import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import random | |
import hashlib | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import hashlib | |
import random | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import cv2 | |
import easyocr | |
import pytesseract | |
from ultralytics import YOLO | |
# 1. Load a YOLOv8 segmentation model (pre-trained weights) | |
model = YOLO("") | |
def get_label_color_id(label_id): | |
""" | |
Generate a consistent BGR color for a numeric label_id by hashing the ID. | |
This ensures that each numeric ID always maps to the same color. | |
""" | |
label_str = str(int(label_id)) | |
# Use the MD5 hash of the label string as a seed | |
seed_value = int(hashlib.md5(label_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) | |
random.seed(seed_value) | |
# Return color in BGR format | |
return ( | |
random.randint(50, 255), # B | |
random.randint(50, 255), # G | |
random.randint(50, 255) # R | |
) | |
def segment_large_image_with_tiles( | |
model, | |
large_image_path, | |
tile_size=1080, | |
overlap=60, # Overlap in pixels | |
alpha=0.4, | |
display=True | |
): | |
""" | |
1. Reads a large image from `large_image_path`. | |
2. Tiles it into sub-images of size `tile_size` x `tile_size`, | |
stepping by (tile_size - overlap) to have overlap regions. | |
3. Runs `model.predict()` on each tile and accumulates all polygons (in global coords). | |
4. For each class, merges overlapping polygons by: | |
- filling them on a single-channel mask | |
- finding final contours of the connected regions | |
5. Draws merged polygons onto an overlay and alpha-blends with the original image. | |
6. Returns the final annotated image (in RGB) and a dictionary of merged contours. | |
""" | |
# Read the large image | |
image_bgr = cv2.imread(large_image_path) | |
if image_bgr is None: | |
raise ValueError(f"Could not load image from {large_image_path}") | |
# Convert to RGB (for plotting consistency) | |
image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
H, W, _ = image_rgb.shape | |
# Dictionary to store raw polygon coords for each class | |
# (before merging) | |
class_mask_dict = {} | |
# Step size with overlap | |
step = tile_size - overlap if overlap < tile_size else tile_size | |
# ------------------------ | |
# 1) Perform Tiled Inference | |
# ------------------------ | |
for top in range(0, H, step): | |
for left in range(0, W, step): | |
bottom = min(top + tile_size, H) | |
right = min(left + tile_size, W) | |
tile_rgb = image_rgb[top:bottom, left:right] | |
# Run YOLOv8 model prediction | |
results = model.predict(tile_rgb) | |
if len(results) == 0: | |
continue | |
# Typically, results[0] holds the main predictions | |
pred = results[0] | |
# Check if we have valid masks | |
if (pred.masks is None) or (pred.masks.xy is None): | |
continue | |
tile_masks_xy = pred.masks.xy # list of polygon coords | |
tile_labels = pred.boxes.cls # list of class IDs | |
# Convert to numpy int if needed | |
if hasattr(tile_labels, 'cpu'): | |
tile_labels = tile_labels.cpu().numpy() | |
tile_labels = tile_labels.astype(int).tolist() | |
# Accumulate polygon coords in global space | |
for label_id, polygon in zip(tile_labels, tile_masks_xy): | |
# Convert polygon float coords to int points in shape (N,1,2) | |
polygon_pts = polygon.reshape((-1, 1, 2)).astype(np.int32) | |
# Offset the polygon to the large image coords | |
polygon_pts[:, 0, 0] += left # x-offset | |
polygon_pts[:, 0, 1] += top # y-offset | |
if label_id not in class_mask_dict: | |
class_mask_dict[label_id] = [] | |
class_mask_dict[label_id].append(polygon_pts) | |
# ----------------------------------------- | |
# 2) Merge Overlapping Polygons For Each Class | |
# by rasterizing them in a mask and then | |
# finding final contours | |
# ----------------------------------------- | |
merged_class_mask_dict = {} | |
for label_id, polygons_cv in class_mask_dict.items(): | |
# Create a blank mask (single channel) for the entire image | |
mask = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.uint8) | |
# Fill all polygons for this label on the mask | |
for pts in polygons_cv: | |
cv2.fillPoly(mask, [pts], 255) | |
# Now findContours to get merged regions | |
# Use RETR_EXTERNAL so we just get outer boundaries of each connected region | |
contours, _ = cv2.findContours( | |
mask, | |
mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, | |
method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE | |
) | |
# Store final merged contours | |
merged_class_mask_dict[label_id] = contours | |
