File size: 7,987 Bytes
1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 0257d64 1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 a822c3b 1089f07 0257d64 1089f07 |
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import os
import logging
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict
import as px
import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import cv2
# import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import networkx as nx
from model import dfg2networkx, discover_process_map, discover_process_map_activities_connections, discover_process_map_variants, view_process_map
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_data(temp_file, case_col, activity_col, timestamp_col, state: dict):
# print(f"temp_file: {temp_file}")
if isinstance(temp_file, str):
# df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(temp_file), parse_dates=[ "Start", "Finish"])
df = pd.read_csv(temp_file, sep=';|,')
# df = pd.read_csv(, ) # parse_dates=[ "Start", "Finish"]
df = pd.read_csv(, sep=';|,')
# logger.debug(df.head())
# logger.debug(df.dtypes)
state['df'] = df
return df, \
gr.Dropdown( choices=list(df.columns), multiselect=False, label="Case", info="選擇 Case ID"), \
gr.Dropdown( choices=list(df.columns), multiselect=False, label="Activity", info="選擇 Activity ID"), \
gr.Dropdown( choices=list(df.columns), multiselect=False, label="Timestamp", info="選擇 Timestamp"), \
def get_stats(state: dict):
df = state.get('df', pd.DataFrame()).copy()
summary = pd.DataFrame({
"metric": ["資料筆數", "Case 數量", "Activity 數量", "起始時間", "結束時間"],
"value": [ df.shape[0], df['case_id'].nunique(), df['activity'].nunique(), df['timestamp'].min(), df['timestamp'].max() ]
case_stats = df.groupby(
by = ['case_id'], as_index=False
).agg(count = ('activity', len)).reset_index()
logger.debug(f"case stats: {case_stats}")
case_lead_time = df.groupby(
by = ['case_id'], as_index=False
).agg( duration = ('timestamp', lambda x: (x.max() - x.min()).total_seconds()//3600 )).reset_index()
def avg_duration(x):
return pd.Series({ "avg_duration": (x.timestamp.max() - x.timestamp.min()).total_seconds()//3600})
case_avg_duration = df.groupby(
by = ['case_id'], as_index=False
logger.debug(f"case lead time: {case_lead_time}")
return (
gr.BarPlot( case_stats, x="case_id", y="count", title="Case Stats", tooltip = ["case_id", "count"], width=None),
gr.BarPlot( case_lead_time, x="case_id", y="duration", title="Case Lead Time", tooltip = ["case_id", "duration"], width=None),
gr.BarPlot( case_avg_duration, x="case_id", y="avg_duration", title="Case Average Duration", tooltip = ["case_id", "avg_duration"], width=None),
def get_process_map( state: dict = {}):
df = state.get('df', pd.DataFrame()).copy()
net, img = discover_process_map( df, type='petrinet')
return img, state
def get_process_map_variants( top_k: int = 1, state: dict = {}):
df = state.get('df', pd.DataFrame()).copy()
dfg, start_activities, end_activities = discover_process_map_variants( df, top_k, type='dfg')
top_variant_connections = OrderedDict(sorted(dfg.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
state['top_variant_connections'] = top_variant_connections
if 'top_variant' not in state and top_k == 1:
state['top_variant'] = {'dfg': dfg, 'start_activities': start_activities, 'end_activities': end_activities}
nx_graph = dfg2networkx( dfg, start_activities, end_activities)
chart = view_process_map( nx_graph, process_type='dfg', layout_type='sfdp')
return chart, state
def get_process_map_activities_connections( activity_rank: int = 0, connection_rank: int = 0, state: dict = {}):
df = state.get('df', pd.DataFrame()).copy()
dfg, start_activities, end_activities = discover_process_map_activities_connections( df, activity_rank = activity_rank, connection_rank = connection_rank, state = state)
nx_graph = dfg2networkx( dfg, start_activities, end_activities)
chart = view_process_map( nx_graph, process_type='dfg', layout_type='sfdp')
return chart, state
def etl( case_col, activity_col, timestamp_col, state: dict):
df = state['df'].copy()
df.loc[:, case_col] = df[case_col].astype(str)
df.loc[:, activity_col] = df[activity_col].astype(str)
df.loc[:, timestamp_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[timestamp_col]) # format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
df.rename(columns={case_col: 'case_id', activity_col: 'activity', timestamp_col: 'timestamp'}, inplace=True)
state['df'] = df
return df, state
## --- block --- ##
css = """
h1 {
text-align: center;
demo = gr.Blocks(css = css)
with demo:
gr.Markdown("# 🌟 Process Discovery 🌟")
state = gr.State(value={})
with gr.Row():
upl_btn = gr.UploadButton(label="Upload", file_types = ['.csv'], file_count = "single")
with gr.Accordion('Data Preview'):
df = gr.Dataframe()
with gr.Row():
case_col = gr.Dropdown( multiselect=False, label="Case", info="選擇 Case ID")
activity_col = gr.Dropdown( multiselect=False, label="Activity", info="選擇 Activity ID")
timestamp_col = gr.Dropdown( multiselect=False, label="Timestamp", info="選擇 Timestamp")
upl_btn.upload( fn=get_data, inputs = [upl_btn, case_col, activity_col, timestamp_col, state], outputs=[df, case_col, activity_col, timestamp_col, state])
column_btn = gr.Button("Select Columns") fn=etl, inputs = [ case_col, activity_col, timestamp_col, state], outputs=[df, state])
with gr.Row():
with gr.Tab('Data Explorer'):
# outputs.append(gr.Dataframe( label="Event logs"))
de_btn = gr.Button("Get Stats")
with gr.Row():
summary = gr.Dataframe( label="Summary", interactive=False, height=300)
chart1 = gr.BarPlot( label="Case Stats")
chart2 = gr.BarPlot( label="Case Lead Time Stats")
chart3 = gr.BarPlot( label="Case Average Activity Time Stats") fn=get_stats, inputs = [state], outputs=[ summary, chart1, chart2, chart3, state])
with gr.Tab('Variant Explorer'):
ve_btn = gr.Button("Get Variants")
top_k_variant_selector = gr.Slider(0, 10, value=1, step=1, label="Top-K", info="選擇 Variant 數量(0: 全選)")
pmchart = gr.Plot( label="Process Map") fn=get_process_map_variants, inputs = [ top_k_variant_selector, state], outputs=[ pmchart, state])
# with gr.Tab('Process Explorer'):
# pe_btn = gr.Button("Get Activities & Connections")
# with gr.Column():
# top_k_activity_selector = gr.Slider(0, 10, value=1, step=1, label="Activity", info="【pending】增減 Top Activity 數量(0: 全選)")
# top_k_connection_selector = gr.Slider(0, 10, value=1, step=1, label="Connection", info="增減 Top Connection 數量(0: 全選)")
# pmchart = gr.Plot( label="Process Map")
# fn=get_process_map_activities_connections, inputs = [ top_k_activity_selector, top_k_connection_selector, state], outputs=[ pmchart, state])
# with gr.Tab('Process Model'):
# cc_btn = gr.Button("Get Process Model")
# img = gr.Image( label="Process Model")
# fn=get_process_map, inputs = [state], outputs=[ img, state])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# share=True,
auth=( os.environ.get("USER_NAME"), os.environ.get("PASSWORD"))