import random |
import streamlit as st |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components |
import requests |
import os |
import configparser |
import urllib |
import datetime |
from num2words import num2words |
from time import sleep |
from pathlib import Path |
from threading import Thread |
from time import sleep |
from math import floor |
import classes.ConfigManager as ConfigManager |
import classes.Utility as Utility |
import classes.Fetcher as Fetcher |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="Screeni-py", page_icon="📈") |
os.environ["TERM"] = "xterm" |
import pandas as pd |
from screenipy import main as screenipy_main |
from classes.OtaUpdater import OTAUpdater |
from classes.Changelog import VERSION |
try: |
proxyServer = urllib.request.getproxies()['http'] |
except KeyError: |
proxyServer = "" |
isDevVersion, guiUpdateMessage = None, None |
@st.cache_data(ttl='1h', show_spinner=False) |
def check_updates(): |
isDevVersion, guiUpdateMessage = OTAUpdater.checkForUpdate(proxyServer, VERSION) |
return isDevVersion, guiUpdateMessage |
isDevVersion, guiUpdateMessage = check_updates() |
execute_inputs = [] |
def show_df_as_result_table(): |
try: |
df:pd.DataFrame = pd.read_pickle('last_screened_unformatted_results.pkl') |
ac, cc, bc = st.columns([6,1,1]) |
ac.markdown(f'#### 🔍 Found {len(df)} Results') |
clear_cache_btn = cc.button( |
label='Clear Cached Data', |
use_container_width=True, |
key=random.randint(1,999999999), |
) |
if clear_cache_btn: |
os.system('rm stock_data_*.pkl') |
st.toast('Stock Cache Deleted!', icon='🗑️') |
bc.download_button( |
label="Download Results", |
data=df.to_csv().encode('utf-8'), |
file_name=f'screenipy_results_{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S_%d-%m-%Y")}.csv', |
mime='text/csv', |
type='secondary', |
use_container_width=True |
) |
if type(execute_inputs[0]) == str or int(execute_inputs[0]) < 15: |
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: "https://in.tradingview.com/chart?symbol=NSE%3A" + x) |
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: f'<a href="{x}" target="_blank">{x.split("%3A")[-1]}</a>') |
elif execute_inputs[0] == '16': |
try: |
fetcher = Fetcher.tools(configManager=ConfigManager.tools()) |
url_dict_reversed = {key.replace('^','').replace('.NS',''): value for key, value in fetcher.getAllNiftyIndices().items()} |
url_dict_reversed = {v: k for k, v in url_dict_reversed.items()} |
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: "https://in.tradingview.com/chart?symbol=NSE%3A" + url_dict_reversed[x]) |
url_dict_reversed = {v: k for k, v in url_dict_reversed.items()} |
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: f'<a href="{x}" target="_blank">{url_dict_reversed[x.split("%3A")[-1]]}</a>') |
except KeyError: |
pass |
else: |
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: "https://in.tradingview.com/chart?symbol=" + x) |
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: f'<a href="{x}" target="_blank">{x.split("=")[-1]}</a>') |
df['Stock'] = df.index |
stock_column = df.pop('Stock') |
df.insert(0, 'Stock', stock_column) |
st.write(df.to_html(escape=False, index=False, index_names=False), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.write(' ') |
except FileNotFoundError: |
st.error('Last Screened results are not available at the moment') |
except Exception as e: |
st.error('No Dataframe found for last_screened_results.pkl') |
st.exception(e) |
def on_config_change(): |
configManager = ConfigManager.tools() |
configManager.period = period |
configManager.daysToLookback = daystolookback |
configManager.duration = duration |
configManager.minLTP, configManager.maxLTP = minprice, maxprice |
configManager.volumeRatio, configManager.consolidationPercentage = volumeratio, consolidationpercentage |
configManager.shuffle = shuffle |
