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Ticket Name: RTOS/TDA2: How to create an use case?
Query Text:
Part Number: TDA2 Tool/software: TI-RTOS I want create our use case contained Lane Departure warning (LDW)、 Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition (TSR) using TIDL algorithm、 FCW and PDW using TIDL algorithm and SFM algorithm The EUNCAP use case is contained LDW、TSR、FCW、PDW but not using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network. Now we want to create an use case is contained LDW、TSR、FCW、PDW and using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network. Q1: Fig.1 is an TI’s use case is contained LDW、TSR、FCW、PDW and using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network what we supposed If TI’s architecture is not like above diagram, can you provide your architecture for our reference? Fig. 1 Q2: Fig. 2 is our use case contained LDW、TSR、FCW、PDW and using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network what we supposed on TDA2. Q2-1: How can we implement our use case? Q2-2: Is the hardware settings(A15、DSP、EVE…) above diagram right? If not, can you tell us where is wrong and what hardware setting you prefer? Fig. 2 Q2-3: Can we replace the algorithm like Lane Detect algorithm and TIDL_OD algorithm by our customized algorithm? If yes, how do we do? Can you provide guide for our reference? Are there any Limit conditions? If no, how can we use TI’s algorithm library? Can you provide open source code and design guide for our reference? Q2-4: Can we detect distance of an object from TIDL_OD algorithm by SFM algorithm? If yes, how do we do? Can you provide guide for our reference? If no, is any method to detect the distance of an object from TIDL_OD algorithm? Q2-5: How can we show what kinds of traffic signs were detected by TIDL_OD algorithm on HDMI monitor? It look only box drawing If yes, how do we do? Can you provide guide for our reference? If no, anything method to show what kinds of traffic signs were detected by TIDL_OD algorithm on HDMI monitor?
Has any update? We have not received a response for two days
Hello we need a bit more time to respond as it contains a lot for questions. I will respond by early next week regards, Shiju
Hi Have any update?
Hello, I guess you are using vision SDK 3.3 release, If not, please download the same from ( and use it. We do have an object detect UC using TIDL supported in this release. Q1: Fig.1 is an TI’s use case is contained LDW、TSR、FCW、PDW and using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network what we supposed TI The EUNCAP use case under \vision_sdk\apps\src\rtos\usecases\vip_single_cam_analytics2 is not based on caffe-jacinto based SSD Network. Q2: Fig. 2 is our use case contained LDW、TSR、FCW、PDW and using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network what we supposed on TDA2. Q2-1: How can we implement our use case? TI object detect UC using TIDL (using caffe-jacinto based SSD Network ) is under \vision_sdk\apps\src\rtos\usecases\tidl_OD. Please refer the same to implement your UC Please refer below doc to – build and run TIDL UCs \vision_sdk\docs\FeatureSpecificUserGuides\VisionSDK_UserGuide_TI_DeepLearning.pdf Q2-2: Is the hardware settings(A15、DSP、EVE…) above diagram right? It’s purely depends on the Algos and where it run (DSP/EVE/A15) Q2-3: Can we replace the algorithm like Lane Detect algorithm and TIDL_OD algorithm by our customized algorithm? Yes, you can. You may need to modify the Algi plugin of respective Algos to properly work with your Algorithms (if any interface changes etc.) Q2-4: Can we detect distance of an object from TIDL_OD algorithm by SFM algorithm? Yes, SFM can be used to calculate the distance between object and the camera Q2-5: How can we show what kinds of traffic signs were detected by TIDL_OD algorithm on HDMI monitor? It look only box drawing Please run the TI OB demo to check this Regards, Shiju
Kumar Please add your comments as required? regards, Shiju
Hi Q2-1 I try create an new UC same as TIDL_OD UC,but it does not show the distance How do we do that can calculate the distance between object and the camera? Q2-3 Does it has any guide for us to how replace the algorithm like Lane Detect algorithm? Q2-4 How do we using SFM algorithm that can calculate the distance between object of TIDL_OD and the camera? Have any user guide? BR Allen
Hi Q2-3 we do not have any documentation on how to replace the algorithm but you can refer the below section of VisionSDK_DevelopmentGuide.pdf (under \vision_sdk\docs\FeatureSpecificUserGuides) 4 Algorithm Link Development ...................................................................... Kumar, can you answer this one Q2-4 How do we using SFM algorithm that can calculate the distance between object of TIDL_OD and the camera? regards, Shiju
Hi Kumar, can you answer this question? Q2-4 How do we using SFM algorithm that can calculate the distance between object of TIDL_OD and the camera? BR Allen
Hi Allen, We do not have the SFM algorithm integrated with TIDL_OD in the demo. The current demo is SSD based object detection only. Thanks and Regards, Kumar.D
Hi Kumar, well. But can we create an new use case have the SFM algorithm integrated with TIDL_OD? if yes, how to implement this use case? BR Allen
Yes. You can implement this. Please work with your sofware architect to design the data flow. Refer the VSDK documents o create uses cases with multiple algorithms. If you have any specific question on any software coment in VSDKI , start a new thred with detaisled desrciption on the issue
Well, we are also interesting in this question. How about the progress for this question?
Since there is no reposne for longtime, closing the thread