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Ticket Name: TDA2SX: When I run the our app, this interrupt occurs in the IPC initialization phase( ASSERT (system_ipc.c|System_ipcInit|119)), and this print tells us:SYSTEM: IPC: [IPU1-0] socket bind failed (Invalid argument, 22) !!!
Query Text:
Part Number: TDA2SX Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2 Problem description: In the TDA2 application initialization phase, when IPU1 or IPU2 (currently only catching the problem of these two processors) fails to start, the following error printing occurs during the initialization of IPC Error Print 1: The error log is printed as follows: the left side is the failure log: Interrupt here, point to the IPC initialization void (status = System_ipcNotifyInit();) under the hlos, and return an error value to cause the interrupt The corresponding codes are as follows: Int32 System_ipcInit(void) { Int32 status; Vps_printf(" SYSTEM: IPC: Init in progress !!!\n"); gSystem_ipcSharedMemObj = (System_IpcSharedMemObj*) OSA_memPhys2Virt( SYSTEM_IPC_SHM_MEM_ADDR, OSA_MEM_REGION_TYPE_SYSTEM_IPC ); OSA_assert(gSystem_ipcSharedMemObj!=NULL); status = System_ipcNotifyInit(); OSA_assertSuccess(status); status = System_ipcMsgQInit(); OSA_assertSuccess(status); Vps_printf(" SYSTEM: IPC: Init DONE !!!\n"); return SYSTEM_LINK_STATUS_SOK; } System_ ipcNotifyInit(); The function code is as follows: At the same time, we found the corresponding failed print in the error print, as follows: Error Print 2: as follows Found here 1. No Connection established with HLOS, calling rpmsgInit 2. No DMM_ PEG_ Setting and printing of PRIO 3. The socket connection with IPU2 is incorrect, and the help is not in the error log There is no Connection established with HLOS, calling rpmsgInit printing, and the corresponding code is as follows: Void System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread(void) { UInt32 retryCnt=0; UInt32 retval; Vps_printf("RpmsgInit in progress...\n"); while(1) { retval = Resource_getVdevStatus(RPMSG_LATE_ATTACH_A15_VDEV_ID); if(retval != RPMSG_LATE_ATTACH_A15_VDEV_ID) { BspOsal_sleep(10); retryCnt++; if(retryCnt%10==0) { Vps_printf("System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread",retryCnt) } } else { Vps_printf("Connection established with HLOS, calling rpmsgInit\n"); break; } } When we find a problem, Resource_ GetVdevStatus failed to return the correct value, resulting in failure to break. After adding the log, the code is found in the System_ The while (1) loop in the ipcConnectToHLOSThread function may end with a Resource_ The getVdevStatus is blocked, causing this exception. The log is as follows: [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.440309 s: CHAINS: Application Started!!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.453547 s: BOARD: Board Init in progress !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.454004 s: BOARD: Board Init Done !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.462026 s: [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.493320 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---50 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.593332 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---60 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.693314 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---70 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.793326 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---80 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.893338 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---90 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 1.993350 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---100 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.093332 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---110 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.193344 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---120 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.293356 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---130 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.393338 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---140 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.493350 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---150 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.593363 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---160 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 2.693344 s: System_ipcConnectToHLOSThread---170 [HOST] [HOST ] 3.267217 s: SYSTEM: IPC: Init in progress !!! [HOST] [HOST ] 3.267278 s: SYSTEM: IPC: Notify init in progress !!! [HOST] [HOST ] 3.267370 s: SYSTEM: IPC: [IPU1-0] socket bind failed (Invalidargument, 22) !!! [HOST] [HOST ] 3.267370 s: SYSTEM: IPC: [IPU1-0] Notify RX channel create failed (endpoint = 81) !!! [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.724547 s: ***** DSP1 Firmware build time 20:28:30 Dec 5 2022 [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.724638 s: *** SYSTEM: CPU Frequency <ORG = 600000000 Hz>, <NEW = 600000000 Hz> [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.725096 s: UTILS: CIO: Init Done !!! [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.725126 s: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!! [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.725157 s: SYSTEM: Attaching to [IPU1-0] ... [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.899865 s: SYSTEM: Attaching to [IPU1-0] ... SUCCESS !!! [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.901787 s: SYSTEM: Attaching to [IPU2] ... SUCCESS !!! [HOST] [DSP1 ] 0.906789 s: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP2] ... SUCCESS !!! Suspicions: 1. Caused by memory conflict Map data of IPU: resource_ Address and L2 of table_ ROM coincidence. Suspected abnormal The normal address of IPU2 or DSP1/DSP2: resource_ Table address and IPU2_ CODE_ MEM address is consistent 2. Loading file caused an exception It is found that the *. rsc file is deleted and the same error is reported in the log. Open the *. rsc file and find the resource_ The table is inside. It is suspected that the initialization problem is caused by the abnormal loading of the rsc file.
Hi Kong, Sorry for the delay, but is this issue still open for you? regards Suman
Yes。 It has always existed and has not been resolved。