kedilayanaveen10: Solve each piece of the puzzle!
This level can be broken down into multiple small tasks. Solve each of them independently and get past the level.
- Get past the initial ice.
- Escape the gravity outside.
- Reach the water.
- Cross the water.
- Escape the zombies.
- Get the yellow key and reach the next chamber (escape the ice again).
- Get the blue key and exit.
Solutions for each step:
- Place an invisible boulder to stop sliding just before the ice ends. (Place it at (1,10))
- Place invisible boulders till the teleporter in the middle of the map. (Place from (3,14) -> (26,14))
- Now you reach the teleporter. Go inside it and enter again into the teleporter from where you exited to reach the water compartment.
- Again place invisible boulders to stop falling into the water. (Place from (27,14) -> (38,14) skipping the place where a boulder already exists)
- Move the zombies left whenever possible and create a passage along the right. (Place a boulder on top of the first zombie to make it possible for other zombies to move left)
- Remove the code which adds the boulder here.
- Remove the code which adds the boulders blocking the path (Remember not to remove all the boulders. One boulder is needed to cross the water)
Code: Zombie behaviour:
var player = map.getPlayer();
var x = player.getX();
var y = player.getY();
/*Hint: There is a me.canMove method for zombies, for example if me.canMove('right')
is true, then it means that the zombie is able to move right at that specific point in time
//Hint 2: You can specify where the zombie will move with ex: me.move('right')
if(x > 40 && x < 45){
if(y >= 13){
//make the zombies move left to clear out way for player
moveToward(me, 'player');
Placing boulders and invisible boulders:
//do not remove this boulder; it is needed to cross water
map.placeObject(30, 14, 'boulder');
//place invisible boulders to reach the teleporter near water
//and cross water
for(var i=3; i<=38; i++)
if(i==27 || i==28 || i==30)
//place boulder above a zombie to make them go left