# ----------------------- | |
# 3) Draw Merged Polygons | |
# ----------------------- | |
overlay = image_rgb.copy() | |
for label_id, contours in merged_class_mask_dict.items(): | |
color_bgr = get_label_color_id(label_id) | |
for cnt in contours: | |
# Fill each contour on the overlay | |
cv2.fillPoly(overlay, [cnt], color_bgr) | |
# 4) Alpha blend | |
output = cv2.addWeighted(overlay, alpha, image_rgb, 1 - alpha, 0) | |
# 5) Optional Display | |
if display: | |
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) | |
plt.imshow(output) | |
plt.axis('off') | |
plt.title("Segmentation on Large Image (Overlapped Tiles + Merged Polygons)") | | | |
return output, merged_class_mask_dict | |
def usable_data(img_results, image_1): | |
""" | |
Extract bounding boxes, centers, and polygon areas from the segmentation | |
results for a single image. Returns a dictionary keyed by label, | |
with each value a list of object data: { 'bbox', 'center', 'area' }. | |
""" | |
width, height = image_1.width, image_1.height | |
image_data = {} | |
for key in img_results.keys(): | |
image_data[key] = [] | |
for polygon in img_results[key]: | |
polygon = np.array(polygon) | |
# Handle varying polygon shapes | |
# If shape is (N, 1, 2) e.g. from cv2 findContours | |
if polygon.ndim == 3 and polygon.shape[1] == 1 and polygon.shape[2] == 2: | |
polygon = polygon.reshape(-1, 2) | |
elif polygon.ndim == 2 and polygon.shape[1] == 1: | |
polygon = np.squeeze(polygon, axis=1) | |
# Now we expect polygon to be (N, 2): | |
xs = polygon[:, 0] | |
ys = polygon[:, 1] | |
# Bounding box | |
xmin, xmax = xs.min(), xs.max() | |
ymin, ymax = ys.min(), ys.max() | |
bbox = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) | |
# Center | |
centerX = (xmin + xmax) / 2.0 | |
centerY = (ymin + ymax) / 2.0 | |
x = width/2 | |
y = height/2 | |
# Direction | |
dx = x - centerX | |
dy = centerY - y # Invert y-axis for proper orientation | |
if dx > 0 and dy > 0: | |
direction = "NE" | |
elif dx > 0 and dy < 0: | |
direction = "SE" | |
elif dx < 0 and dy > 0: | |
direction = "NW" | |
elif dx < 0 and dy < 0: | |
direction = "SW" | |
elif dx == 0 and dy > 0: | |
direction = "N" | |
elif dx == 0 and dy < 0: | |
direction = "S" | |
elif dy == 0 and dx > 0: | |
direction = "E" | |
elif dy == 0 and dx < 0: | |
direction = "W" | |
else: | |
direction = "Center" | |
# Polygon area (Shoelace formula) | |
# area = 0.5 * | x0*y1 + x1*y2 + ... + x_{n-1}*y0 - (y0*x1 + y1*x2 + ... + y_{n-1}*x0 ) | | |
area = 0.5 * np.abs( | |, np.roll(ys, 1)) -, np.roll(xs, 1)) | |
) | |
image_data[key].append({ | |
'bbox': bbox, | |
'center': (centerX, centerY), | |
'area': area, | |
"direction": direction | |
}) | |
return image_data | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
def plot_differences_on_image1( | |
image1_path, | |
mask_dict1, # e.g., label_name -> list of contours for image1 | |
image2_path, | |
mask_dict2, # e.g., label_name -> list of contours for image2 | |
display=True | |
): | |
""" | |
Compare two images (and their object masks). Plot all differences on Image 1 only: | |
- Red: Objects that are missing on Image 1 (present in Image 2 but not Image 1). | |
- Green: Objects that are missing on Image 2 (present in Image 1 but not Image 2). | |
:param image1_path: Path to the first image | |
:param mask_dict1: dict[label_name] = [contour1, contour2, ...] for the first image | |
:param image2_path: Path to the second image | |
:param mask_dict2: dict[label_name] = [contour1, contour2, ...] for the second image | |
:param display: If True, shows the final overlay with matplotlib. | |
:return: A tuple: | |
- overlay1 (numpy array in RGB) with all differences highlighted | |
- list_of_differences: Names of labels with differences | |
- difference_masks: A dict with keys "missing_on_img1" and "missing_on_img2", | |
where each key maps to a list of contours (original format) for the respective differences. | |
""" | |
# Read both images | |
img1_bgr = cv2.imread(image1_path) | |
img2_bgr = cv2.imread(image2_path) | |
if img1_bgr is None or img2_bgr is None: | |
raise ValueError("Could not read one of the input images.") | |
# Convert to RGB | |
img1_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img1_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
img2_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img2_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
# Check matching dimensions | |
H1, W1, _ = img1_rgb.shape | |
H2, W2, _ = img2_rgb.shape | |
if (H1 != H2) or (W1 != W2): | |