configManager.cacheEnabled = cache |
configManager.stageTwo = stagetwo |
configManager.useEMA = useema |
configManager.setConfig(configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False), default=True, showFileCreatedText=False) |
st.toast('Configuration Saved', icon='💾') |
def on_start_button_click(): |
global execute_inputs |
if isDevVersion != None: |
st.info(f'Received inputs (Debug only): {execute_inputs}') |
def dummy_call(): |
try: |
screenipy_main(execute_inputs=execute_inputs, isDevVersion=isDevVersion, backtestDate=backtestDate) |
except StopIteration: |
pass |
except requests.exceptions.RequestException: |
os.environ['SCREENIPY_REQ_ERROR'] = "TRUE" |
if Utility.tools.isBacktesting(backtestDate=backtestDate): |
st.write(f'Running in :red[**Backtesting Mode**] for *T = {str(backtestDate)}* (Y-M-D) : [Backtesting data is subjected to availability as per the API limits]') |
st.write('Backtesting is :red[Not Supported] for Intraday timeframes') |
t = Thread(target=dummy_call) |
t.start() |
st.markdown(""" |
<style> |
.stProgress p { |
font-size: 17px; |
} |
</style> |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
progress_text = "🚀 Preparing Screener, Please Wait! " |
progress_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) |
os.environ['SCREENIPY_SCREEN_COUNTER'] = '0' |
while int(os.environ.get('SCREENIPY_SCREEN_COUNTER')) < 100: |
sleep(0.05) |
cnt = int(os.environ.get('SCREENIPY_SCREEN_COUNTER')) |
if cnt > 0: |
progress_text = "🔍 Screening stocks for you... " |
progress_bar.progress(cnt, text=progress_text + f"**:red[{cnt}%]** Done") |
if os.environ.get('SCREENIPY_REQ_ERROR') and "TRUE" in os.environ.get('SCREENIPY_REQ_ERROR'): |
ac, bc = st.columns([2,1]) |
ac.error(':disappointed: Failed to reach Screeni-py server!') |
ac.info('This issue is related with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Many **Jio** users faced this issue as the screeni-py data cache server appeared to be not reachable for them!\n\nPlease watch the YouTube video attached here to resolve this issue on your local system\n\nTry with another ISP/Network or go through this thread carefully to resolve this error: https://github.com/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py/issues/164', icon='ℹ️') |
bc.video('https://youtu.be/JADNADDNTmU') |
del os.environ['SCREENIPY_REQ_ERROR'] |
break |
t.join() |
progress_bar.empty() |
def nifty_predict(col): |
with col.container(): |
with st.spinner('🔮 Taking a Look into the Future, Please wait...'): |
import classes.Fetcher as Fetcher |
import classes.Screener as Screener |
configManager = ConfigManager.tools() |
fetcher = Fetcher.tools(configManager) |
screener = Screener.tools(configManager) |
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' |
prediction, trend, confidence, data_used = screener.getNiftyPrediction( |
data=fetcher.fetchLatestNiftyDaily(proxyServer=proxyServer), |
proxyServer=proxyServer |
) |
if 'BULLISH' in trend: |
col.success(f'Market may Open **Gap Up** next day!\n\nProbability/Strength of Prediction = {confidence}%', icon='📈') |
elif 'BEARISH' in trend: |
col.error(f'Market may Open **Gap Down** next day!\n\nProbability/Strength of Prediction = {confidence}%', icon='📉') |
else: |
col.info("Couldn't determine the Trend. Try again later!") |
col.warning('The AI prediction should be executed After 3 PM or Around the Closing hours as the Prediction Accuracy is based on the Closing price!\n\nThis is Just a Statistical Prediction and There are Chances of **False** Predictions!', icon='⚠️') |
col.info("What's New in **v3**?\n\nMachine Learning model (v3) now uses Nifty, Crude and Gold Historical prices to Predict the Gap!", icon='🆕') |
col.markdown("**Following data is used to make above prediction:**") |
col.dataframe(data_used) |
def find_similar_stocks(stockCode:str, candles:int): |
