Build error
Build error
import numpy | |
class QuantileVector: | |
""" | |
Streaming randomized quantile computation for numpy. | |
Add any amount of data repeatedly via add(data). At any time, | |
quantile estimates (or old-style percentiles) can be read out using | |
quantiles(q) or percentiles(p). | |
Accuracy scales according to resolution: the default is to | |
set resolution to be accurate to better than 0.1%, | |
while limiting storage to about 50,000 samples. | |
Good for computing quantiles of huge data without using much memory. | |
Works well on arbitrary data with probability near 1. | |
Based on the optimal KLL quantile algorithm by Karnin, Lang, and Liberty | |
from FOCS 2016. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, depth=1, resolution=24 * 1024, buffersize=None, | |
dtype=None, seed=None): | |
self.resolution = resolution | |
self.depth = depth | |
# Default buffersize: 128 samples (and smaller than resolution). | |
if buffersize is None: | |
buffersize = min(128, (resolution + 7) // 8) | |
self.buffersize = buffersize | |
self.samplerate = 1.0 | | = [numpy.zeros(shape=(depth, resolution), dtype=dtype)] | |
self.firstfree = [0] | |
self.random = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) | |
self.extremes = numpy.empty(shape=(depth, 2), dtype=dtype) | |
self.extremes.fill(numpy.NaN) | |
self.size = 0 | |
def add(self, incoming): | |
assert len(incoming.shape) == 2 | |
assert incoming.shape[1] == self.depth | |
self.size += incoming.shape[0] | |
# Convert to a flat numpy array. | |
if self.samplerate >= 1.0: | |
self._add_every(incoming) | |
return | |
# If we are sampling, then subsample a large chunk at a time. | |
self._scan_extremes(incoming) | |
chunksize = numpy.ceil[self.buffersize / self.samplerate] | |
for index in range(0, len(incoming), chunksize): | |
batch = incoming[index:index+chunksize] | |
sample = batch[self.random.binomial(1, self.samplerate, len(batch))] | |
self._add_every(sample) | |
def _add_every(self, incoming): | |
supplied = len(incoming) | |
index = 0 | |
while index < supplied: | |
ff = self.firstfree[0] | |
available =[0].shape[1] - ff | |
if available == 0: | |
if not self._shift(): | |
# If we shifted by subsampling, then subsample. | |
incoming = incoming[index:] | |
if self.samplerate >= 0.5: | |
print('SAMPLING') | |
self._scan_extremes(incoming) | |
incoming = incoming[self.random.binomial(1, 0.5, | |
len(incoming - index))] | |
index = 0 | |
supplied = len(incoming) | |
ff = self.firstfree[0] | |
available =[0].shape[1] - ff | |
copycount = min(available, supplied - index) | |[0][:,ff:ff + copycount] = numpy.transpose( | |
incoming[index:index + copycount,:]) | |
self.firstfree[0] += copycount | |
index += copycount | |
def _shift(self): | |
index = 0 | |
# If remaining space at the current layer is less than half prev | |
# buffer size (rounding up), then we need to shift it up to ensure | |
# enough space for future shifting. | |
while[index].shape[1] - self.firstfree[index] < ( | |
-([index-1].shape[1] // 2) if index else 1): | |
if index + 1 >= len( | |
return self._expand() | |
data =[index][:,0:self.firstfree[index]] | |
data.sort() | |
if index == 0 and self.samplerate >= 1.0: | |
self._update_extremes(data[:,0], data[:,-1]) | |
offset = self.random.binomial(1, 0.5) | |
position = self.firstfree[index + 1] | |
subset = data[:,offset::2] | |[index + 1][:,position:position + subset.shape[1]] = subset | |
self.firstfree[index] = 0 | |
self.firstfree[index + 1] += subset.shape[1] | |
index += 1 | |
return True | |
def _scan_extremes(self, incoming): | |
# When sampling, we need to scan every item still to get extremes | |
self._update_extremes( | |
numpy.nanmin(incoming, axis=0), | |
numpy.nanmax(incoming, axis=0)) | |
def _update_extremes(self, minr, maxr): | |
self.extremes[:,0] = numpy.nanmin( | |
[self.extremes[:, 0], minr], axis=0) | |
self.extremes[:,-1] = numpy.nanmax( | |
[self.extremes[:, -1], maxr], axis=0) | |
def minmax(self): | |
if self.firstfree[0]: | |
self._scan_extremes([0][:,:self.firstfree[0]].transpose()) | |
return self.extremes.copy() | |
def _expand(self): | |
cap = self._next_capacity() | |
if cap > 0: | |
# First, make a new layer of the proper capacity. | |, numpy.empty( | |
shape=(self.depth, cap),[-1].dtype)) | |
self.firstfree.insert(0, 0) | |
else: | |
# Unless we're so big we are just subsampling. | |
assert self.firstfree[0] == 0 | |
self.samplerate *= 0.5 | |
for index in range(1, len( | |
# Scan for existing data that needs to be moved down a level. | |
amount = self.firstfree[index] | |
