""" | |
Reference: Concept Whitening for Interpretable Image Recognition | |
- Paper: | |
- Code: | |
""" | |
import torch.nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from torch.nn import Parameter | |
# import extension._bcnn as bcnn | |
__all__ = ['iterative_normalization', 'IterNorm'] | |
class iterative_normalization_py(torch.autograd.Function): | |
def forward(ctx, *args, **kwargs): | |
X, running_mean, running_wmat, nc, ctx.T, eps, momentum, training = args | |
# change NxCxHxW to (G x D) x(NxHxW), i.e., g*d*m | |
ctx.g = X.size(1) // nc | |
x = X.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(ctx.g, nc, -1) | |
_, d, m = x.size() | |
saved = [] | |
if training: | |
# calculate centered activation by subtracted mini-batch mean | |
mean = x.mean(-1, keepdim=True) | |
xc = x - mean | |
saved.append(xc) | |
# calculate covariance matrix | |
P = [None] * (ctx.T + 1) | |
P[0] = torch.eye(d).to(X).expand(ctx.g, d, d) | |
Sigma = torch.baddbmm(eps, P[0], 1. / m, xc, xc.transpose(1, 2)) | |
# reciprocal of trace of Sigma: shape [g, 1, 1] | |
rTr = (Sigma * P[0]).sum((1, 2), keepdim=True).reciprocal_() | |
saved.append(rTr) | |
Sigma_N = Sigma * rTr | |
saved.append(Sigma_N) | |
for k in range(ctx.T): | |
P[k + 1] = torch.baddbmm(1.5, P[k], -0.5, torch.matrix_power(P[k], 3), Sigma_N) | |
saved.extend(P) | |
wm = P[ctx.T].mul_(rTr.sqrt()) # whiten matrix: the matrix inverse of Sigma, i.e., Sigma^{-1/2} | |
running_mean.copy_(momentum * mean + (1. - momentum) * running_mean) | |
running_wmat.copy_(momentum * wm + (1. - momentum) * running_wmat) | |
else: | |
xc = x - running_mean | |
wm = running_wmat | |
xn = wm.matmul(xc) | |
Xn = xn.view(X.size(1), X.size(0), *X.size()[2:]).transpose(0, 1).contiguous() | |
ctx.save_for_backward(*saved) | |
return Xn | |
def backward(ctx, *grad_outputs): | |
grad, = grad_outputs | |
saved = ctx.saved_variables | |
xc = saved[0] # centered input | |
rTr = saved[1] # trace of Sigma | |
sn = saved[2].transpose(-2, -1) # normalized Sigma | |
P = saved[3:] # middle result matrix, | |
g, d, m = xc.size() | |
g_ = grad.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view_as(xc) | |
g_wm = g_.matmul(xc.transpose(-2, -1)) | |
g_P = g_wm * rTr.sqrt() | |
wm = P[ctx.T] | |
g_sn = 0 | |
for k in range(ctx.T, 1, -1): | |
P[k - 1].transpose_(-2, -1) | |
P2 = P[k - 1].matmul(P[k - 1]) | |
g_sn += P2.matmul(P[k - 1]).matmul(g_P) | |
g_tmp = g_P.matmul(sn) | |
g_P.baddbmm_(1.5, -0.5, g_tmp, P2) | |
g_P.baddbmm_(1, -0.5, P2, g_tmp) | |
g_P.baddbmm_(1, -0.5, P[k - 1].matmul(g_tmp), P[k - 1]) | |
g_sn += g_P | |
# g_sn = g_sn * rTr.sqrt() | |
g_tr = ((-sn.matmul(g_sn) + g_wm.transpose(-2, -1).matmul(wm)) * P[0]).sum((1, 2), keepdim=True) * P[0] | |
g_sigma = (g_sn + g_sn.transpose(-2, -1) + 2. * g_tr) * (-0.5 / m * rTr) | |
# g_sigma = g_sigma + g_sigma.transpose(-2, -1) | |
g_x = torch.baddbmm(wm.matmul(g_ - g_.mean(-1, keepdim=True)), g_sigma, xc) | |
grad_input = g_x.view(grad.size(1), grad.size(0), *grad.size()[2:]).transpose(0, 1).contiguous() | |
return grad_input, None, None, None, None, None, None, None | |
class IterNorm(torch.nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, num_features, num_groups=1, num_channels=None, T=5, dim=4, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.1, affine=True, | |
*args, **kwargs): | |
super(IterNorm, self).__init__() | |
# assert dim == 4, 'IterNorm is not support 2D' | |
self.T = T | |
self.eps = eps | |