global execute_inputs |
stockCode = stockCode.upper() |
if ',' in stockCode or ' ' in stockCode or stockCode == '': |
st.error('Invalid Character in Stock Name!', icon='😾') |
return False |
else: |
execute_inputs = ['S', 0, stockCode, candles, 'N'] |
on_start_button_click() |
st.toast('Screening Completed!', icon='🎉') |
sleep(2) |
return True |
def get_extra_inputs(tickerOption, executeOption, c_index=None, c_criteria=None, start_button=None): |
global execute_inputs |
if not tickerOption.isnumeric(): |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, 0, 'N'] |
elif int(tickerOption) == 0 or tickerOption is None: |
stock_codes:str = c_index.text_input('Enter Stock Code(s)', placeholder='SBIN, INFY, ITC') |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, stock_codes.upper(), 'N'] |
return |
elif int(executeOption) >= 0 and int(executeOption) < 4: |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, 'N'] |
elif int(executeOption) == 4: |
num_candles = c_criteria.text_input('The Volume should be lowest since last how many candles?', value='20') |
if num_candles: |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, num_candles, 'N'] |
else: |
c_criteria.error("Number of Candles can't be left blank!") |
elif int(executeOption) == 5: |
min_rsi, max_rsi = c_criteria.columns((1,1)) |
min_rsi = min_rsi.number_input('Min RSI', min_value=0, max_value=100, value=50, step=1, format="%d") |
max_rsi = max_rsi.number_input('Max RSI', min_value=0, max_value=100, value=70, step=1, format="%d") |
if min_rsi >= max_rsi: |
c_criteria.warning('WARNING: Min RSI ≥ Max RSI') |
else: |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, min_rsi, max_rsi, 'N'] |
elif int(executeOption) == 6: |
c1, c2 = c_criteria.columns((7,2)) |
select_reversal = int(c1.selectbox('Select Type of Reversal', |
options = [ |
'1 > Buy Signal (Bullish Reversal)', |
'2 > Sell Signal (Bearish Reversal)', |
'3 > Momentum Gainers (Rising Bullish Momentum)', |
'4 > Reversal at Moving Average (Bullish Reversal)', |
'5 > Volume Spread Analysis (Bullish VSA Reversal)', |
'6 > Narrow Range (NRx) Reversal', |
'7 > Lorentzian Classifier (Machine Learning based indicator)', |
'8 > RSI Crossing with 9 SMA of RSI itself' |
] |
).split(' ')[0]) |
if select_reversal == 4: |
ma_length = c2.number_input('MA Length', value=44, step=1, format="%d") |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_reversal, ma_length, 'N'] |
elif select_reversal == 6: |
range = c2.number_input('NR(x)',min_value=1, max_value=14, value=4, step=1, format="%d") |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_reversal, range, 'N'] |
elif select_reversal == 7: |
signal = int(c2.selectbox('Signal Type', |
options = [ |
'1 > Any', |
'2 > Buy', |
'3 > Sell', |
] |
).split(' ')[0]) |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_reversal, signal, 'N'] |
else: |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_reversal, 'N'] |
elif int(executeOption) == 7: |
c1, c2 = c_criteria.columns((11,4)) |
select_pattern = int(c1.selectbox('Select Chart Pattern', |
options = [ |
'1 > Bullish Inside Bar (Flag) Pattern', |
'2 > Bearish Inside Bar (Flag) Pattern', |
'3 > Confluence (50 & 200 MA/EMA)', |
'4 > VCP (Experimental)', |
'5 > Buying at Trendline (Ideal for Swing/Mid/Long term)', |
] |
).split(' ')[0]) |
if select_pattern == 1 or select_pattern == 2: |
num_candles = c2.number_input('Lookback Candles', min_value=1, max_value=25, value=12, step=1, format="%d") |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_pattern, int(num_candles), 'N'] |
elif select_pattern == 3: |
confluence_percentage = c2.number_input('MA Confluence %', min_value=0.1, max_value=5.0, value=1.0, step=0.1, format="%1.1f")/100.0 |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_pattern, confluence_percentage, 'N'] |
else: |
