# Deploy-machine-learning-model-with-streamlit | |
I Built a KNN Classifier Machine Learning Model with streamlit root for a classify a Automotive Parts of IKCO parts Model includes a KNN Classifier with X features and y target. Features are: PPM : Index of defect part that detected in product line of cars S/R : S : safety part , R : regulary part ( has a Mandatory standard) Repeat of Alarm : about alarms that sent to suppliers of parts Not Pokayoke (True word: Pokayoka, is a Japanese word) : about infallibility of parts during production by men High Price : about high value of cost for part | |
level for target includes O until 5 when part has a 0 level, means that part has a higher importance and needed a inspection with Zero Defect (Search it) and when a part has a 5 level means that part has a lower importance and its not a priority and other levels are determined by their priorities that I considered. | |
I considered a dictionary A to F for grades [0 until 5] | |
I hope you enjoy please send me a feedback | |