self.momentum = momentum | |
self.num_features = num_features | |
self.affine = affine | |
self.dim = dim | |
if num_channels is None: | |
num_channels = (num_features - 1) // num_groups + 1 | |
num_groups = num_features // num_channels | |
while num_features % num_channels != 0: | |
num_channels //= 2 | |
num_groups = num_features // num_channels | |
assert num_groups > 0 and num_features % num_groups == 0, "num features={}, num groups={}".format(num_features, | |
num_groups) | |
self.num_groups = num_groups | |
self.num_channels = num_channels | |
shape = [1] * dim | |
shape[1] = self.num_features | |
if self.affine: | |
self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*shape)) | |
self.bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*shape)) | |
else: | |
self.register_parameter('weight', None) | |
self.register_parameter('bias', None) | |
self.register_buffer('running_mean', torch.zeros(num_groups, num_channels, 1)) | |
# running whiten matrix | |
self.register_buffer('running_wm', torch.eye(num_channels).expand(num_groups, num_channels, num_channels)) | |
self.reset_parameters() | |
def reset_parameters(self): | |
# self.reset_running_stats() | |
if self.affine: | |
torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weight) | |
torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.bias) | |
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor): | |
X_hat = iterative_normalization_py.apply(X, self.running_mean, self.running_wm, self.num_channels, self.T, | |
self.eps, self.momentum, | |
# affine | |
if self.affine: | |
return X_hat * self.weight + self.bias | |
else: | |
return X_hat | |
def extra_repr(self): | |
return '{num_features}, num_channels={num_channels}, T={T}, eps={eps}, ' \ | |
'momentum={momentum}, affine={affine}'.format(**self.__dict__) | |
class IterNormRotation(torch.nn.Module): | |
""" | |
Concept Whitening Module | |
The Whitening part is adapted from IterNorm. The core of CW module is learning | |
an extra rotation matrix R that align target concepts with the output feature | |
maps. | |
Because the concept activation is calculated based on a feature map, which | |
is a matrix, there are multiple ways to calculate the activation, denoted | |
by activation_mode. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, num_features, num_groups = 1, num_channels=None, T=10, dim=4, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.05, affine=False, | |
mode = -1, activation_mode='pool_max', *args, **kwargs): | |
super(IterNormRotation, self).__init__() | |
assert dim == 4, 'IterNormRotation does not support 2D' | |
self.T = T | |
self.eps = eps | |
self.momentum = momentum | |
self.num_features = num_features | |
self.affine = affine | |
self.dim = dim | |
self.mode = mode | |
self.activation_mode = activation_mode | |
assert num_groups == 1, 'Please keep num_groups = 1. Current version does not support group whitening.' | |
if num_channels is None: | |
num_channels = (num_features - 1) // num_groups + 1 | |
num_groups = num_features // num_channels | |
while num_features % num_channels != 0: | |
num_channels //= 2 | |
num_groups = num_features // num_channels | |
assert num_groups > 0 and num_features % num_groups == 0, "num features={}, num groups={}".format(num_features, | |
num_groups) | |
self.num_groups = num_groups | |
self.num_channels = num_channels | |
shape = [1] * dim | |
shape[1] = self.num_features | |
#if self.affine: | |
self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*shape)) | |