raise ValueError("Images must be the same size to compare masks reliably.") | |
# Prepare an overlay on top of Image 1 | |
overlay1 = img1_rgb.copy() | |
# Take the union of all labels in both dictionaries | |
all_labels = set(mask_dict1.keys()).union(set(mask_dict2.keys())) | |
# Colors: | |
RED = (255, 0, 0) # (R, G, B) | |
GREEN = (0, 255, 0) # (R, G, B) | |
# Track differences | |
list_of_differences = [] | |
difference_masks = { | |
"missing_on_img1": {}, # dict[label_name] = list of contours | |
"missing_on_img2": {}, # dict[label_name] = list of contours | |
} | |
for label_id in all_labels: | |
# Create binary masks for this label in each image | |
mask1 = np.zeros((H1, W1), dtype=np.uint8) | |
mask2 = np.zeros((H1, W1), dtype=np.uint8) | |
# Fill polygons for label_id in Image 1 | |
if label_id in mask_dict1: | |
for cnt in mask_dict1[label_id]: | |
cv2.fillPoly(mask1, [cnt], 255) | |
# Fill polygons for label_id in Image 2 | |
if label_id in mask_dict2: | |
for cnt in mask_dict2[label_id]: | |
cv2.fillPoly(mask2, [cnt], 255) | |
# Missing on Image 1 (present in Image 2 but not in Image 1) | |
# => mask2 AND (NOT mask1) | |
missing_on_img1 = cv2.bitwise_and(mask2, cv2.bitwise_not(mask1)) | |
# Missing on Image 2 (present in Image 1 but not in Image 2) | |
# => mask1 AND (NOT mask2) | |
missing_on_img2 = cv2.bitwise_and(mask1, cv2.bitwise_not(mask2)) | |
# Extract contours of differences | |
contours_missing_on_img1, _ = cv2.findContours( | |
missing_on_img1, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE | |
) | |
contours_missing_on_img2, _ = cv2.findContours( | |
missing_on_img2, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE | |
) | |
# Store contours in difference masks | |
if contours_missing_on_img1: | |
difference_masks["missing_on_img1"][label_id] = contours_missing_on_img1 | |
if contours_missing_on_img2: | |
difference_masks["missing_on_img2"][label_id] = contours_missing_on_img2 | |
# If there are differences, track the label name | |
if contours_missing_on_img1 or contours_missing_on_img2: | |
list_of_differences.append(label_id) | |
# Color them on the overlay of Image 1: | |
for cnt in contours_missing_on_img1: | |
cv2.drawContours(overlay1, [cnt], -1, RED, -1) # highlight in red | |
for cnt in contours_missing_on_img2: | |
cv2.drawContours(overlay1, [cnt], -1, GREEN, -1) # highlight in green | |
# Display if required | |
if display: | |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) | |
plt.imshow(overlay1) | |
plt.title("Differences on Image 1\n(Red: Missing on Image 1, Green: Missing on Image 2)") | |
plt.axis("off") | | | |
return overlay1, list_of_differences, difference_masks | |
def preprocess_image(image_path): | |
""" | |
1) Load and prepare the image for further analysis. | |
2) Convert to grayscale, optionally binarize or threshold. | |
3) Return the processed image. | |
""" | |
img = cv2.imread(image_path) | |
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) | |
# Optional: adaptive thresholding for clearer linework | |
# thresholded = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, | |
# cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 2) | |
return gray | |
def detect_lines_and_grid(processed_image): | |
""" | |
1) Detect major horizontal/vertical lines using Hough transform or morphological ops. | |
2) Identify grid lines by analyzing line segments alignment. | |
3) Returns lines or grid intersections. | |
""" | |
edges = cv2.Canny(processed_image, 50, 150, apertureSize=3) | |
# Hough line detection for demonstration | |
lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi/180, threshold=100, | |
minLineLength=100, maxLineGap=10) | |
# Here you would parse out vertical/horizontal lines, cluster them, etc. | |
return lines | |
def run_ocr(processed_image, method='easyocr'): | |
""" | |
1) Use an OCR engine to detect text (room labels, dimensions, etc.). | |
2) 'method' can switch between Tesseract or EasyOCR. | |
3) Return recognized text data (text content and bounding boxes). | |
""" | |
text_data = [] | |
if method == 'easyocr': | |
reader = easyocr.Reader(['en', 'ko'], gpu=False) | |
result = reader.readtext(processed_image, detail=1, paragraph=False) | |
# result structure: [ [bbox, text, confidence], ... ] | |
for (bbox, text, conf) in result: | |
text_data.append({'bbox': bbox, 'text': text, 'confidence': conf}) | |
else: | |
# Tesseract approach | |
config = r'--psm 6' | |
tess_result = pytesseract.image_to_data(processed_image, config=config, output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT) | |
