import streamlit as st | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import torch | |
from typing import Tuple, List | |
from fpdf import FPDF | |
from pyhealth.medcode import InnerMap | |
from pyhealth.datasets import MIMIC3Dataset, SampleEHRDataset | |
from pyhealth.tasks import medication_recommendation_mimic3_fn, diagnosis_prediction_mimic3_fn | |
from pyhealth.models import GNN | |
from pyhealth.explainer import HeteroGraphExplainer | |
def load_gnn() -> Tuple[torch.nn.Module, torch.nn.Module, torch.nn.Module, torch.nn.Module, | |
MIMIC3Dataset, SampleEHRDataset, SampleEHRDataset]: | |
dataset = MIMIC3Dataset( | |
root=st.secrets.s3, | |
code_mapping={"NDC": ("ATC", {"target_kwargs": {"level": 4}})}, | |
) | |
mimic3sample_med = dataset.set_task(task_fn=medication_recommendation_mimic3_fn) | |
mimic3sample_diag = dataset.set_task(task_fn=diagnosis_prediction_mimic3_fn) | |
model_med_ig = GNN( | |
dataset=mimic3sample_med, | |
convlayer="GraphConv", | |
feature_keys=["procedures", "diagnosis", "symptoms"], | |
label_key="medications", | |
k=0, | |
embedding_dim=128, | |
hidden_channels=128 | |
) | |
model_med_gnn = GNN( | |
dataset=mimic3sample_med, | |
convlayer="GraphConv", | |
feature_keys=["procedures", "diagnosis", "symptoms"], | |
label_key="medications", | |
k=0, | |
embedding_dim=128, | |
hidden_channels=128 | |
) | |
model_diag_ig = GNN( | |
dataset=mimic3sample_diag, | |
convlayer="GraphConv", | |
feature_keys=["procedures", "medications", "symptoms"], | |
label_key="diagnosis", | |
k=0, | |
embedding_dim=128, | |
hidden_channels=128 | |
) | |
model_diag_gnn = GNN( | |
dataset=mimic3sample_diag, | |
convlayer="GraphConv", | |
feature_keys=["procedures", "medications", "symptoms"], | |
label_key="diagnosis", | |
k=0, | |
embedding_dim=128, | |
hidden_channels=128 | |
) | |
return model_med_ig, model_med_gnn, model_diag_ig, model_diag_gnn, dataset, mimic3sample_med, mimic3sample_diag | |
def get_list_output(y_prob: torch.Tensor, last_visit: pd.DataFrame, task: str, _mimic3sample: SampleEHRDataset, | |
top_k: int = 10) -> List[str]: | |
sorted_indices = [] | |
for i in range(len(y_prob)): | |
top_indices = np.argsort(-y_prob[i, :])[:top_k] | |
sorted_indices.append(top_indices) | |
list_output = [] | |
# get the list of all labels in the dataset | |
if task == "medications": | |
list_labels = _mimic3sample.get_all_tokens('medications') | |
atc = InnerMap.load("ATC") | |
elif task == "diagnosis": | |
list_labels = _mimic3sample.get_all_tokens('diagnosis') | |
icd9 = InnerMap.load("ICD9CM") | |
sorted_indices = list(sorted_indices) | |
# iterate over the top indexes for each sample in test_ds | |
for (i, sample), top in zip(last_visit.iterrows(), sorted_indices): | |
# create an empty list to store the recommended medications for this sample | |
sample_list_output = [] | |
# iterate over the top indexes for this sample | |
for k in top: | |
# append the medication at the i-th index to the recommended medications list for this sample | |
if task == "medications": | |
sample_list_output.append(atc.lookup(list_labels[k])) | |
elif task == "diagnosis": | |
if list_labels[k].startswith("E"): | |
list_labels[k] = list_labels[k] + "0" | |
sample_list_output.append(icd9.lookup(list_labels[k])) | |
# append the recommended medications for this sample to the recommended medications list | |
list_output.append(sample_list_output) | |
return list_output, sorted_indices | |
def explainability(model: GNN, explain_dataset: SampleEHRDataset, selected_idx: int, | |