execute_inputs = [tickerOption, executeOption, select_pattern, 'N'] |
ac, bc = st.columns([13,1]) |
ac.title('📈 Screeni-py') |
if guiUpdateMessage == "": |
ac.subheader('Find Breakouts, Just in Time!') |
if isDevVersion: |
ac.warning(guiUpdateMessage, icon='⚠️') |
elif guiUpdateMessage != "": |
ac.success(guiUpdateMessage, icon='❇️') |
telegram_url = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6128978/217814499-7934edf6-fcc3-46d7-887e-7757c94e1632.png" |
bc.divider() |
bc.image(telegram_url, width=96) |
tab_screen, tab_similar, tab_nifty, tab_config, tab_psc, tab_about = st.tabs(['Screen Stocks', 'Search Similar Stocks', 'Nifty-50 Gap Prediction', 'Configuration', 'Position Size Calculator', 'About']) |
with tab_screen: |
st.markdown(""" |
<style> |
.block-container { |
padding-top: 1rem; |
padding-bottom: 0rem; |
padding-left: 5rem; |
padding-right: 5rem; |
} |
.stButton>button { |
height: 70px; |
} |
.stDownloadButton>button { |
height: 70px; |
} |
th { |
text-align: left; |
} |
</style> |
""", |
unsafe_allow_html=True) |
list_index = [ |
'All Stocks (Default)', |
'0 > By Stock Names (NSE Stock Code)', |
'1 > Nifty 50', |
'2 > Nifty Next 50', |
'3 > Nifty 100', |
'4 > Nifty 200', |
'5 > Nifty 500', |
'6 > Nifty Smallcap 50', |
'7 > Nifty Smallcap 100', |
'8 > Nifty Smallcap 250', |
'9 > Nifty Midcap 50', |
'10 > Nifty Midcap 100', |
'11 > Nifty Midcap 150', |
'13 > Newly Listed (IPOs in last 2 Year)', |
'14 > F&O Stocks Only', |
'15 > US S&P 500', |
'16 > Sectoral Indices (NSE)' |
] |
list_criteria = [ |
'0 > Full Screening (Shows Technical Parameters without Any Criteria)', |
'1 > Screen stocks for Breakout or Consolidation', |
'2 > Screen for the stocks with recent Breakout & Volume', |
'3 > Screen for the Consolidating stocks', |
'4 > Screen for the stocks with Lowest Volume in last N-days (Early Breakout Detection)', |
'5 > Screen for the stocks with RSI', |
'6 > Screen for the stocks showing Reversal Signals', |
'7 > Screen for the stocks making Chart Patterns', |
] |
configManager = ConfigManager.tools() |
configManager.getConfig(parser=ConfigManager.parser) |
c_index, c_datepick, c_criteria, c_button_start = st.columns((2,1,4,1)) |
tickerOption = c_index.selectbox('Select Index', options=list_index).split(' ') |
tickerOption = str(12 if '>' not in tickerOption else int(tickerOption[0]) if tickerOption[0].isnumeric() else str(tickerOption[0])) |
picked_date = c_datepick.date_input(label='Screen/Backtest For', max_value=datetime.date.today(), value=datetime.date.today()) |
if picked_date: |
backtestDate = picked_date |
executeOption = str(c_criteria.selectbox('Select Screening Criteria', options=list_criteria).split(' ')[0]) |
start_button = c_button_start.button('Start Screening', type='primary', key='start_button', use_container_width=True) |
get_extra_inputs(tickerOption=tickerOption, executeOption=executeOption, c_index=c_index, c_criteria=c_criteria, start_button=start_button) |
if start_button: |
on_start_button_click() |
st.toast('Screening Completed!', icon='🎉') |
sleep(2) |
with st.container(): |
show_df_as_result_table() |
with tab_config: |
configManager = ConfigManager.tools() |
configManager.getConfig(parser=ConfigManager.parser) |
ac, bc = st.columns([10,2]) |
ac.markdown('### 🔧 Screening Configuration') |
bc.download_button( |
label="Export Configuration", |
data=Path('screenipy.ini').read_text(), |
file_name='screenipy.ini', |
mime='text/plain', |
type='primary', |
use_container_width=True |
) |
ac, bc, cc = st.columns([1,1,1]) |
period_options = ['15d','60d','300d','52wk','3y','5y','max'] |
duration_options = ['5m','15m','1h','4h','1d','1wk'] |
period = ac.selectbox('Period', options=period_options, index=period_options.index(configManager.period), placeholder='300d / 52wk') |
