd vision_sdk/build 6. Modify MAKECONFIG=tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx in file 7. export PATH= <path to ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0/bin>:$PATH 8. make clean 9. make linux_clean 10. make linux 11. make linux_install 12. make -s -j depend 13. make -s -j Regards Surya
Ok ill do clean instal. Just should i run 12. make -s -j depend 13. make -s -j or 12. make -s -j depend 13. make -s -j opencx
Hi, I ran without opencx, it build successfully Regards Surya
Hi Surya I did clean install of vision 3.04 and everything as you listed, now i dont have any dsp errors but undefined main symbol error remains. Im using ubuntu 16.04 and not 14.04, could that cause any errors?
Hi, Suspecting some issue with dsp tool chain (ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0) Could you please let us know from where die you download the dsp tool chain (ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0) ? Also could you please download dsp tool chain (ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0) one more time & try building ? undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- main /home/rtrk/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/cg_tools/linux/ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0/lib/rts6600_elf.lib<args_main.obj> Regards Surya
Hi Surya Link from where i downloaded dsp dgt: "Also could you please download dsp tool chain (ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.0) one more time & try building ?" I did that multiple times before, same results. I have now moved to work with rules for MAKECONFIG?=tda2xx_evm_linux_all where i have set flags to include openCL and openCV to build. That passes with no major problems, but now when i login to system on TDA2x platform and when i try to test openCL this is what i get: root@dra7xx-evm:/usr/share/ti/examples/opencl/vecadd# ./vecadd CMEM Error: init: Failed to open /dev/cmem: 'No such file or directory' TIOCL FATAL: The cmemk kernel module is not installed. Consult the OpenCL UserGuide at I did install cmem in ~/PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_04_00_00/ti_components/os_tools/linux/kernel/cmem, and apply opencl_fs_patches.tar.gz Have i missed some steps for correctly making cmem?
Hi After login as root did you run "" under "/opt/vision_sdk" dir or not ? This is required to initialize CMEM Regards Surya
Hi Any progress on this ? Regards Surya
Hello Surya, i dont know why am i getting notification for your reply just now. We have found existing issue in vision release note: ADASVISION-1894 [TDA2xx Linux] OpenCL UC, Cmem initialization fails. So we have paused that part of project until that gets fixed.
Hi, For now, We can close this thread When We will get any fix, we will create a new thread & link to this Regards Surya