self.bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*shape)) | |
#else: | |
# self.register_parameter('weight', None) | |
# self.register_parameter('bias', None) | |
#pooling and unpooling used in gradient computation | |
self.maxpool = torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=3, return_indices=True) | |
self.maxunpool = torch.nn.MaxUnpool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=3) | |
# running mean | |
self.register_buffer('running_mean', torch.zeros(num_groups, num_channels, 1)) | |
# running whiten matrix | |
self.register_buffer('running_wm', torch.eye(num_channels).expand(num_groups, num_channels, num_channels)) | |
# running rotation matrix | |
self.register_buffer('running_rot', torch.eye(num_channels).expand(num_groups, num_channels, num_channels)) | |
# sum Gradient, need to take average later | |
self.register_buffer('sum_G', torch.zeros(num_groups, num_channels, num_channels)) | |
# counter, number of gradient for each concept | |
self.register_buffer("counter", torch.ones(num_channels)*0.001) | |
self.reset_parameters() | |
def reset_parameters(self): | |
if self.affine: | |
torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weight) | |
torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.bias) | |
def update_rotation_matrix(self): | |
""" | |
Update the rotation matrix R using the accumulated gradient G. | |
The update uses Cayley transform to make sure R is always orthonormal. | |
""" | |
size_R = self.running_rot.size() | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
G = self.sum_G/self.counter.reshape(-1,1) | |
R = self.running_rot.clone() | |
for i in range(2): | |
tau = 1000 # learning rate in Cayley transform | |
alpha = 0 | |
beta = 100000000 | |
c1 = 1e-4 | |
c2 = 0.9 | |
A = torch.einsum('gin,gjn->gij', G, R) - torch.einsum('gin,gjn->gij', R, G) # GR^T - RG^T | |
I = torch.eye(size_R[2]).expand(*size_R).cuda() | |
dF_0 = -0.5 * (A ** 2).sum() | |
# binary search for appropriate learning rate | |
cnt = 0 | |
while True: | |
Q = torch.bmm((I + 0.5 * tau * A).inverse(), I - 0.5 * tau * A) | |
Y_tau = torch.bmm(Q, R) | |
F_X = (G[:,:,:] * R[:,:,:]).sum() | |
F_Y_tau = (G[:,:,:] * Y_tau[:,:,:]).sum() | |
dF_tau = -torch.bmm(torch.einsum('gni,gnj->gij', G, (I + 0.5 * tau * A).inverse()), torch.bmm(A,0.5*(R+Y_tau)))[0,:,:].trace() | |
if F_Y_tau > F_X + c1*tau*dF_0 + 1e-18: | |
beta = tau | |
tau = (beta+alpha)/2 | |
elif dF_tau + 1e-18 < c2*dF_0: | |
alpha = tau | |
tau = (beta+alpha)/2 | |
else: | |
break | |
cnt += 1 | |
if cnt > 500: | |
print("--------------------update fail------------------------") | |
print(F_Y_tau, F_X + c1*tau*dF_0) | |
print(dF_tau, c2*dF_0) | |
print("-------------------------------------------------------") | |
break | |
print(tau, F_Y_tau) | |
Q = torch.bmm((I + 0.5 * tau * A).inverse(), I - 0.5 * tau * A) | |
R = torch.bmm(Q, R) | |
self.running_rot = R | |
self.counter = (torch.ones(size_R[-1]) * 0.001).cuda() | |
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor): | |
X_hat = iterative_normalization_py.apply(X, self.running_mean, self.running_wm, self.num_channels, self.T, | |
self.eps, self.momentum, | |
# print(X_hat.shape, self.running_rot.shape) | |
# nchw | |
size_X = X_hat.size() | |
size_R = self.running_rot.size() | |
# ngchw | |
X_hat = X_hat.view(size_X[0], size_R[0], size_R[2], *size_X[2:]) | |