if amount == 0: | |
continue | |
position = self.firstfree[index-1] | |
# Move data down if it would leave enough empty space there | |
# This is the key invariant: enough empty space to fit half | |
# of the previous level's buffer size (rounding up) | |
if[index-1].shape[1] - (amount + position) >= ( | |
-([index-2].shape[1] // 2) if (index-1) else 1): | |[index-1][:,position:position + amount] = ( | |[index][:,:amount]) | |
self.firstfree[index-1] += amount | |
self.firstfree[index] = 0 | |
else: | |
# Scrunch the data if it would not. | |
data =[index][:,:amount] | |
data.sort() | |
if index == 1: | |
self._update_extremes(data[:,0], data[:,-1]) | |
offset = self.random.binomial(1, 0.5) | |
scrunched = data[:,offset::2] | |[index][:,:scrunched.shape[1]] = scrunched | |
self.firstfree[index] = scrunched.shape[1] | |
return cap > 0 | |
def _next_capacity(self): | |
cap = numpy.ceil(self.resolution * numpy.power(0.67, len( | |
if cap < 2: | |
return 0 | |
return max(self.buffersize, int(cap)) | |
def _weighted_summary(self, sort=True): | |
if self.firstfree[0]: | |
self._scan_extremes([0][:,:self.firstfree[0]].transpose()) | |
size = sum(self.firstfree) + 2 | |
weights = numpy.empty( | |
shape=(size), dtype='float32') # floating point | |
summary = numpy.empty( | |
shape=(self.depth, size),[-1].dtype) | |
weights[0:2] = 0 | |
summary[:,0:2] = self.extremes | |
index = 2 | |
for level, ff in enumerate(self.firstfree): | |
if ff == 0: | |
continue | |
summary[:,index:index + ff] =[level][:,:ff] | |
weights[index:index + ff] = numpy.power(2.0, level) | |
index += ff | |
assert index == summary.shape[1] | |
if sort: | |
order = numpy.argsort(summary) | |
summary = summary[numpy.arange(self.depth)[:,None], order] | |
weights = weights[order] | |
return (summary, weights) | |
def quantiles(self, quantiles, old_style=False): | |
if self.size == 0: | |
return numpy.full((self.depth, len(quantiles)), numpy.nan) | |
summary, weights = self._weighted_summary() | |
cumweights = numpy.cumsum(weights, axis=-1) - weights / 2 | |
if old_style: | |
# To be convenient with numpy.percentile | |
cumweights -= cumweights[:,0:1] | |
cumweights /= cumweights[:,-1:] | |
else: | |
cumweights /= numpy.sum(weights, axis=-1, keepdims=True) | |
result = numpy.empty(shape=(self.depth, len(quantiles))) | |
for d in range(self.depth): | |
result[d] = numpy.interp(quantiles, cumweights[d], summary[d]) | |
return result | |
def integrate(self, fun): | |
result = None | |
for level, ff in enumerate(self.firstfree): | |
if ff == 0: | |
continue | |
term = numpy.sum( | |
fun([level][:,:ff]) * numpy.power(2.0, level), | |
axis=-1) | |
if result is None: | |
result = term | |
else: | |
result += term | |
if result is not None: | |
result /= self.samplerate | |
return result | |
def percentiles(self, percentiles): | |
return self.quantiles(percentiles, old_style=True) | |
def readout(self, count, old_style=True): | |
return self.quantiles( | |
numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, count), old_style=old_style) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
import time | |
# An adverarial case: we keep finding more numbers in the middle | |
# as the stream goes on. | |
amount = 10000000 | |
percentiles = 1000 | |
data = numpy.arange(float(amount)) | |
data[1::2] = data[-1::-2] + (len(data) - 1) | |
data /= 2 | |
depth = 50 | |
alldata = data[:,None] + (numpy.arange(depth) * amount)[None, :] | |
actual_sum = numpy.sum(alldata * alldata, axis=0) | |
amt = amount // depth | |
for r in range(depth): | |
numpy.random.shuffle(alldata[r*amt:r*amt+amt,r]) | |
# data[::2] = data[-2::-2] | |
# numpy.random.shuffle(data) | |
starttime = time.time() | |
qc = QuantileVector(depth=depth, resolution=8 * 1024) | |
qc.add(alldata) | |
ro = qc.readout(1001) | |
endtime = time.time() | |
# print 'ro', ro | |
# print ro - numpy.linspace(0, amount, percentiles+1) | |
gt = numpy.linspace(0, amount, percentiles+1)[None,:] + ( | |
numpy.arange(qc.depth) * amount)[:,None] | |
print("Maximum relative deviation among %d perentiles:" % percentiles, ( | |
numpy.max(abs(ro - gt) / amount) * percentiles)) | |
print("Minmax eror %f, %f" % ( | |
max(abs(qc.minmax()[:,0] - numpy.arange(qc.depth) * amount)), | |
max(abs(qc.minmax()[:, -1] - (numpy.arange(qc.depth)+1) * amount + 1)))) | |
print("Integral error:", numpy.max(numpy.abs( | |
qc.integrate(lambda x: x * x) | |
- actual_sum) / actual_sum)) | |
print("Count error: ", (qc.integrate(lambda x: numpy.ones(x.shape[-1]) | |
) - qc.size) / (0.0 + qc.size)) | |
print("Time", (endtime - starttime)) | |