# parse data into a structured list | |
for i in range(len(tess_result['text'])): | |
txt = tess_result['text'][i].strip() | |
if txt: | |
x = tess_result['left'][i] | |
y = tess_result['top'][i] | |
w = tess_result['width'][i] | |
h = tess_result['height'][i] | |
conf = tess_result['conf'][i] | |
text_data.append({ | |
'bbox': (x, y, x+w, y+h), | |
'text': txt, | |
'confidence': conf | |
}) | |
return text_data | |
def detect_symbols_and_rooms(processed_image): | |
""" | |
1) Potentially run object detection (e.g., YOLO, Detectron2) to detect symbols: | |
- Doors, balconies, fixtures, etc. | |
2) Segment out rooms by combining wall detection + adjacency. | |
3) Return data about room polygons, symbols, etc. | |
""" | |
# Placeholder: real implementation would require a trained model or rule-based approach. | |
# For demonstration, return empty data. | |
rooms_data = [] | |
symbols_data = [] | |
return rooms_data, symbols_data | |
def blueprint_analyzer(image_path): | |
""" | |
Orchestrate the entire pipeline on one image: | |
1) Preprocess | |
2) Detect structural lines | |
3) OCR text detection | |
4) Symbol/room detection | |
5) Compute area differences or summarize | |
""" | |
processed_img = preprocess_image(image_path) | |
lines = detect_lines_and_grid(processed_img) | |
text_data = run_ocr(processed_img, method='easyocr') | |
return lines, text_data | |
system_prompt = """You are given two construction blueprint images along with their segmentation data. | |
Do not present any numeric bounding box or area values in your final answer. | |
Instead, produce a concise, high-level descriptive summary of the differences, using relative location references or known blueprint areas (e.g., “balcony,” “bathroom,” “central hallway,” etc.). | |
Treat two objects as identical (and thus ignore them) if: | |
They have the same label/class, and | |
Their center coordinates are very close. | |
If possible, provide an OCR-based overview of changed text or lines in those areas. For example, mention if the balcony area contains new textual annotations or if certain labels have been removed/added. | |
Output the result in brief, correct Markdown summarizing only the differences between the images (e.g., newly added structures, missing items, changed labeling or text). | |
Remember: No numeric bounding box or area data should be included in the final response. Use location references (“in the top-right corner,” “in the balcony,” etc.) and class names to describe changes. | |
""" | |
system_prompt_2 = """You are analyzing two construction blueprint images (Image 1 and Image 2). Each image has a set of detected objects, including “areas” like Balconies, Rooms, Hallways, etc., and smaller objects like Doors, Walls, or Stairs. | |
Key Points: | |
An object is considered to belong to an area if the object's center lies within or very close to that area’s bounding box. | |
Two objects in different images are considered the same object if: | |
They share the same label/class, and | |
Their centers are very close in coordinates. In such a case, ignore them (do not list them) because they have not changed significantly. | |
Focus only on describing the differences between Image 1 and Image 2, such as: | |
New objects or areas that appear in Image 2 but not in Image 1 (and vice versa). | |
Changes in labeling or text (e.g., from an OCR perspective). | |
Changes in object location or area assignment. | |
Do NOT output numeric bounding boxes, polygon areas, or center coordinates in your final explanation. Instead, provide a relative or area-based description (e.g., “The door is now located in the balcony,” “There are two new doors in the living room,” “A new label is added near the main hallway,” etc.). | |
Produce a concise and correct Markdown summary that highlights only significant differences. | |
""" | |
system_prompt_3 = """You are analyzing two construction blueprint images (Image 1 and Image 2). For each image, you have: | |
A set of objects (walls, doors, stairs, etc.) along with information on their labels and centers. | |
A set of “areas” (e.g., “Balcony,” “Living Room,” “Hallway,” “Bathroom,” etc.) with bounding boxes to identify where each area is located. | |
Task Requirements: | |
Identify differences between Image 1 and Image 2: | |
Newly added objects in Image 2 that were not in Image 1. | |
Missing objects in Image 2 that were in Image 1. | |
Objects that have changed location or have changed labels. | |