# updating the gradient matrix, using the concept dataset | |
# the gradient is accumulated with momentum to stablize the training | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
# When 0<=mode, the jth column of gradient matrix is accumulated | |
if self.mode>=0: | |
if self.activation_mode=='mean': | |
self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] = self.momentum * -X_hat.mean((0,3,4)) + (1. - self.momentum) * self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] | |
self.counter[self.mode] += 1 | |
elif self.activation_mode=='max': | |
X_test = torch.einsum('bgchw,gdc->bgdhw', X_hat, self.running_rot) | |
max_values = torch.max(torch.max(X_test, 3, keepdim=True)[0], 4, keepdim=True)[0] | |
max_bool = max_values==X_test | |
grad = -((X_hat *,4))/,4))).mean((0,)) | |
self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] = self.momentum * grad + (1. - self.momentum) * self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] | |
self.counter[self.mode] += 1 | |
elif self.activation_mode=='pos_mean': | |
X_test = torch.einsum('bgchw,gdc->bgdhw', X_hat, self.running_rot) | |
pos_bool = X_test > 0 | |
grad = -((X_hat *,4))/(,4))+0.0001)).mean((0,)) | |
self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] = self.momentum * grad + (1. - self.momentum) * self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] | |
self.counter[self.mode] += 1 | |
elif self.activation_mode=='pool_max': | |
X_test = torch.einsum('bgchw,gdc->bgdhw', X_hat, self.running_rot) | |
X_test_nchw = X_test.view(size_X) | |
maxpool_value, maxpool_indices = self.maxpool(X_test_nchw) | |
X_test_unpool = self.maxunpool(maxpool_value, maxpool_indices, output_size = size_X).view(size_X[0], size_R[0], size_R[2], *size_X[2:]) | |
maxpool_bool = X_test == X_test_unpool | |
grad = -((X_hat *,4))/(,4)))).mean((0,)) | |
self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] = self.momentum * grad + (1. - self.momentum) * self.sum_G[:,self.mode,:] | |
self.counter[self.mode] += 1 | |
# # When mode > k, this is not included in the paper | |
# elif self.mode>=0 and self.mode>=self.k: | |
# X_dot = torch.einsum('ngchw,gdc->ngdhw', X_hat, self.running_rot) | |
# X_dot = (X_dot == torch.max(X_dot, dim=2,keepdim=True)[0]).float().cuda() | |
# X_dot_unity = torch.clamp(torch.ceil(X_dot), 0.0, 1.0) | |
# X_G = torch.einsum('ngchw,ngdhw->gdchw', X_hat, X_dot_unity).mean((3,4)) | |
# X_G[:,:self.k,:] = 0.0 | |
# self.sum_G[:,:,:] += -X_G/size_X[0] | |
# self.counter[self.k:] += 1 | |
# We set mode = -1 when we don't need to update G. For example, when we train for main objective | |
X_hat = torch.einsum('bgchw,gdc->bgdhw', X_hat, self.running_rot) | |
X_hat = X_hat.view(*size_X) | |
if self.affine: | |
return X_hat * self.weight + self.bias | |
else: | |
return X_hat | |
def extra_repr(self): | |
return '{num_features}, num_channels={num_channels}, T={T}, eps={eps}, ' \ | |
'momentum={momentum}, affine={affine}'.format(**self.__dict__) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
ItN = IterNormRotation(64, num_groups=2, T=10, momentum=1, affine=False) | |
print(ItN) | |
ItN.train() | |
x = torch.randn(16, 64, 14, 14) | |
x.requires_grad_() | |
y = ItN(x) | |
z = y.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(x.size(1), -1) | |
print(z.matmul(z.t()) / z.size(1)) | |
y.sum().backward() | |
print('x grad', x.grad.size()) | |
ItN.eval() | |
y = ItN(x) | |
z = y.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(x.size(1), -1) | |
print(z.matmul(z.t()) / z.size(1)) |