untrusted-test-only / README.md
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Update README.md
title: untrusted test
emoji: 🤗
colorFrom: yellow
colorTo: orange
sdk: static
app_file: index.html
pinned: false
### This is only for test
All file are copy from <https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/untrusted>.
And only for test.
**Untrusted —or— the Continuing Adventures of Dr. Eval** is an exciting Meta-JavaScript Adventure Game wherein you guide the dashing, steadfast Dr. Eval through a mysterious MACHINE CONTINUUM, wherein, using only his trusty computer and the TURING-COMPLETE power of JavaScript, he must literally ALTER HIS REALITY in order to find his freedom! You must literally edit and re-execute the very JavaScript running the game in your browser to save Dr. Eval from this dark and confusing reality!
### Overview
The game presents you with a roguelike-like playing environment and a console window with the JavaScript code generating each level. As loaded, each level is unbeatable, and most of the JavaScript is blocked from editing. The challenge is to open a path to the next level using only the limited tools left open to you.
### Development
to merge the JavaScript files into `scripts/build/untrusted.js` (and enables debug features).
make release
merges and minifies the JavaScript files into `scripts/build/untrusted.min.js` (and disables debug features).
To run the game locally, you need to set up a local server to serve `index.html` (this step is necessary due to Access-Control-Allow-Origin restrictions).
First install [http-server](https://github.com/nodeapps/http-server/#installing-globally) if you haven't already:
npm install http-server
Then run:
make runlocal
Build your own mod in the `mods` directory:
make mod=example_mod
### Contributing Levels
To add a new level, create a jsx file in [/levels/bonus](https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/untrusted/tree/master/levels/bonus) and add the level filename to the `bonusLevels` array in [game.js](https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/untrusted/blob/master/scripts/game.js#L40).
If you are adding any new commands that the player can use, make sure to add them to `reference.js`.
#### The .jsx file format
jsx files are like regular JavaScript files, but have some additional syntax:
- `#BEGIN_EDITABLE#` and `#END_EDITABLE#` surround editable lines
- `#{#` and `#}#` wrap editable sections (parts of lines)
- `#BEGIN_PROPERTIES#` and `#END_PROPERTIES#` surround the properties object at the start of the file. Available properties include:
- `commandsIntroduced`: array of new commands introduced in the level (see `reference.js`)
- `mapProperties`: optionally contains any of the following:
- `allowOverwrite`: if true, placed static objects can be overwritten by other objects
- `keyDelay`: specifies the lag, in milliseconds, between player keystrokes (default: 0)
- `refreshRate`: the refresh rate of the level, in milliseconds (required for dynamic objects with `interval` properties to work correctly)
- `showDrawingCanvas`: if true, the drawing canvas overlay is displayed
- `showDummyDom`: if true, a dummy DOM will be displayed instead of the regular map
- `music`: name of the background track for the level (see `sound.js`)
- `startingMessage`: message displayed at the bottom of the screen when the level starts (if any)
- `version`: increase the level version whenever you update a level
- `nextBonusLevel`: load another level automatically when this one is solved
- `#START_OF_START_LEVEL#` and `#END_OF_START_LEVEL#` should be the first and last line of the `startLevel` method, respectively
#### Adding music
To add a new background music track, add an MP3 file (that you have permission to use) to the [/music](https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/untrusted/tree/master/music) and add a new entry to the `tracks` array in [sound.js](https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/untrusted/blob/master/scripts/sound.js).
### Acknowledgements
Untrusted is a game by [Alex Nisnevich](http://alex.nisnevich.com/) and [Greg Shuflin](https://github.com/neunenak).
We'd like to thank:
- [Dmitry Mazin](https://github.com/dmazin) for design assistance and for the implementation of multiline editing
- [Jordan Arnesen](https://github.com/extrajordanary) for playtesting and design of lvl17
- [Natasha Hull-Richter](http://nhull.com) for extensive playtesting and assistance in level design
- Alex Bolotov, Colin Curtin, Conrad Irwin, Devin C-R, Eugene Evans, Gilbert Hsyu, Jacob Nisnevich, James Silvey, Jason Jiang, Jimmy Hack, Philip Shao, Ryan Fitzgerald, Stephen Liu, Yayoi Ukai, and Yuval Gnessin for playtesting and feedback
- [Ondřej Žára](https://github.com/ondras) for his [rot.js](http://ondras.github.io/rot.js/) library
- [Marijn Haverbeke](https://github.com/marijnh) for his [CodeMirror](http://codemirror.net/) library
- [Brian Harvey](http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/) for allowing us to use his likeness in lvl19
#### Soundtrack
You can [listen to the full soundtrack here](https://soundcloud.com/untrusted/sets/untrusted-soundtrack).
The music that appears in Untrusted, in order, is:
- "The Green" - [Jonathan Holliday](http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=836578) (used with permission)
- "Dmitry's Thing #2" - [Dmitry Mazin](https://soundcloud.com/dmitry-mazin) (written for Untrusted)
- "Obscure Terrain" - [Revolution Void](http://revolutionvoid.com/) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "coming soon" - [Fex](http://artistserver.com/Fex) (public domain)
- "cloudy sin" - [iNTRICATE](https://soundcloud.com/stk13) (used with permission)
- "Dynamic Punctuality" - [Dmitry Mazin](https://soundcloud.com/dmitry-mazin) (written for Untrusted)
- "Y" - [Tortue Super Sonic](https://soundcloud.com/tss-tortue-super-sonic) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "Night Owl" - [Broke for Free](http://brokeforfree.com/) (CC-BY)
- "The Waves Call Her Name" - [Sycamore Drive](http://sycamoredrive.bandcamp.com/) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "Come and Find Me - B mix" - [Eric Skiff](http://ericskiff.com/) (CC-BY)
- "Conspiracy" - [Mike and Alan](https://www.facebook.com/MicAndAlan) (used with permission)
- "Messeah" - [RoccoW](https://soundcloud.com/roccow) (CC-BY)
- "Searching" - [Eric Skiff](http://ericskiff.com/) (CC-BY)
- "Da Funk Do You Know 'bout Chip?" - [That Andy Guy](https://soundcloud.com/that-andy-guy) (used with permission)
- "Soixante-8" - [Obsibilo](http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Obsibilo/) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "Tart (Pts 1 and 2)" - [BLEO feat KeFF](http://bleo.dummydrome.com/) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "Beach Wedding Dance" - [Rolemusic](https://soundcloud.com/rolemusic) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "Boss Loop 1" - [Essa](http://www.youtube.com/user/Essasmusic) (free to use)
- "Adversity" - [Seropard](https://soundcloud.com/seropard) (free to use)
- "Comme Des Orages" - [Obsibilo](http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Obsibilo/) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- "Brazilicon Alley" - [Vernon Lenoir](http://vernonlenoir.wordpress.com/) (CC-BY-NC-SA), based on "Aquarela do Brazil" by Ary Barroso
### License
This work is dual-licensed.
- Untrusted and the Untrusted soundtrack are licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)</a>. In other words, you are free to use and modify Untrusted for non-commercial purposes, provided that you credit us and your work is also licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.
- Additionally, the Untrusted code *without the soundtrack* is licenced under a commercial license. This means that you are able to use Untrusted for commercial purposes under some conditions, provided that you do not use any of the music. Please [contact us](mailto:[email protected],[email protected]) for details.