daystolookback = bc.number_input('Lookback Period (Number of Candles)', value=configManager.daysToLookback, step=1) |
duration = cc.selectbox('Candle Duration', options=duration_options, index=duration_options.index(configManager.duration), placeholder='15m / 1d / 1wk') |
if 'm' in duration or 'h' in duration: |
cc.write('For Intraday duartion, Max :red[value of period <= 60d]') |
ac, bc = st.columns([1,1]) |
minprice = ac.number_input('Minimum Price (Stocks below this will be ignored)', value=float(configManager.minLTP), step=0.1) |
maxprice = bc.number_input('Maximum Price (Stocks above this will be ignored)', value=float(configManager.maxLTP), step=0.1) |
ac, bc = st.columns([1,1]) |
volumeratio = ac.number_input('Volume multiplier for Breakout confirmation', value=float(configManager.volumeRatio), step=0.1) |
consolidationpercentage = bc.number_input('Range consolidation (%)', value=int(configManager.consolidationPercentage), step=1) |
ac, bc, cc, dc = st.columns([1,1,1,1]) |
shuffle = ac.checkbox('Shuffle stocks while screening', value=configManager.shuffleEnabled, disabled=True) |
cache = bc.checkbox('Enable caching of stock data after market hours', value=configManager.cacheEnabled, disabled=True) |
stagetwo = cc.checkbox('Screen only for [Stage-2](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/070715/trading-stage-analysis.asp#:~:text=placed%20stops.-,Stage%202%3A%20Uptrends,-Image%20by%20Sabrina) stocks', value=configManager.stageTwo) |
useema = dc.checkbox('Use EMA instead of SMA', value=configManager.useEMA) |
save_button = st.button('Save Configuration', on_click=on_config_change, type='primary', use_container_width=True) |
st.markdown('### Import Your Own Configuration:') |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload screenipy.ini file') |
if uploaded_file is not None: |
bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() |
with open('screenipy.ini', 'wb') as f: |
f.write(bytes_data) |
st.toast('Configuration Imported', icon='⚙️') |
with tab_nifty: |
ac, bc = st.columns([9,1]) |
ac.subheader('🧠 AI-based prediction for Next Day Nifty-50 Gap Up / Gap Down') |
bc.button('**Predict**', type='primary', on_click=nifty_predict, args=(ac,), use_container_width=True) |
with tab_similar: |
st.subheader('🕵🏻 Find Stocks forming Similar Chart Patterns') |
ac, bc, cc = st.columns([4,2,1]) |
stockCode = ac.text_input('Enter Stock Name and Press Enter', placeholder='HDFCBANK') |
candles = bc.number_input('Lookback Period (No. of Candles)', min_value=1, step=1, value=int(configManager.daysToLookback)) |
similar_search_button = cc.button('**Search**', type='primary', use_container_width=True) |
if similar_search_button: |
result = find_similar_stocks(stockCode, candles) |
if result: |
with st.container(): |
show_df_as_result_table() |
st.write('Click [**here**](https://medium.com/@joshi.pranjal5/spot-your-favourite-trading-setups-using-vector-databases-1651d747fbf0) to know How this Works? 🤔') |
with tab_about: |
from classes.Changelog import VERSION, changelog |
st.success(f'Screeni-py v{VERSION}', icon='🔍') |
ac, bc = st.columns([2,1]) |
ac.info(""" |
👨🏻💻 Developed and Maintained by: Pranjal Joshi |
🏠 Home Page: https://github.com/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py |
⚠️ Read/Post Issues here: https://github.com/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py/issues |
📣 Join Community Discussions: https://github.com/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py/discussions |
⬇️ Download latest software from https://github.com/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py/releases/latest |
💬 Join Telegram Group for discussion: https://t.me/+0Tzy08mR0do0MzNl |
🎬 YouTube Playlist: Watch [**Here**](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsGnKKT_974J3UVS8M6bxqePfWLeuMsBi&si=b6JNMf03IbA_SsXs) [![YouTube Channel Subscribers](https://img.shields.io/youtube/channel/subscribers/UCb_4n0rRHCL2dUbmRvS7psA)](https://www.youtube.com/@PranjalJoshi) |