visualization: str, algorithm: str, task: str, threshold: int): | |
explainer = HeteroGraphExplainer( | |
algorithm=algorithm, | |
dataset=explain_dataset, | |
model=model, | |
label_key=task, | |
threshold_value=threshold, | |
top_k=threshold, | |
feat_size=128, | |
root="./streamlit_results/", | |
) | |
if task == "medications": | |
visit_drug = explainer.subgraph['visit', 'medication'].edge_index | |
visit_drug = visit_drug.T | |
n = 0 | |
for vis_drug in visit_drug: | |
vis_drug = np.array(vis_drug) | |
if vis_drug[1] == selected_idx: | |
break | |
n += 1 | |
elif task == "diagnosis": | |
visit_diag = explainer.subgraph['visit', 'diagnosis'].edge_index | |
visit_diag = visit_diag.T | |
n = 0 | |
for vis_diag in visit_diag: | |
vis_diag = np.array(vis_diag) | |
if vis_diag[1] == selected_idx: | |
break | |
n += 1 | |
explainer.explain(n=n) | |
if visualization == "Explainable": | |
explainer.explain_graph(k=0, human_readable=True, dashboard=True) | |
else: | |
explainer.explain_graph(k=0, human_readable=False, dashboard=True) | |
explainer.explain_results(n=n) | |
explainer.explain_results(n=n, doctor_type="Internist_Doctor") | |
HtmlFile = open("streamlit_results/explain_graph.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8') | |
source_code = | |
components.html(source_code, height=520) | |
def gen_pdf(patient, name, lastname, visit, list_output, medical_scenario, internist_scenario): | |
pdf = FPDF() | |
pdf.add_page() | |
pdf.add_font("OpenSans", style="", fname="font/OpenSans.ttf") | |
pdf.add_font("OpenSans", style="B", fname="font/OpenSans-Bold.ttf") | |
# Title | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", 'B', 14) | |
pdf.cell(0, 10, 'Patient Medical Report', 0, 1, 'C', markdown=True) | |
pdf.ln(5) | |
# Patient Info | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", 'B', 10) | |
pdf.cell(0, 10, 'Patient Information', 0, 1, 'L', markdown=True) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", '', 8) | |
pdf.cell(0, 3, f"Patient ID: **{patient}** - Name: **{name.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]}** Surname: **{lastname}** - Hospital admission n°: **{visit}**", 0, 1, 'L', markdown=True) | |
pdf.ln(5) | |
# Left column (Medical Scenario) | |
left_x = 10 | |
right_x = 110 | |
col_width = 90 | |
# Right column (Recommendations) | |
pdf.set_xy(right_x, pdf.get_y()) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", 'B', 10) | |
pdf.cell(col_width - 20, 10, 'Recommendations', 0, 1, 'L') | |
pdf.set_xy(right_x, pdf.get_y()) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", '', 8) | |
for i, output in enumerate(list_output): | |
tensor_value = output[0].item() # Convert tensor to number | |
recommendation = output[1] | |
pdf.set_xy(right_x, pdf.get_y()) | |
pdf.cell(col_width - 20, 3, f"Medication {i+1}: {tensor_value}, {recommendation}", 0, 1, 'L') | |
# Medical Scenario | |
pdf.set_xy(left_x, pdf.get_y() - 40) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", 'B', 10) | |
pdf.cell(col_width, 10, 'Medical Scenario', 0, 1, 'L', markdown=True) | |
pdf.set_xy(left_x, pdf.get_y()) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", '', 8) | |
pdf.multi_cell(col_width, 3, medical_scenario, 0, 'L', markdown=True) | |
# internist_scenario | |
pdf.set_xy(left_x, pdf.get_y()) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", 'B', 10) | |
pdf.cell(0, 10, 'Internist Scenario', 0, 1, 'L', markdown=True) | |
pdf.set_font("OpenSans", '', 8) | |
pdf.multi_cell(0, 3, internist_scenario, 0, 'L', markdown=True) | |
pdf.ln(5) | |
return bytes(pdf.output()) |