Text or label changes, if available. | |
For missing or newly added objects, describe their location in terms of relative position or known areas (not raw coordinates): | |
For example, say “the missing doors were originally near the top-left corner, adjacent to the main hallway,” or “new walls have been added in the southeast corner, near the living room.” | |
Avoid including numeric bounding boxes, polygon areas, or centers in the final explanation. | |
If two objects (one in Image 1 and one in Image 2) have the same label and nearly identical centers, consider them the same object and do not report them as a difference. | |
Whenever possible, use known area labels to describe positions (e.g., “within the dining area,” “just north of the bathroom,” “adjacent to the balcony,” etc.). | |
Return a concise and correct Markdown summary with these differences, focusing on where changes occur. | |
""" | |
system_prompt_4 = """You are given two sets of data from two blueprint images (Image 1 and Image 2). Along with each image’s extracted objects, you have: | |
A set of objects (walls, doors, stairs, etc.) along with information on their labels and centers. | |
A set of “areas” (e.g., “Balcony,” “Living Room,” “Hallway,” “Bathroom,” etc.) with bounding boxes to identify where each area is located. | |
A “nearest reference area” for each object, including a small textual description of distance and direction (e.g., “Door #2 is near the Balcony to the east”). | |
Identifications of which objects match across the two images (same label and close centers). | |
Your Task | |
Ignore any objects that match between the two images (same label, nearly identical location). | |
Summarize the differences: newly added or missing objects, label changes, and any changes in object location. | |
Use the relative position data (distance/direction text) to describe where each new or missing object is/was in terms of known areas (e.g., “the missing wall in the northern side of the corridor,” “the new door near the balcony,” etc.). | |
Do not output raw numeric distances, bounding boxes, or polygon areas in your final summary. Instead, give a natural-language location description (e.g., “near the east side of the main hallway,” “slightly south of the balcony,” etc.). | |
Provide your answer in a concise Markdown format, focusing only on significant differences.""" | |
# user_prompt = f"""I have two construction blueprint images, Image 1 and Image 2, and here are their segmentation results (with bounding boxes, centers, and areas). Please compare them and provide a short Markdown summary of the differences, ignoring any objects that match in both images: | |
# Image 1: | |
# image: {image_1} | |
# json | |
# Copy | |
# {image_1_data} | |
# Image 2: | |
# image: {image_2} | |
# json | |
# Copy | |
# {image_2_data} | |
# Please: | |
# Compare the two images in terms of architectural/structural changes. | |
# Ignore objects that appear in both images (same label & near-identical centers). | |
# Refer to changes in relative location or in known blueprint areas (e.g. “balcony,” “living room,” “main hallway”), not numeric bounding boxes or polygon areas. | |
# Include mentions of new text or lines if any appear based on an OCR-like analysis. | |
# Output only the differences in a concise Markdown summary.""" | |
# user_prompt_2 = f"""I have two construction blueprint images, Image 1 and Image 2, and here are their segmentation results (with bounding boxes, centers, and areas). Please compare them and provide a short Markdown summary of the differences, ignoring any objects that match in both images: | |
# Image 1: | |
# image: {image_1} | |
# json | |
# Copy | |
# {image_1_data} | |
# Image 2: | |
# image: {image_2} | |
# json | |
# Copy | |
# {image_2_data} | |
# Please: | |
# Ignore objects that appear in both images with matching labels and nearly identical centers. | |
# Use the bounding boxes of recognized “areas” (like “Balcony,” “Living Room,” “Bathroom,” etc.) to determine which area new or changed objects belong to. For instance, if a door’s center is inside or very close to the balcony’s bounding box, treat that door as being “in the balcony.” | |
# Do not display any raw bounding box coordinates, center points, or numeric area values in your final response. | |
# Summarize only the differences (e.g., newly added objects, missing objects, changed textual labels) in a brief Markdown format. | |
# Mention if there are text/label changes (e.g., from an OCR perspective) in any particular area or region""" | |