""") |
bc.write('<iframe width="445" height="295" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?si=aKXpyKKgwCcWIjhW&list=PLsGnKKT_974J3UVS8M6bxqePfWLeuMsBi" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.warning("ChangeLog:\n " + changelog[40:-3], icon='⚙️') |
with tab_psc: |
ac, oc = st.columns([1, 1]) |
ac, bc = ac.columns([4, 1]) |
ac.subheader('💸 Position Size Calculator') |
calculate_qty_btn = bc.button('**Calculate Qty**', type='primary', use_container_width=True) |
ac, bc = st.columns([1, 1]) |
capital = ac.number_input(label='Capital Size', min_value=0, value=100000, help='Total Amount used for Trading/Investing') |
if capital: |
in_words = num2words(capital, lang='en_IN').title() |
bc.write(f"<p style='margin-top:35px; font-weight: bold;'>Your Capital is Rs. {in_words}</p>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
risk = ac.number_input(label="% Risk on Capital for this trade", min_value=0.0, max_value=10.0, step=0.1, value=0.5, help='How many percentage of your total capital you want to risk if your Stoploss hits? If you want a max loss of 1000 for an account value of 100,000 then your risk is 1%. It is not advised to take Risk more than 5% per trade! Think about your maximum loss before you trade!') |
if risk: |
risk_rs = capital * (risk/100.0) |
in_words = num2words(risk_rs, lang='en_IN').title() |
bc.write(f"<p style='margin-top:40px; font-weight: bold;'>Your Risk for this trade is Rs. {in_words}</p>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
ac.divider() |
sl = ac.number_input(label="Stoploss in points", min_value=0.0, step=0.1, help='Stoploss in Points or Rupees calculated by you by analyzing the chart.') |
if sl > 0: |
in_words = num2words(sl, lang='en_IN').title() |
bc.write(f"<p style='margin-top:105px;'>Your SL is {in_words} Rs. per share.</p>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
ac.write('<center><h5>OR</h5></center>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
a1, a2 = ac.columns([1, 1]) |
price = a1.number_input(label="Entry Price", min_value=0.0, help='Entry price for Long/Short position') |
percentage_sl = a2.number_input(label="% SL", min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, value=5.0, help='Stoploss in %') |
if sl == 0 and (price > 0 and percentage_sl > 0): |
actual_sl = round(price * (percentage_sl / 100),2) |
in_words = num2words(actual_sl, lang='en_IN').title() |
bc.write(f"<p style='margin-top:230px;'>Your SL is Rs. {actual_sl} per share</p>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if calculate_qty_btn: |
if sl > 0: |
qty = floor(risk_rs / sl) |
oc.metric(label='Quantity', value=qty, delta=f'Max Loss: {(-1 * qty * sl)}', delta_color='inverse', help='Trade this Quantity to prevent excessive unplanned losses') |
elif price > 0 and percentage_sl > 0: |
qty = floor(risk_rs / actual_sl) |
oc.metric(label='Quantity', value=qty, delta=f'Max Loss: {(-1 * qty * actual_sl)}', delta_color='inverse', help='Trade this Quantity to prevent excessive unplanned losses') |
marquee_html = ''' |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
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.sampleMarquee { |
color: #f63366; |
font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace; |
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<marquee class="sampleMarquee" direction="left" scrollamount="7" behavior="scroll">This tool should be used only for Analysis/Study purposes. We do NOT provide any Buy/Sell advice for any Securities. Authors of this tool will not be held liable for any losses. Understand the Risks subjected with Markets before Investing.</marquee> |
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components.html(marquee_html) |